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Island of the Blue Dolphins Vocabulary Words

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1 Island of the Blue Dolphins Vocabulary Words
Fifth Grade Unit 1 Week 3

2 Words to Know gnawed ravine headland shellfish kelp sinew lair

3 a water animal with a shell
shellfish gnawed headland kelp lair ravine shellfish sinew a water animal with a shell

4 any of various large, tough, brown seaweeds
kelp gnawed headland kelp lair ravine shellfish sinew any of various large, tough, brown seaweeds

5 a narrow ridge of high land jutting out into the water
headland gnawed headland kelp lair ravine shellfish sinew a narrow ridge of high land jutting out into the water

6 den or resting place of a wild animal
lair gnawed headland kelp lair ravine shellfish sinew den or resting place of a wild animal

7 a long, deep, narrow, valley
ravine gnawed headland kelp lair ravine shellfish sinew a long, deep, narrow, valley

8 gnawed bitten at or worn away gnawed headland kelp lair ravine
shellfish sinew bitten at or worn away

9 sinew gnawed headland kelp lair ravine shellfish sinew tendon

10 land that sticks out into the sea
Which means the same thing as the underlined word? We ran out onto the headland of the island to meet Dad’s ship. land on a cliff land that sticks out into the sea

11 necklace made of shells a sea creature with a shell
Which means the same thing as the underlined word? Casey caught a shellfish in her net while she was fishing. necklace made of shells a sea creature with a shell

12 hidden trail animal’s den
Which means the same thing as the underlined word? We hoped that the bear was long gone since we camped by his empty lair. hidden trail animal’s den

13 chewed hugged Which means the same thing as the underlined word?
The stuffed animal had been gnawed on by the playful puppy. chewed hugged

14 coral reefs seaweed Which means the same thing as the underlined word?
We saw brown fish that were almost hidden in the kelp. coral reefs seaweed

15 tendons connecting muscle and bone
Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The natives used sinew from animals to make clothing. tendons connecting muscle and bone wool from sheep

16 distant mountains deep valley
Which means the same thing as the underlined word? We were told to stay far back from the ravine. distant mountains deep valley

17 You’ve got it!

18 Theme The theme is the underlying meaning of a story.
The theme is often not stated. You can figure out a theme when you have finished reading from events and other evidence in the story.

19 Setting The setting is where and when the story takes place. Writers use details, such as sights and sounds, to describe it.

20 I love to visit my grandmother
I love to visit my grandmother. The air is her house is always filled with soft, soothing music and the smell of hot, sweet desserts. My feet feel so good when they sink into her thick, warm carpet. *What place is being described? *What is the person trying to say about the place?

21 ALONE Jesse heard the horses trotting and the wagon wheels creaking even after the wagon disappeared into the think forest. Soon, those familiar sounds faded. Then he heard nothing but the summer wind rustling the tall prairie grass surrounding his family’s lof cabin. Jesse was all alone. *What do you think the theme might be? *Take a minute to visualize.

22 Jesse’s parents had gone to town to buy supplies for the winter
Jesse’s parents had gone to town to buy supplies for the winter. They would be gone several days. His father insisted Jesse was old enough to stay alone and manage the work on the farm, but Jesse wasn’t so sure. Even so, he set about doing his chores. Jesse milked the cow, weeded the vegetable garden, and fixed the latch on the barn door. He cooked his own potato soup and sliced some bread for dinner.

23 That night, alone, Jesse had a hard time sleeping
That night, alone, Jesse had a hard time sleeping. Wolves were howling in the distance. He was trained to use his father’s musket and kept it nearby just in case. *What are some events in the story that would happen only in this setting, not at your house today?

24 Each day Jesse was too busy to think of anything but farm chores
Each day Jesse was too busy to think of anything but farm chores. Each night, he lay in bed, nervous. On the sixth day, Jesse had just heard the first cry of a wolf at dusk when he noticed an even more familiar sound. It was the wagon coming down the trail. His parents were home! *How might Jesse look at the beginning of the story? How might he look at the end?

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