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American Chamber of Commerce HR Committee Meeting Alexander Karpukhin Associate St. Petersburg February 7, 2008 Trade Unions in Russia: General Issues.

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Presentation on theme: "American Chamber of Commerce HR Committee Meeting Alexander Karpukhin Associate St. Petersburg February 7, 2008 Trade Unions in Russia: General Issues."— Presentation transcript:

1 American Chamber of Commerce HR Committee Meeting Alexander Karpukhin Associate St. Petersburg February 7, 2008 Trade Unions in Russia: General Issues

2 ©2008 Baker & McKenzie 2 Trade Union: Establishing At least 3 individuals aged 14 or older performing professional activities; Does not require state registration as a legal entity; Is not obliged to inform employer about its establishment.

3 Trade Unions in Russia: General Issues ©2008 Baker & McKenzie 3 Trade Unions: Structure All-Russia TU Interregional TU Territorial TU Shop Floor TU Shop Floor TU - voluntary organization of members of a trade union, working usually at the same company, functioning according to the charter adopted by it, or on the basis of the general Regulations on the Shop-Floor TU of the corresponding union. Sotsprof New Unions Federation of Independent Trade Unions

4 Trade Unions in Russia: General Issues ©2008 Baker & McKenzie 4 Trade Union – Internal Structure A Meeting or a Conference of Trade Union Members (normally annual) Trade Union committee Chairman of a Trade Union Committee Deputies of the Chairman

5 Trade Unions in Russia: General Issues ©2008 Baker & McKenzie 5 Instruments of Trade Unions Request of information; Access to the work places; Motivated opinion on internal documents; Motivated opinion for termination of employment; Consent for termination of employment.

6 Trade Unions in Russia: General Issues ©2008 Baker & McKenzie 6 Social Partnership Instruments Mutual negotiations; Collective bargaining negotiations/agreements; Collective disputes; Strikes.

7 Trade Unions in Russia: General Issues ©2008 Baker & McKenzie 7 Questions For any questions please contact: Alexander Karpukhin Associate Baker&McKenzie Phone No: + 7 812 303 9000; Phone No: +7 812 325 8308; Fax No: +7 812 325 6013 E-mail: 57 Bolshaya Morskaya St., St. Petersburg, 190000, Russia

8 American Chamber of Commerce HR Committee Meeting Alexander Karpukhin Associate St. Petersburg February 7, 2008 Trade Union in Russia: General Issues

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