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Transformation through Tomatis The Listening Center Connie Taylor Director Client Services.

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1 Transformation through Tomatis The Listening Center Connie Taylor Director Client Services

2 Affects 1 in 3 of Population Bay Area Population 6.8 million Bay Area Population with CAPD 2.3 million Bay Area Population with CAPD 2.3 million Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) is a sensory processing deficit that commonly impacts listening, spoken language comprehension and learning (ASHA, 1996) The Listening Center Transformation through Tomatis Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD)

3 Inability or decreased ability to: Attend Listen Separate important speech from all other noises present Transformation through Tomatis Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD)

4 ADD/HD Learning Disabilities Auditory Processing Disorder Co-Existent Disorders Transformation through Tomatis

5 Other Disorders Autism Dyslexia Asperger’s Syndrome Pervasive Development Disorder Bipolar Disorder Sensory Integration Disorder Balance and Coordination Transformation through Tomatis

6 The Human Ear Transformation through Tomatis Vestibule Cochlea Middle Ear Outer Ear

7 The Tomatis Method Listening to Learn High Frequencies Gated Music Bone Conduction Right Ear Dominance Electronic Ear Transformation through Tomatis

8 Dr. Tomatis French Otolarynologist “Pioneer of Sound Stimulation” Original implementation 250 Centers in the World 12 Centers in the United States Transformation through Tomatis

9 Former Chief of Speech Pathology UC Davis Medical Center Clinical Staff UC Davis School of Medicine Research Grant UC Davis M.I.N.D. Institute Founder of Swain Center, since 1985 and The Listening Center Author of 6 Standardized Tests Dr. Swain Transformation through Tomatis

10 ADD Autism Learning Disorder Transformation through Tomatis Case Studies


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