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Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner1 Beta-Beams (WP4) Summary Elena Wildner, CERN 1 2010-06-04.

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Presentation on theme: "Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner1 Beta-Beams (WP4) Summary Elena Wildner, CERN 1 2010-06-04."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner1 Beta-Beams (WP4) Summary Elena Wildner, CERN 1 2010-06-04

2 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 2 Outline Events Milestones/Deliverables Highlights Conclusion 22

3 2010-06-04 3 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner Overview of events (I) 3 2 WP4 full meetings 3rd WP4 meeting, 25/11/09, Grenoble (LPSC) 4th WP4 meeting, 19/02/10, Paris (CEA) Meetings Legnaro, CEA Nufact09 Europeean Strategy for Future Neutrino Physics, CERN (1-3 Oct, 2009) ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting, CERN (18-20 Nov, 2009) EPIPHANY 2010, Krakow (5-8 Jan, 2010) Physics in underground laboratories EuCARD, RAL (April 2010) NEU2012 network meeting

4 2010-06-04 4 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner Overview of events (II) 4 Fermilab, Batavia, USA, Productin Ring Design and cooling workshop organized by D. Neuffer GSI, Darmstadt (O. Boine-Frankenheim, C. Dimopoulou) Cooling and Internal Gas Targets for production ring Large interest 15 Participants: NTU-Athens, GSI(6), University of Frankfurt (3), CERN (3), University of Münster, FZ Jülich (2) GSI joins as associated institute to WP4 (has to be approved by EUROnu) Costing WS, CERN Two BSc theses from Aachen (summer 2009) Aachen will contribute with one student for 3 months (summer 2010) Some 10 publications written (pending publication)

5 2010-06-04 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 5 Beta Beam scenario EUROnu, FP7. Neutrino Source Decay Ring ISOL target, Collection Decay ring B  ~ 500 Tm B = ~6 T C = ~6900 m L ss = ~2500 m 8 Li:  = 100 18 B:  = 100 SPS RCS, 3.5 GeV -beam to experiment Linac, 0.4 GeV 60 GHz pulsed ECR 450 GeV, p-eq Ion production PR Detector Gran Sasso (~ 5 times higher Q) Ion Linac 20 MeV 8B/8Li PS We are working on all parts!!! Exception Ion Linac 25 Mev PS2 has been eliminated from the scene

6 2010-06-04 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 6 Beta Beam scenario EUROnu, FP7 Neutrino Source Decay Ring ISOL target, Collection Decay ring B  ~ 500 Tm B = ~6 T C = ~6900 m L ss = ~2500 m 8 Li:  = 100 18 B:  = 100 SPS RCS, 3.5 GeV -beam to experiment Linac, 0.4 GeV 60 GHz pulsed ECR 450 GeV, p-eq Ion production PR Detector Gran Sasso (~ 5 times higher Q) Ion Linac 20 MeV 8B/8Li PS

7 2010-06-04 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 77 Intensities needed: Some scaling L ~ /  m 2 ~  Q, Flux ~ L −2 => Flux ~ Q −2 Cross section ~ ~  Q Merit factor for an experiment at the atmospheric oscillation maximum: M=  Q Decay ring length scales ~  (ion lifetime) With FP7 ions we need ~ 5 times more ions (same  & longer baseline) Other detector technology at higher energy requires another factor ~ 2 ?  FP-7 proposal did not address these facts  Assumed shortfall of 18Ne intended to be solved by producing Li/B ions  The FP7 assumption was to accelerate a similar number of ions for He/Ne and Li/B.  Conclusion: Baseline beta beam scenario milestone B/Li will not be met

8 2010-06-04 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 88 Strategy, Beta Beam, Accelerators Work on 6He and 18Ne ions, push of production has given results Experiments for He, results tell us production is ok Ne ok on paper but needs one FTE more for experimental verification (CERN, LLN). Satisfactory results to achieve good neutrino flux (He and Ne) the beta beam baseline is the Frejus Option (He and Ne) Accelerator Complex is calculated first for the He and Ne Option Beam stability Decay Ring Optimization Superconducting Magnets in Decay Ring Collimation The engagements for B and Li is continued by WP4 partners

