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Dredging and New Technology for Shoreline Restoration at TOF, Chayvo Beach Sakhalin October 07, 2010 XXIII Международная Береговая Конференция в честь.

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Presentation on theme: "Dredging and New Technology for Shoreline Restoration at TOF, Chayvo Beach Sakhalin October 07, 2010 XXIII Международная Береговая Конференция в честь."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dredging and New Technology for Shoreline Restoration at TOF, Chayvo Beach Sakhalin October 07, 2010 XXIII Международная Береговая Конференция в честь 100-летия со дня рождения Профессора Всеволода Павловича Зенковича

2 Agenda Project description and objectives Chayvo beach shoreline existing conditions Shoreline stabilization alternatives and analysis



5 Project Objectives Develop solution to stabilize shoreline at Chayvo beach along TOF facilities with beneficial use of dredged material

6 Bathymetry – November 2009 NOTE: 2006 Aerial

7 Bathymetry - 2002 NOTE: 2004 Aerial

8 Wave statistical data at TOF facilities was developed based on offshore GROW wind and wave data (for the period 1996-2005. GROW data hindcasted wave heights and periods and wind speeds and directions at 3 hour interval for 10 years

9 10 m 140 m Section of wave parameters extraction and averaging


11 No. of occurrences in the period 1996 to 2005 (only August); Direction 225 to 240 No. of occurrences in the period 1996 to 2005 (only August); Direction 240 to 255

12 All year – 225 DEG (Direction TOWARD which waves propagate) All year – 270 DEG


14 Predominant Sediment Transport s N


16 October 04, 2005



19 2004 2007


21 North Shoreline Dynamics Summary North Shoreline was accreted and progressed seaward. No erosion at this part of the shoreline has occurred during or after construction of the TOF in 2005-2006. No erosion occurred during the periods 2004-2007 and 2006-2008 along the North Section shoreline. North Section shoreline is in a stage of dynamic equilibrium between hydrodynamic, littoral, and geomorphologic processes. Sediment transport along this part of the shoreline appears to be sufficient to maintain beaches and the underwater offshore bars. No need for shoreline erosion protection or restoration is required








29 Central Shoreline Dynamics Summary Shoreline erosion starts from the south end of the Geobag Project and extends to the south. The erosion reduces with distance from the Well Site, and diminishes to an insignificant rate approximately 700 ft south of the Geobag Project. Erosion of the Well Site has occurred through deepening of the bottom slope and diminishing of the formation of the underwater bar system. Bottom deepening at the Well Site and Transition Shoreline reaches would continue if littoral drift conditions are not modified or re ‑ constructed to restore by-pass of sediment


31 2006 2008


33 South Shoreline Dynamics Summary No erosion has occurred during the periods 2004-2006 (based on aerial photographs) and 2006-2008 (based on survey profiles) South Section is in a stage of dynamic equilibrium between hydrodynamic, littoral, and geomorphologic processes. Sediment transport along this part of the shoreline is sufficient to maintain the beaches and underwater offshore bars. No need for shoreline erosion protection or restoration is required.


35 Seawalls Revetments Groins Breakwaters

36 Central Shoreline Causes of Erosion Insufficient bar formations on the bottom slope. Reduced ability of bottom slope to attenuate wave energy. Propagation of higher wave energy to the nearshore surf zone and Geobag Project. Wave reflection from Geobag Project resulting in increased wave energy and erosion on the bottom slope.




40 Low Crested Groins Expected Performance Create conditions for re-establishing of bar system on the bottom slope. Increase ability of bottom slope to attenuate wave energy. Reduce waves reflection from Geobag Project thus minimize erosion on the bottom slope

41 Demonstration Project In order to validate the proposed solution and obtain reliable data to complete final design a small shoreline protection demonstration project will be conducted during the TOF dredging project in 2011-2012. Monitoring data from the demonstration project will be collected starting from 2010 (prior to construction) through 2013 (one year after construction), and will provide the basis for development and selection of the preferred shoreline erosion protection solution.

42 Dredging and New Technology for Shoreline Restoration at TOF, Chayvo Beach Sakhalin October 07, 2010 XXIII Международная Береговая Конференция в честь 100-летия со дня рождения Профессора Всеволода Павловича Зенковича Thanks

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