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Strengthening capacities of Supreme Audit Institutions Transregional Capacity Building Programme on Audit of Public Debt Management Public Debt Working.

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Presentation on theme: "Strengthening capacities of Supreme Audit Institutions Transregional Capacity Building Programme on Audit of Public Debt Management Public Debt Working."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strengthening capacities of Supreme Audit Institutions Transregional Capacity Building Programme on Audit of Public Debt Management Public Debt Working Group Meeting Fiji Islands, 24-25 July 2008

2 Strengthening capacities of Supreme Audit Institutions Presentation Plan Programme Objective Target Group Cooperation Partners Programme Design Programme outputs and outcomes Programme Resources

3 Strengthening capacities of Supreme Audit Institutions Programme Objective To enhance professional and institutional capacity of target SAIs in public debt management audit.

4 Strengthening capacities of Supreme Audit Institutions Target Group Selected SAIs in AFROSAI-E, AFROSAI-F, ASOSAI, CAROSAI, EUROSAI and PASAI

5 Strengthening capacities of Supreme Audit Institutions Cooperation Partners INTOSAI Public Debt Working Group (PDWG) – Guidance material, subject matter experts Debt Management Financial Analysis System (DMFAS) – DMFAS software, reference material, debt management experts United Nations Institute for Training And Research (UNITAR) – Design, development and deployment of web based course, provision of e-learning platform

6 Strengthening capacities of Supreme Audit Institutions Programme Design To be delivered in English and French Blended solution – Web based training and review meetings for pilot audit planning and reporting. SAI team training Collaborative pilot audits on public debt management with on the job support by experts from PDWG and DMFAS

7 Strengthening capacities of Supreme Audit Institutions Programme Design 1. Planning and Curriculum Meeting- Sept 08 2. Survey of SAIs in target regions – Nov-Dec 08 3. Design and Delivery of Online Training to SAI Teams – Jan-Jun 09 4. Planning Meeting for adaptation of WGPD Guidance and writing audit plans- Aug-Sept 09 5. Conduct pilot audits with on job support by experts – Sep 09-March10 6. Review meeting for finalizing reports and SAI manuals- May 10 7. Adoption of manuals and tabling of reports - 2010 8. Lessons learnt on programme design and WGPD guidance- 2010

8 Strengthening capacities of Supreme Audit Institutions Programme Outputs 1.Web based course in Public Debt Management Audit ( including DMFAS module) 2. SAI Public Debt Management Audit teams in target SAIs trained 3. Public Debt Management Audits planned, conducted and reported upon in all target SAIs. 4. Public Debt Management Audit manual/guidance/procedures adapted and adopted by all target SAIs.

9 Strengthening capacities of Supreme Audit Institutions Programme Outcomes 1.Institutionalization of a system for carrying out PDM audits in the SAI at regular intervals 2.Acceptance of audit recommendations for enhancement of PDM systems by the executive 3.Enhancement of the public debt management systems in the target countries

10 Strengthening capacities of Supreme Audit Institutions Programme Resources Funding and Programme Management– IDI Guidance and Reference Material – INTOSAI PDWG and DMFAS Experts for development of planning and curriculum meeting, web based course development and delivery, review meetings and on the job support – INTOSAI PDWG and DMFAS E-learning platform and expertise - UNITAR

11 Strengthening capacities of Supreme Audit Institutions

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