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1 Eick, Zeidat, Vilalta: Using Representative-based Clustering for NN Dataset Editing (ICDM04) Using Representative-Based Clustering For Nearest Neighbour.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Eick, Zeidat, Vilalta: Using Representative-based Clustering for NN Dataset Editing (ICDM04) Using Representative-Based Clustering For Nearest Neighbour."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Eick, Zeidat, Vilalta: Using Representative-based Clustering for NN Dataset Editing (ICDM04) Using Representative-Based Clustering For Nearest Neighbour Dataset Editing Christoph F. Eick, Nidal Zeidat, Ricardo Vilalta Department of Computer Science, University of Houston, Texas, USA Organization of the Talk 1.Dataset Editing and Condensing 2.Representative-based Supervised Clustering 3.Experimental Results 4.Applications of Supervised Clustering 5.Summary and Conclusion

2 2 Eick, Zeidat, Vilalta: Using Representative-based Clustering for NN Dataset Editing (ICDM04) 1. Introduction Nearest Neighbour Editing Consider a two class problem where each sample consists of two measurements (x,y). k = 1 k = 3 For a given query point q, assign the class of the nearest neighbour. Compute the k nearest neighbours and assign the class by majority vote.

3 3 Eick, Zeidat, Vilalta: Using Representative-based Clustering for NN Dataset Editing (ICDM04) Dataset Reduction: Editing Training data may contain noise, overlapping classes Editing seeks to remove noisy points and produce smooth decision boundaries – often by retaining points far from the decision boundaries Main Goal of Editing: enhance the accuracy of classifier (% of “unseen” examples classified correctly) Secondary Goal of Editing: enhance the speed of a k-NN classifier

4 4 Eick, Zeidat, Vilalta: Using Representative-based Clustering for NN Dataset Editing (ICDM04) Wilson Editing Remove points that do not agree with the majority of their k nearest neighbours Therefore, only points that are classified incorrectly are removed Wilson editing with k=7 Original data Earlier example Wilson editing with k=7 Original data Overlapping classes Figure provided by David Claus

5 5 Eick, Zeidat, Vilalta: Using Representative-based Clustering for NN Dataset Editing (ICDM04) Dataset Reduction: Condensing Aim is to reduce the number of training samples  more speed Retain only the samples that are needed to define the decision boundary Tends to remove example that are classified correctly by a k-NN classifier Decision Boundary Consistent – a subset whose nearest neighbour decision boundary is identical to the boundary of the entire training set Minimum Consistent Set – the smallest subset of the training data that correctly classifies all of the original training data Original dataMinimum Consistent Set Figure provided by David Claus

6 6 Eick, Zeidat, Vilalta: Using Representative-based Clustering for NN Dataset Editing (ICDM04) Objectives Supervised Clustering: Minimize cluster impurity while keeping the number of clusters low (expressed by a fitness function q(X)).

7 7 Eick, Zeidat, Vilalta: Using Representative-based Clustering for NN Dataset Editing (ICDM04) 2. Representative-Based Supervised Clustering (RSC) Aims at finding a set of objects among all objects (called representatives) in the data set that best represent the objects in the data set. Each representative corresponds to a cluster. The remaining objects in the data set are, then, clustered around these representatives by assigning objects to the cluster of the closest representative. Remark: The popular k-medoid algorithm, also called PAM, is a representative-based clustering algorithm.

8 8 Eick, Zeidat, Vilalta: Using Representative-based Clustering for NN Dataset Editing (ICDM04) Representative-Based Supervised Clustering … (Continued) Attribute2 Attribute1 1 2 3 4

9 9 Eick, Zeidat, Vilalta: Using Representative-based Clustering for NN Dataset Editing (ICDM04) Representative-Based Supervised Clustering … (Continued) Attribute2 Attribute1 1 2 3 4 Objective of RSC: Find a subset O R of O such that the clustering X obtained by using the objects in O R as representatives minimizes q(X).

