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ICT, the Internet, and Economic Performance: Empirical Evidence and Key Policy Issues Donald Siegel Professor of Economics Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "ICT, the Internet, and Economic Performance: Empirical Evidence and Key Policy Issues Donald Siegel Professor of Economics Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICT, the Internet, and Economic Performance: Empirical Evidence and Key Policy Issues Donald Siegel Professor of Economics Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Prepared for UNCTAD and UNECE Conference Geneva October 20, 2003

2 Outline  Empirical Studies of the Impact of ICT on Economic Performance  Empirical Studies of the Impact of ICT on Wages, Labor Composition (“Skill-Biased” Technological Change-SBTC), and the Work Environment  Computers and the Internet as a General Purpose Technology (GPT)  Conclusions and Policy Recommendations

3 Investment in ICT and Economic Performance Levels of Aggregation  Plant Level  Firm Level  Industry Level  National Level Indicators of Economic Performance  Profitability  Market Share  Stock Prices (Short and Long-Term Measures)  Productivity  Labor Productivity (Partial Productivity)  Total Factor Productivity

4 Estimating The Contribution of Computers to Economic Growth Augmented Production Function Approach Q i = f (K i, L i M i, C i ) where: Q=output K=stock of physical capital L=labor input C=the stock of computer capital i=the unit of analysis (e.g., firm, industry, nation) Two Approaches:  Parametric-Estimate the Marginal Product or Output Elasticity of Computers  Non-Parametric- “Growth Accounting”-Analyze the Sources of Output Growth-(Jorgenson and Stiroh (2000)

5 Estimating The Contribution of Computers to Economic Growth (cont.) Typical Parametric Studies (Brynjolfsson and Hitt (1996)): Cobb-Douglas Production Function-Constant Returns to Scale: Q = A e λt K  L (1-  ) C  where: λ is a disembodied rate of growth parameter and  and  are output elasticities of capital and labor, respectively Key parameter:  the output elasticity of computer capital  = (∂Q/ ∂C)(C/Q) Typical Non-Parametric Studies (Siegel 1997)): Differentiating the Production Function w.r.t. time (t) and re-arranging terms leads to: PRODGROWTH = λ + ρ (C/Q)

6 Econometric Studies of the Impact of ICT on Productivity- U.S. Based Studies Author(s)Level of AggregationResults Dunne, Foster, Haltiwanger, and Troske (2000) Plant-LevelPositive Association Between Computers and Labor Productivity, Which Appears to be Growing Over Time Brynjolfsson and Hitt (1996) Firm-Level“Excess” Returns to Computer Capital and Labor Siegel and Griliches (1992) Industry-LevelPositive Correlation Between Investment in Computers and TFP Growth Jorgenson and Stiroh (2000) Aggregate-LevelGrowth Contribution of ICT Increased Substantially in the mid-late 1990s

7 Econometric Studies of the Impact of ICT on Productivity-Non-US Studies Author(s)Level of AggregationResults Licht and Moch (1999)-Germany Firm-LevelTerminals Have a Positive Impact on Productivity in Goods Industries, But Not in Services. Strong Positive Relationship Between PCs and Productivity in Manufacturing and Services Gera, Gu, and Lee (1999)- Canada Industry-LevelPositive Correlation Between Investment in Computers and Labor Productivity Growth Greenan and Mairesse (1996)- France Firm-LevelImpact of Computers is Positive and at Least as Large as For Other Types of Capital. Returns Appear to be Higher In Services Than in Manufacturing

8 Econometric Studies of the Impact of ICT on Productivity-”External” Effects Author(s)Level of Aggregation Results Morrison and Siegel (1997) Industry-Level“External” Investments in Computers by Related Industries (Suppliers and Customers) Enhance Productivity in a Given Industry

9 Key Stylized Facts Regarding ICT and SBTC  Strong Evidence in Favor of SBTC  Positive Correlation Between Some Proxy for Technological Change and Shifts in Wages and Workforce Composition in Favor of Highly Educated Workers  Wage Premium of Slightly Less Than 20% in Most OECD Countries  Investment in ICT Explains Approximately 33%-50% of the Increase in Returns to Education  In Some Countries, the Demand for Computer-Literate Workers is Increasing More Rapidly Than Supply  The Gap in Earnings Between Workers Who Use a Computer and Those That Do Not Appears to Have Widened