9 2010-06-04 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 99 Beta Beam scenario 6He/18Ne Neutrin o Source Decay Ring ISOL target Decay ring B  ~ 500 Tm B = ~6 T C = ~6900 m L ss = ~2500 m 6 He:  = 100 18 Ne:  = 100 SPS RCS, 1.7 GeV -beam to Frejus Linac, 100 MeV 60 GHz pulsed ECR 280 GeV Ion production 18Ne PS SPL Linac 4 ? 6He Ion production

10 2010-06-04 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 10 Beta Beam scenario 8Li/8B Neutrin o Source Decay Ring ISOL target, Collection Decay ring B  ~ 500 Tm B = ~6 T C = ~6900 m L ss = ~2500 m 8 Li:  = 100 18 B:  = 100 SPS RCS, 1.7 GeV -beam to GranSasso/Canfranc Linac, 100 MeV 60 GHz pulsed ECR Existing!!! 280 GeV Ion production PR Ion Linac 25 MeV, 7 Li and 6 Li 8B/8Li PS

11 Milestones 2010-06-04 11 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 4.1Baseline Beta-Beam scenario412 Documentation reviewed 4.2Design of collection device415 Drawings qualified by external expert 4.3Lattice frozen for production ring418 Optics qualified by external expert 4.4New decay ring optics for 8 Li and 8 B421 Optics qualified by external expert We can today give the needed fluxes with 6He and 18Ne. Experimental verification now urgent!! After collective effects studies and revisiting RF scenarios, the parameter list will be completed. Collection device is designed and assembled. Tests ongoing. Basic lattice frozen, cooling simulations will tune the lattice Deacy ring optics done also for B and Li. We have in addition a new decay ring design giving some extra 10% in neutrino flux (for Ne and He also). WP Month

12 Milestones (contd & Deliverables) 2010-06-0412 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 6.3Scenarios for the B and Li Beta Beams6,424 Report reviewed 6.4 Physics performance of all facilities with update of fluxes 6,5,424Report reviewed Results from the barrier bucket study, (B and Li) confirms we have to keep SF with some minor relaxation. For He and Ne we stay with the original basic parameters. Detector performance for high-Q? We have assumed a factor 2. Can this be improved? Do we need to do development of a new accelerator complex to accelerate B and Li? D8 Collection device construction4 15 Prototype D12 Report on the experimental validation of the collection device for Li-8 4 15 Prototype D13Bunching performance evaluation47Report Device constructed. Barrier buckets not feasible, neither for B and Li or Ne and Ne. For the decay ring we have no better results than the merging process and stand with the FP6 results. Other machines: Rf to be revisited for all ions Will be delivered after tests (for annual report)

13 2010-06-04 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 13 Beta Beam scenario EUROnu, FP7. Neutrino Source Decay Ring ISOL target, Collection Decay ring B  ~ 500 Tm B = ~6 T C = ~6900 m L ss = ~2500 m 8 Li:  = 100 18 B:  = 100 SPS RCS, 3.5 GeV -beam to experiment Linac, 0.4 GeV 60 GHz pulsed ECR 450 GeV, p-eq Ion production PR Detector Gran Sasso (~ 5 times higher Q) Ion Linac 25 MeV 8B/8Li PS

14 2010-06-04 14 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner The production Ring 14 Supersonic gas jet target, stripper and absorber  Lattice design operational  Target model (Bethe-Bloch)  Beam cooling is observed (1000 turns)  Lattice to be adapted  Wedge angle has effect on coupling  Chromaticity to be tuned (resonances)  Equilibrium emmittance fits with theory  RF feasable (4 MHz, 300 kV), ACOL cavities  Gas Jet target proposed in FP7: too high density to be realistic  Vacuum problems  Target model has to also include single scattering of we use less dense targets  Try Direct Production (D. Neuffer) with spectrometer magnet? E. Benedetto

15 2010-06-04 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 15 Beta Beam scenario EUROnu, FP7. Neutrino Source Decay Ring ISOL target, Collection Decay ring B  ~ 500 Tm B = ~6 T C = ~6900 m L ss = ~2500 m 8 Li:  = 100 18 B:  = 100 SPS RCS, 3.5 GeV -beam to experiment Linac, 0.4 GeV 60 GHz pulsed ECR 450 GeV, p-eq Ion production PR Detector Gran Sasso (~ 5 times higher Q) Ion Linac 25 MeV 8B/8Li PS

16 2010-06-04 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 16 PR: Gas Jet Targets and Cooling (GSI) We need 10 19 cm -2 !!