10 10 Eick, Zeidat, Vilalta: Using Representative-based Clustering for NN Dataset Editing (ICDM04) RSC  Dataset Editing A C E a. Dataset clustered using supervised clustering. b. Dataset edited using cluster representatives. Attribute1 D B Attribute2 F Attribute1

11 11 Eick, Zeidat, Vilalta: Using Representative-based Clustering for NN Dataset Editing (ICDM04) A Fitness Function for Supervised Clustering q(X) := Impurity(X) + β*Penalty(k) k: number of clusters used n: number of examples the dataset c: number of classes in a dataset. β: Weight for Penalty(k), 0< β ≤2.0

12 12 Eick, Zeidat, Vilalta: Using Representative-based Clustering for NN Dataset Editing (ICDM04) SC Algorithms Currently Investigated 1.Supervised Partitioning Around Medoids (SPAM). 2.Single Representative Insertion/Deletion Steepest Decent Hill Climbing with Randomized Restart (SRIDHCR). 3.Top Down Splitting Algorithm (TDS). 4.Supervised Clustering using Evolutionary Computing (SCEC) 5.Agglomerative Hierarchical Supervised Clustering (AHSC).

13 13 Eick, Zeidat, Vilalta: Using Representative-based Clustering for NN Dataset Editing (ICDM04) 3. Experimental Evaluation We compared a traditional 1-NN, 1-NN using Wilson Editing, Supervised Clustering Editing (SCE), and C4.5 (that was run using its default parameter setting). A benchmark consisting of 8 UCI datasets was used for this purpose. Accuracies were computed using 10-fold cross validation. SRIDHCR was used for supervised clustering. SCE was tested using different compression rates by associating different penalties with the number of clusters found (by setting parameter  to: 0.1, 0.4 and 1.0). Compression rates of SCE and Wilson Editing were computed using: 1-(k/n) with n being the size of the original dataset and k being the size of the edited dataset.

14 14 Eick, Zeidat, Vilalta: Using Representative-based Clustering for NN Dataset Editing (ICDM04) Table 2: Prediction Accuracy for the four classifiers. βNRWilson1-NNC4.5 Glass (214) 0.10.6360.6070.6920.677 0.40.5890.6070.6920.677 1.00.5750.6070.6920.677 Heart-Stat Log (270) 0.1 0.7960.8040.7670.782 0.40.8330.8040.7670.782 1.00.8380.8040.7670.782 Diabetes (768) 0.1 0.7360.7340.6900.745 0.40.7360.7340.6900.745 1.00.7450.7340.6900.745 Vehicle (846) 0.1 0.6670.7160.7000.723 0.40.6670.7160.7000.723 1.00.6650.7160.7000.723 Heart-H (294) 0.10.7550.8090.7830.802 0.40.7930.8090.7830.802 1.00.809 0.7830.802 Waveform (5000) 0.10.8340.7960.7680.781 0.40.8410.7960.7680.781 1.00.8370.7960.7680.781 Iris-Plants (150) 0.1 0.9470.9360.947 0.40.9730.9360.947 1.00.9530.9360.947 Segmentation (2100) 0.10.9380.9660.9560.968 0.40.9190.9660.9560.968 1.00.8900.9660.9560.968

15 15 Eick, Zeidat, Vilalta: Using Representative-based Clustering for NN Dataset Editing (ICDM04) Table 3: Dataset Compression Rates for SCE and Wilson Editing.  Avg. k [Min-Max] for SCE SCE Compression Rate (%) Wilson Compression Rate (%) Glass (214) 0.134 [28-39]84.327 0.425 [19-29]88.427 1.06 [6 – 6]97.227 Heart-Stat Log (270) 0.115 [12-18] 94.422.4 0.42 [2 – 2]99.322.4 1.02 [2 – 2]99.322.4 Diabetes (768) 0.127 [22-33] 96.530.0 0.49 [2-18]98.830.0 1.02 [2 – 2]99.730.0 Vehicle (846) 0.157 [51-65] 97.330.5 0.438 [ 26-61]95.530.5 1.014 [ 9-22]98.330.5 Heart-H (294) 0.114 [11-18]95.221.9 0.4299.321.9 1.0299.321.9 Waveform (5000) 0.1104 [79-117]97.923.4 0.428 [20-39]99.423.4 1.04 [3-6]99.923.4 Iris-Plants (150) 0.14 [3-8] 97.36.0 0.43 [3 – 3]98.06.0 1.03 [3 – 3]98.06.0 Segmentation (2100) 0.157 [48-65]97.32.8 0.430 [24-37]98.62.8 1.01499.32.8

