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Lend me your minds A classical look at the art of public speaking.

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Presentation on theme: "Lend me your minds A classical look at the art of public speaking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lend me your minds A classical look at the art of public speaking

2 The Art of Rhetoric - Defined Webster’s: “The art of speaking or writing effectively.” Aristotle: “The ability, in each particular case, to see the available means of persuasion.”

3 The Art of Rhetoric - Defined: Cont. Preliminary Questions: What do we believe, think, or feel in common? Are the premises for the argument appropriate? Does the proper conclusion follow the premise?

4 Persuasive Appeals - Logos Translates to “Thought plus action” Uses reasoning, patterns, conventions to appeal to audience Facts, (supporting evidence), and expert testimony are key

5 Persuasive Appeals - Logos Examples of Deductive Arguments: All men are mortal. Socrates is a man. All weeds are plants. Socrates is mortal. The flower is a plant. All weeds are flowers. Which one of these arguments is a syllogism?

6 Persuasive Appeals - Ethos The credibility the author establishes Intelligence, virtue and good will Moral character Beliefs, values, and priorities Relationship to audience Formal or informal, dignity

7 Persuasive Appeals - Pathos Called pathetic or emotional proof Needs of the audience Guilt, Love, Security, Pity, Humor

8 Exordium – (Introduction) Gains audience’s approval Captures audience’s attention

9 Narratio – (Development) Elaboration of the main point Confirmatio – (Evidence) Support for the argument being presented

10 Confutatio – (Objections) Refute any possibly contradictory arguments Conclusio – (Conclusion) Summary of arguments

11 In terms of delivery and message Remember the importance of rhetoric

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