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At this time, our days get longer and it is the start of Spring Time.

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2 At this time, our days get longer and it is the start of Spring Time.
When does Lent start? When does lent start? The 40 days before Easter is known as Lent. (We don’t count the Sundays.) At this time, our days get longer and it is the start of Spring Time.

3 Lent is like a journey

4 A journey to meet God

5 A time to get to know God better

6 To know his great love for us

7 The journey lasts for 6 weeks

8 The journey begins on Ash Wednesday

9 What happens the day before Ash Wednesday?

10 On Ash Wednesday We receive ashes on our foreheads. This is a sign of God’s love for us. It reminds us that one day we will be with him forever in heaven.

11 During the 6 weeks of Lent we can try to get to know God better by

12 Giving something up

13 Being kind to others

14 These are the special 3 ways to learn to love God more –
Prayer Fasting Almsgiving

15 Sometimes we can’t do what we would like to do

16 But God sees us trying and will help us to start again

17 Our journey ends …………..

18 At Easter

19 How can you get to know God better?
Pray more in school, at home and in church

20 How can you get to know God better?
Go to church on Ash Wednesday and each Sunday, especially during Lent.

21 How can you get to know God better?
Give up your own time to help others

22 How can you get to know God better?
By trying to make the world a better place by being kind and working in unity

23 How can you get to know God better?
By helping people who are in need

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