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Test-Taking Skills and Preparation. Test-Taking Skills Skills related not to subject knowledge but attitude and how a person approaches the test. Skills.

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Presentation on theme: "Test-Taking Skills and Preparation. Test-Taking Skills Skills related not to subject knowledge but attitude and how a person approaches the test. Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Test-Taking Skills and Preparation

2 Test-Taking Skills Skills related not to subject knowledge but attitude and how a person approaches the test. Skills related not to subject knowledge but attitude and how a person approaches the test. 1. Establishing a good attitude 2. Knowing the different kinds of test items 3. Knowing the keywords and phrases 4. Following directions 5. Moving from item to item without wasting time 6. Difficult questions and “educated guessing”

3 Follow the Oral Directions This explanation is extremely important to hear and understand because the teacher (Test Administrator) is not allowed to repeat instructions once the test starts. This explanation is extremely important to hear and understand because the teacher (Test Administrator) is not allowed to repeat instructions once the test starts.

4 Quickly Scan Each Test Section This will give you an idea of what’s coming up in the allowed time for the section. This will give you an idea of what’s coming up in the allowed time for the section.

5 Pace Yourself and Don’t Spend Too Much Time On Any One Item If you have 30 minutes to complete a section that has 15 problems, use no more than 2 minutes per problem on average. 15 Problems X 2 Min. = 30 Min.

6 Learn To Manage Your Time Bring a watch to monitor time or look at the wall clock so you know when half, and then all of your time is up. Bring a watch to monitor time or look at the wall clock so you know when half, and then all of your time is up. Don’t focus only on the time. Too much time clock watching can be counter-productive. Don’t focus only on the time. Too much time clock watching can be counter-productive.

7 Read the Directions Carefully There are many “description” words that are absolutely essential to understand and pay close attention to. There are many “description” words that are absolutely essential to understand and pay close attention to. Underline these words in the directions so you can refer back to them. Underline these words in the directions so you can refer back to them. During timed tests, some directions are hard to remember if there are multiple questions. Underlining the keywords is extremely helpful! During timed tests, some directions are hard to remember if there are multiple questions. Underlining the keywords is extremely helpful!

8 KEY WORDS & PHRASES Courtesy of Wikipedia: 1. Keyword categories 2. What is it Signaling? 3. Examples. 1. Conclusion or Cause and Effect 1. Conclusion or Cause and Effect 2. A summation of the thesis 3. Examples are as follows: therefore; thus; in conclusion; believes; so; consequently; it can be seen that; can conclude that; claims that. 1. Continuation 1. Continuation 2. More support for the same claim is coming up 3. Examples are as follows: and; also; moreover; furthermore; plus; in addition; at the same time; as well as; equally; besides; what is more; both...and; equally important; not only...but also. 1. Contrast (Linguistics) 1. Contrast (Linguistics) 2. A comparison of similarities and differences 3. Examples are as follows: but; despite; yet; however; alternatively; still; although; unless; otherwise; not; though; while; nevertheless; by contrast; notwithstanding; rather; conversely; in spite of; on the other hand; contrarily.

9 KEY WORDS & PHRASES 1. Emphasis 1. Emphasis 2. What is considered important 3. Examples are as follows: I think; above all; essentially; clearly; most of all; especially; primarily; particularly; in large measure; indeed. 1. Evidence 1. Evidence 2. An upcoming claim 3. Examples are as follows: because; for; since; the reason is that. 1. Illustration/Exemplification 1. Illustration/Exemplification 2. That an example is being given as support for a claim. 3. Examples are as follows: for example; for instance; specifically; to illustrate; such as; In the words of; To "name"; For "name"; According to "name"; as "name" says. 1. Sequence 1. Sequence 2. That there is a structure or order that has been formulated in the writing 3. Examples are as follows:Firstly,...,Secondly,...Thirdly,...Lastly; Next; Finally; On the one hand; Recently.

