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The Art of Argumentation

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1 The Art of Argumentation
Logos, Ethos, and Pathos The Art of Argumentation

2 Is it persuasive? Whenever you read an argument, you must ask yourself, “Is this persuasive? And if so, to whom?” There are several ways to appeal to an audience. Among the ways to appeal to an audience are appealing to logos, ethos, and pathos. These appeals are prevalent in almost all arguments.

3 Logos – appeal to logic Using theories (i.e., Theory of Relativity; Theory of Evolution) Literary and historical allusions Definitions Factual data and statistics Quotations Citations from experts and authorities Informed opinions

4 The Effect of Logos Evokes a cognitive, rational response

5 Ethos – developing trustworthiness of the speaker/writer
An effective persuasive strategy – we are willing to listen when we believe the speaker/writer won’t do us harm Ex: When a doctor gives you medical advice, you may not understand all that he is talking about, but you listen and follow his advice because you believe he knows what he is talking about.

6 Ethos in writing Language appropriate to audience and subject
Restrained, sincere, fair-minded presentation Appropriate level of vocabulary Correct grammar

7 The Effect of Ethos Demonstrates author or speaker’s reliability, competence, and respect for the audience’s ideas and values through reliable and appropriate use of support and general accuracy

8 Pathos – appeal to emotion
Related to the words – pathetic, sympathy, and empathy When you accept a claim based on how it makes you feel without fully analyzing the rationale, you are acting on pathos. Emotions: love, fear, patriotism, guilt, hate, or joy Most persuasive speeches are heavily dependant upon pathos appeals.

9 Pathos – appeal to emotion
The more people react without full consideration for the WHY, the more effective a persuasive speech can be. The pathetic appeal can be manipulative – the cornerstone of moving people to action. Appeals to pathos touch a nerve and compel people to not only listen but also take a step and act.

10 Pathos – appeal to emotion
Emotionally loaded language Connotative meanings Emotional examples Vivid descriptions Narratives of emotional events Emotional tone Figurative language

11 Evokes an emotional response
The Effect of Pathos Evokes an emotional response

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