10 Key Stylized Facts Regarding ICT and SBTC- International Evidence (cont.) Berman, Bound, and Machin (1998):  Strong Evidence of Pervasive SBTC in OECD Countries- Patterns Are Quite Similar Across Countries Berman and Machin (2000):  Comparison of SBTC in Developed and Developing Countries  Analysis of “Technology Transfer” from Developed (OECD) to Developing Countries  Evidence of “Transfer” of Skill-Biased Technologies from High Income to Middle Income Countries, But Not From High Income to Low Income Countries  Less Evidence of SBTC in Developing Countries

11 Evidence on SBTC in Developing Countries (From Country-Specific Studies)  Korea: Workers in Industries With Rapid Technological Change Are Paid More  Mexico, Taiwan, Colombia, Malaysia: Wages and Training Tend to Be Higher in Industries Experiencing Rapid Technological Change  Singapore: The Rise of the “Knowledge Economy” Appears to Explain The Increase in the Returns to Education  Vietnam: If Work Requires Computer Skills, Wages Are 10-14% Higher

12 ICT and Organization Change Siegel (1999)-Firm-Level Study  Implementation of new ICT Associated With Organizational Change  Implementation of new ICT Associated With Increases in Training and Skill Upgrading  Implementation of new ICT Associated With Enhanced Employee Empowerment  Major Obstacles to Additional Investments in New Technologies:  High Cost of Customizing Software to Fit Company Needs  Difficulties in Quantifying Benefits  Some Firms Also Report Shortages of Skilled Workers

13 ICT and Organization Change Brynjolfsson and Hitt (2000)  ICT Reduces the Cost of Coordination, Communication, and Information Processing  ICT is Associated with a “Cluster” of Complementary Organizational Changes/Practices  Transition from mass production to “flexible” manufacturing technologies  Changing Interaction With Suppliers  Transforming the Firm  Replacing Back-Office Jobs and Increasing the Importance of Front-office Skills and Leadership  Changing Interaction With Suppliers  Decentralized Decision Making and Enhanced Communication

14 Computers/Internet as a General Purpose Technology (GPT) GPTs-Technologies That Cause Dramatic Economic Changes by Stimulating New Applications and Industries and Rejuvenating Existing Sectors  Strengthens the Rationale for Government Intervention Examples of GPTs: Steam Engine, Electric Dynamo, Lasers, Computers Computers/Internet as a GPT Creation of New Industries:  Internet Service Providers  Network Communications Equipment  Consulting Services

15 Conclusions and Policy Recommendations  ICT Appears to Be Generating High Social Returns (Although Not Quite As High As Those Associated With R&D, But Still Quite High)-Not Showing Up As Much In Aggregate Statistics Because Productivity Gains Are In Services  ICT Has Transformed the Workplace in Many Industries and Increased the Returns to Education in Developed and Developing Countries (To a Lesser Extent)  Developing Countries Appear to Be Falling Further Behind in the Digital Divide, as Well as in the “Learning" Divide

16 Conclusions and Policy Recommendations (cont.)  Increased Demand for ICT Workers May Not be Met in Many Developing Countries (Role of Outsourcing)  Important For Policymakers in Developing Countries To Invest in Infrastructure That Complements/Supports Use of ICT (Physical and Educational):  Low-Cost, High-Bandwith Internet Connections  Internet Security  Ensure That Educational System Addresses Skill Deficiencies  Important For Developing Countries To Foster Institutions That Complement/Support Use of ICT

17 Conclusions and Policy Recommendations (cont.)  Developed Countries-Public-Private Partnerships Have Been Useful in Alleviating Innovation Market Failures Public-Private Partnerships in Developing Countries Can Be Useful for:  Better Access to Financial Capital  Enhancement of Human Capital  Stimulating the Development and Extension of Networks That Increase the Returns to ICT and E-Business

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