16 16 Eick, Zeidat, Vilalta: Using Representative-based Clustering for NN Dataset Editing (ICDM04) 4. Applications of Supervised Clustering Enhance classification algorithms. –Use SC for Dataset Editing to enhance NN- classifiers –Improve Simple Classifiers Learning Sub-classes Distance Function Learning Dataset Compression/Reduction Redistricting Meta Learning / Creating Signatures for Datasets

17 17 Eick, Zeidat, Vilalta: Using Representative-based Clustering for NN Dataset Editing (ICDM04) 4. Summary Wilson editing enhances the accuracy of a traditional 1-NN classifier for six of the eight datasets tested. It achieved compression rates of approx. 25%, but much lower compression rates for “easy” datasets. SCE achieved very high compression rates without loss in accuracy for 6 of the 8 datasets tested. SCE accomplished a significant improvement in accuracy for 3 of the 8 datasets tested. Surprisingly, many UCI datasets can be compressed by just using a single representative per class without a significant loss in accuracy. SCE tends to pick representatives that are in the center of a region that is dominated by a single class; it removes examples that are classified correctly as well as examples that are classified incorrectly from the dataset. This explains its much higher compression rates.

18 18 Eick, Zeidat, Vilalta: Using Representative-based Clustering for NN Dataset Editing (ICDM04) Current Direction of this Research Data Set Data Set’ Goal: Find  such that C’ is more accurate than C or C and C’ have approximately the same accuracy, but C’ can be learnt more quickly and/or C’ classifies new examples more quickly. Currently Investigated: Different editing techniques and techniques that originate from high-performance clustering algorithms (e.g. CURE).  IDLA Classifier CClassifier C’ IDLA:= Inductive Learning Algorithm

19 19 Eick, Zeidat, Vilalta: Using Representative-based Clustering for NN Dataset Editing (ICDM04) Links to 4 Related Papers [VAE03] R. Vilalta, M. Achari, C. Eick, Class Decomposition via Clustering: A New Framework for Low-Variance Classifiers, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), Melbourne, Florida, November 2003. [EZZ04] C. Eick, N. Zeidat, Z. Zhao, Supervised Clustering --- Algorithms and Benefits, short version of this paper to appear in Proc. International Conference on Tools with AI (ICTAI), Boca Raton, Florida, November 2004. [ERBV04] C. Eick, A. Rouhana, A. Bagherjeiran, R. Vilalta, Using Clustering to Learn Distance Functions for Supervised Similarity Assessment, in revision, to be submitted to MLDM'05, Leipzig, Germany, July 2005 [EZV04] C. Eick, N. Zeidat, R. Vilalta, Using Representative-Based Clustering for Nearest Neighbor Dataset Editing, to appear in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), Brighton, England, November 2004.

20 20 Eick, Zeidat, Vilalta: Using Representative-based Clustering for NN Dataset Editing (ICDM04) Multi-edit Multi-edit [Devijer & Kittler ’79] –Repeatedly apply Wilson editing to random partitions –Classify with the 1-NN rule Approximates the error rate of the Bayes decision rule 1.Diffusion: divide data into N ≥ 3 random subsets 2.Classification: Classify S i using 1-NN with S (i+1)Mod N as the training set (i = 1..N) 3.Editing: Discard all samples incorrectly classified in (2) 4.Confusion: Pool all remaining samples into a new set 5.Termination: If the last I iterations produced no editing then end; otherwise go to (1) Multi-edit, 8 iterations – last 3 same Figure provided by David Claus

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