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1 MTAC February 23 - 24, 2005 MTAC Workgroup # 89 CASS Refinements & Awareness February 24 th, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "1 MTAC February 23 - 24, 2005 MTAC Workgroup # 89 CASS Refinements & Awareness February 24 th, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 MTAC February 23 - 24, 2005 MTAC Workgroup # 89 CASS Refinements & Awareness February 24 th, 2005

2 2 2 CASS Refinements & Awareness Mission: » The degree of consistency needed among CASS software programs, » The standards for grading software and measuring accuracy in results, » The role of industry creativity in parsing and matching, » The stages of the overall process of developing and using the software, and » The development of industry awareness of what CASS is and what it is not.

3 3 3 MTAC Workgroup #89 Workgroup Meetings: » Kickoff Meeting, August 26, 2004 in Memphis, Tennessee » September 30 th Meeting in Alpharetta, Georgia » October 15 th Teleconference » October 27 th at MTAC » November 4 th Teleconference » November 5 th Meeting in Smyrna, Georgia » December 2 nd Meeting in Memphis, Tennessee » January 20 th Teleconference » February 22 nd at MTAC

4 4 4 MTAC Workgroup #89 Workgroup Strategy: » Two sub-teams were formed: –Educational and Response Team with Wanda Senne leading, and –CASS, Developer, and Vendor Team with Joel Thomas leading.

5 5 5 MTAC Workgroup #89 Workgroup Meeting Results: » 47 Issues Breakdown: –23 Educational (23 of the WG89 related 26 issues or 88% Require Some Type of Education) –3 Vendor Opportunities –12 Covered by WG #88 –7 Duplicate or Out of Scope –2 Directly Related to the 30 Character Abbreviation Change » The team identified a multitude of possible means of the educational rollout: –Power Point Presentations, –Training Video, –User’s Guide (AMEE White Paper), –Web-based Overviews, and » Communications: –Area Road Shows, –Stand-up Talks, and the –Postal Forum.

6 6 6 MTAC Workgroup #89 Workgroup #89 Recommendations: » Create and distribute a high-level brochure educating the Industry on CASS: What CASS is and What CASS is not. » Create and distribute a video explaining and detailing the use of CASS and other available addressing tools. » Create and distribute a users friendly guide (similar to PUB 28 and PUB 95). The guide should provide detailed user friendly topics to include the use of CASS, DPV, etc. » CASS Session at the Postal Forum: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 3:45 PM – 5:00 PM.

7 7 7 MTAC Workgroup #89 Issues To Be Addressed In The Brochure: » Who/How To Handle Spelling Errors. » How To Handle Duplicate, Similar Firm Names Such as Bank of America; Banc of America. » The USPS Website, is CASS Certified. » What is CASS Certification and What It Is Not. » Ease of Use of Address Cleansing Tools. » Other USPS and/or Vendor Tools/Services/Products.

8 8 8 MTAC Workgroup #89 Issues To Be Addressed In The Publication: » Using DPV and Other Tools To Improve Address Quality. » CASS Directories – Distribution. » PS Form 3553 CASS Summary Report’s Section E. » An Understanding of the Architecture of CASS Engines. » How To Identify The Flag That Identifies PO Box Only Delivery Areas.

9 9 9 MTAC Workgroup #89 Issues Recognized As Opportunities For The Vendors: » Improvements in CASS coding with Phonetics. » Ensure CASS software parameter settings are understood by the users and meet new USPS requirements. » Ensure technical teams are aware of annual CASS process updating and allocate time to evaluate and manage software changes. » Emphasis on “Talk To Your Vendor”.

10 10 MTAC Workgroup #89 Next Steps: » Provide CASS Overview at the March NPF » Formally submit the workgroup recommendations to the MTAC Steering Committee » Brochure will be completed and distributed by the end of May » Video projected completion by October » Discuss a projected date for PUB “89” » Sunset at May MTAC meeting.

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