10 Don’t panic if your mind goes blank on one question. Remember you can put a star next to it and go back to it later. Don’t forget to also star the answer document until you bubble later on. Don’t panic if your mind goes blank on one question. Remember you can put a star next to it and go back to it later. Don’t forget to also star the answer document until you bubble later on.

11 Check Your Answers After Completing Each Section! Make sure you recheck these answers before you move on to the next section (USE ALL OF THE TIME GIVEN FOR EACH SECTION). Make sure you recheck these answers before you move on to the next section (USE ALL OF THE TIME GIVEN FOR EACH SECTION). If you still have time left over, check over all of your answers that you did not put a star or check next to. This will help eliminate the simple mistakes that we make when we rush or did not read the directions correctly. If you still have time left over, check over all of your answers that you did not put a star or check next to. This will help eliminate the simple mistakes that we make when we rush or did not read the directions correctly.

12 Answer All of the Test Questions If you can’t make up your mind between 2 answers or have no clue at all, make an educated guess. If you can’t make up your mind between 2 answers or have no clue at all, make an educated guess. If you limit it down to 2 choices, you have a 50% chance of guessing the correct answer! If you limit it down to 2 choices, you have a 50% chance of guessing the correct answer!

13 Recognize When the Correct Answer is Not Given or There is More Than One Correct Answer When you see “none of the above” as one of the answer choices, check to see if there is one correct answer or none of them are correct. When you see “none of the above” as one of the answer choices, check to see if there is one correct answer or none of them are correct. When you see “all of the above” as one of the answers, check to see if there is one correct answer or if all of them are correct. When you see “all of the above” as one of the answers, check to see if there is one correct answer or if all of them are correct.

14 “None of the Above” Always notice if “none of the above” is listed as one of the choices for an answer! Always notice if “none of the above” is listed as one of the choices for an answer! You can usually limit your answer choices down to one possible correct answer other than “none of the above”. You can usually limit your answer choices down to one possible correct answer other than “none of the above”.

15 “All of the Above” Always notice if “all of the above” is listed as one of the choices for an answer. Always notice if “all of the above” is listed as one of the choices for an answer. Put checks next to all answers that you think are correct. Put checks next to all answers that you think are correct. If you think that more than one of the answers are definitely correct, then the correct answer will most likely be “all of the above”. If you think that more than one of the answers are definitely correct, then the correct answer will most likely be “all of the above”.

16 Strategies For Dealing With Reading Passages 1) Read the questions before reading the passage. This will give you a good idea of what to look for in the passage. This will give you a good idea of what to look for in the passage.

17 Scan the Passage 2) Refer to the passage to find the answers. Scan over the passage until you find a specific word or passage that is related to the question. Scan over the passage until you find a specific word or passage that is related to the question. The sentence before and after will usually give you enough information to answer the question correctly. The sentence before and after will usually give you enough information to answer the question correctly.

18 Always Look Back at the Passage 3) Don’t simply rely on your memory from scanning or reading the passage once. Always refer back to the passage when moving on to the next question Always refer back to the passage when moving on to the next question

19 Look For Negative Words in the Questions “Which one is not included…” “Which one is not included…” “What is the opposite of…” “What is the opposite of…” “All of these happened except…” “All of these happened except…”

20 Main Idea & Topic Sentence The main idea and/or topic sentence is almost always stated at the very beginning of the passage, and sometimes listed again at the end. The main idea and/or topic sentence is almost always stated at the very beginning of the passage, and sometimes listed again at the end.

21 Relax, Get Plenty of Rest the Night Before the Test, and Eat a Healthy Breakfast the Morning of the Test

22 Maintain Silence During Testing - This Causes Distractions for Others

23 Deep Breathing Exercises Reduce Anxiety Practice breathing in real slow and exhaling real slow if you feel nervous or anxious before or during the test. Practice breathing in real slow and exhaling real slow if you feel nervous or anxious before or during the test.

24 You are Now Ready to the Test Be Confident Be Confident Use the Time Wisely Use the Time Wisely Fill in All Answers and Check Them Fill in All Answers and Check Them

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