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Carnegie Mellon Increasing Intrusion Tolerance Via Scalable Redundancy Mike Reiter Natassa Ailamaki Greg Ganger Priya Narasimhan Chuck Cranor.

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Presentation on theme: "Carnegie Mellon Increasing Intrusion Tolerance Via Scalable Redundancy Mike Reiter Natassa Ailamaki Greg Ganger Priya Narasimhan Chuck Cranor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carnegie Mellon Increasing Intrusion Tolerance Via Scalable Redundancy Mike Reiter Natassa Ailamaki Greg Ganger Priya Narasimhan Chuck Cranor

2 Carnegie Mellon Technical Objective To design, prototype and evaluate new protocols for implementing intrusion-tolerant services that scale better  Here, “scale” refers to efficiency as number of servers and number of failures tolerated grows Targeting three types of services  Read-write data objects  Custom “flat” object types for particular applications, notably directories for implementing an intrusion-tolerant file system  Arbitrary objects that support object nesting

3 Carnegie Mellon Expected Impact Significant efficiency and scalability benefits over today’s protocols for intrusion tolerance For example, for data services, we anticipate  At-least twofold latency improvement even at small configurations (e.g., tolerating 3-5 Byzantine server failures) over current best  And improvements will grow as system scales up  A twofold improvement in throughput, again growing with system size Without such improvements, intrusion tolerance will remain relegated to small deployments in narrow application areas

4 Carnegie Mellon The Problem Space Distributed services manage redundant state across servers to tolerate faults  We consider tolerance to Byzantine faults, as might result from an intrusion into a server or client  A faulty server or client may behave arbitrarily  We also make no timing assumptions in this work  An “asynchronous” system Primary existing practice: replicated state machines  Offers no load dispersion, requires data replication, and degrades as system scales in terms of # messages

5 Carnegie Mellon Evaluation Baseline for current work: the BFT library  Popular, publicly available implementation of Byzantine fault-tolerant state machine replication (by Castro & Liskov)  Reported to be an efficient implementation of that approach Two measures  Average latency of operations, from client’s perspective  Peak sustainable throughput of operations Our consistency definition: linearizability of invocations

6 Carnegie Mellon Data block Background - Read/Write protocol Servers provide read/write block interface Servers version blocks on every write Decentralized, optimistic, scalable, Byzantine fault-tolerant Client Servers DDDD DDDD

7 Carnegie Mellon R/W semantics R/W protocol appropriate for block storage But R/W protocol inappropriate for building general services  Doesn’t provide replicated state machine semantics A metadata service for a R/W-based block store motivated us to develop a protocol with stronger semantics

8 Carnegie Mellon Directory DDDD Client A Client B R/W semantics insufficient for metadata Consider 2 clients inserting a file in the same directory Last write wins; good for blocks, bad for directories Directory DDDD DDDD

9 Carnegie Mellon Query/Update (Q/U) protocol A protocol with replicated state machine semantics  Provides linearizable query and update operations Protocol properties  Decentralized  Handles Byzantine clients & server failures, asynchronous  Efficient common case operation  Optimistic protocol leverages versioning servers  Single-phase queries and updates, if concurrency- and failure-free  Avoids expensive cryptography (digital signatures)  Scalable  Avoids server-to-server broadcast  Atomic multi-object updates

10 Carnegie Mellon Outline Motivation Query/Update protocol  Overview  Query, update operations  Validation, object syncing, multi-object operations Evaluation

11 Carnegie Mellon Directory Read/conditional-write primitive Servers accept an update operation only if the object hasn’t been modified since read DDDD Client A Client B Directory DDDD directory

12 Carnegie Mellon Handling Byzantine clients For Byzantine fault-tolerance, clients must pass operation to servers  Constrains clients to narrow object interface Servers apply operation to old object to validate new object Op DDDD Directory DDDD directory directory + op

13 Carnegie Mellon Clients and objects Client just sends operations  Client does not read/write object Server applies operation to local object Op DDDD DDDD history op

14 Carnegie Mellon Query/Update protocol Servers host objects  Optimistic protocol  versioning Export an operation interface (more than read/write)  Can export any deterministic operation Server exports three types of operations: Server 5 4 3 A 1 0 B 9 8 C Read History (object) Returns timestamp vector Query (Object,Version) Read-only; returns object state; e.g., getattr Update (Object, OHS, Value) Mutating; updates object, conditioned on object not having been modified; e.g., setattr

15 Carnegie Mellon Outline Motivation Query/Update protocol  Overview  Query, update operations  Validation, object syncing, multi-object operations Evaluation

16 Carnegie Mellon Read history operation Client requests version history of an object Each server replies with a list of timestamps 2 11 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 Object History Set (OHS) read-history history-reply Time 222 111 2

17 Carnegie Mellon Query operation Client performs read history operation  Constructs OHS and identifies Latest version that is complete Client queries Latest version at server 2 11 3 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 read-history history-reply query query-reply Latest Time 2 2 2 2 222 111 Object History Set (OHS)

18 Carnegie Mellon Update operation Client performs read-history operation  Constructs OHS and identifies Latest version that is complete Client sends operation and OHS to servers  Operation is conditioned on OHS 3 2 1 3 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 read-history history-reply update update-reply Time OHS Latest 222 111 2 Object History Set (OHS)

19 Carnegie Mellon Server validation for update operations A server needs to verify that the client conditioned operation on Latest Validation steps:  Ensure read/conditional-write semantics  Check that local history matches that in OHS  Classify Latest write version –Ensures operation is based on appropriate timestamp  Protection against Byzantine failures  Check authenticators –Ensures integrity of OHS

20 Carnegie Mellon Server validation example Earlier example of 2 clients concurrently updating same directory Servers reject client B’s operation, due to “stale” OHS 11 3 2 11 1 read-history history-reply update Time 111 111 Client A Client B 22 2 2

21 Carnegie Mellon Q/U protocol details Handling Byzantine clients and server faults  Through validating timestamps and OHS During classification of Latest, may require repair Incomplete operations: use barriers to fix failures Flexible protocol – can handle different types/# of faults  For asynchronous with Byzantine clients:  N = 3t + 2b + 1, to tolerate t server faults, b of which are Byzantine Object syncing Multi-object operations

22 Carnegie Mellon Object syncing A server may not have the latest version of an object If a server lacks latest version of object, the OHS contains information about which other servers have that version The server must sync the object with another server  Hashes in OHS allow server to validate the synced object

23 Carnegie Mellon Multi-object operation An update can span multiple objects A client must construct OHS for each object Servers perform validation for each object Operations perform atomically across multiple objects

24 Carnegie Mellon Outline Motivation Query/Update protocol  Overview  Query, update operations  Validation, object syncing, multi-object operations Evaluation

25 Carnegie Mellon Prototype evaluation Built a counter object using Q/U and BFT protocols  inc method increments counter and returns new value  fetch method returns current counter value Light-weight operations to demonstrate network and computation overhead inherent to protocols Both Q/U and BFT implement efficient, optimistic queries  Evaluation focuses on updates Q/U common case: no concurrency; preferred quorums BFT common case: shared counter to allow batching

26 Carnegie Mellon Experimental setup Cluster of Pentium 4 2.8 GHz, 1GB RAM 1 Gb switched Ethernet, 18.3 Gbps/35.7 mpps switch  No background traffic Working size of experiments fit in server memory  To focus on protocol overhead, not on disk accesses Experiments are run for 30 seconds  Measurements from middle 10 seconds

27 Carnegie Mellon Fault scalability (1) Investigate throughput as the number of server faults ( b ) tolerated increases Measured saturated throughput  Ran with 1, 3, 5, …, 20 clients with 2 outstanding reqs  For each b, selected highest throughput value

28 Carnegie Mellon Fault scalability (2)

29 Carnegie Mellon Throughput and response time under load (1) Investigate throughput & response time under load Demonstrates protocol behavior beyond saturated throughput data point Increased number of clients from 1 to 20 for b = 1

30 Carnegie Mellon Throughput and response time under load (2)

31 Carnegie Mellon Conclusions Developed the Q/U protocol for accessing shared objects in a distributed system  Fault-scalable  Byzantine fault-tolerant  Optimistic, efficient  Atomic multi-object operations Evaluation  Protocol scales with number of failures tolerated  Throughput & response time consistent under load

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