17 2010-06-04 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 17 PR Feasibility: Vacuum

18 2010-06-04 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 18 X-sections, Energies and Angles, Li and B 18 8B production experiments are being planned at Legnaro for inverse kinematics. If we need to change the production of B and Li in the production ring (liquid target, direct kinematics) experiments could be envisaged for this reaction. Funding may be limiting. Inverse kinematic reaction: 7 Li + CD 2 target E=25 MeV Results for cross-sections and angular distributions have been presented. E. Vardaci

19 2010-06-04 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 19 RipeN Rivelatori per Neutroni a LNL 12.7cm x 12.7 cm 24 BC501 cylindrical Liquid Scintillators V. Kravchuk

20 2010-06-04 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 20 Challenge: collection device A large proportion of beam particles ( 6 Li) will be scattered into the collection device. Production of 8 Li and 8 B: 7 Li(d,p) 8 Li and 6 Li( 3 He,n) 8 B reactions using low energy and low intensity ~ 1nA beams of 7 Li(10-25 MeV) and 6 Li(4-15 MeV) hitting the deuteron or 3 He target. Tests on collection device: The collection device has presently a welding problem. September 2010 to finish with 8 Li. Research on B will follow. Semen Mitrofanov Thierry Delbar Marc Loiselet

21 2010-06-04 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 21 Decay Ring 21 A.Chance

22 2010-06-04 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 22 Beta Beam scenario EUROnu, FP7. Neutrino Source Decay Ring ISOL target, Collection Decay ring B  ~ 500 Tm B = ~6 T C = ~6900 m L ss = ~2500 m 8 Li:  = 100 18 B:  = 100 SPS RCS, 3.5 GeV -beam to experiment Linac, 0.4 GeV 60 GHz pulsed ECR 450 GeV, p-eq Ion production PR Detector Gran Sasso (~ 5 times higher Q) Ion Linac 20 MeV 8B/8Li PS

23 2010-06-04 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 23 Decay Ring Intensities 23 A first study of the dynamic aperture has shown that it was large enough to accept the beam. Due to the blowing up in the longitudinal phase space, it was shown that a dedicated collimation section was needed in the DR. The peak beam intensities are unprecedented (several Amps in average, hundreds of Amps peak). The beam loading in the cavities must be studied (Cockcroft Institute could work on this as associate partner). To gain 10% of neutrinos, we increased the field from 6 to 8 T in the arc magnets and shorten the arcs from 970 to 675 m The injection region will be moved from the arc to the straight section.

24 2010-06-04 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 24 Duty factor and RF Cavities.... 20 bunches, 5.2 ns long, distance 23*4 nanosseconds filling 1/11 of the Decay Ring, repeated every 23 microseconds 10 14 ions, 0.5% duty (supression) factor for background suppression !!! 24 Erk Jensen, CERN

25 2010-06-04 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 25 Radiation issues 25 Open midplane magnet for Decay Ring exists (2009) Internal absorbers between short dipoles Result not entirely satisfactory (2008) Magnets at quench limit Thick liners in the magnets an alternative Modelled in FLUKA for the time being results not convincing Thicker liners (other materials) Back to absorber design We have to check vacuum issues Work on collimation system to be continued (hibernating...) SPS is still to be looked at Other machines ok (within limits from CERN rules) E. Wildner

26 2010-06-04 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 26 DR Arc Magnets 26 z axis (cm) Power deposited (mW/cm 3 ) No significant improvement when using 1cm thick liner (stainless steel) Quads have similar problems Decay losses concentrated on the horizontal plane Normalized to a decay rate in half of the arc: He: 3.74x10 10 decay.s -1 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 E. Bouquerel

27 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner Options for production 2010-06-04 27 TypeAcceleratorBeamI beam mA E beam MeV P beam kW TargetIsotopeFlux S -1 Ok? ISOL & n-converter SPLp0.12 10 3 200W/BeO6He5 10 13 ISOL & n-converter Saraf/GANILd1540600C/BeO6He5 10 13 ISOLLinac 4p616070019F Molten NaF loop 18Ne1 10 13 ISOLCyclo/Linacp107070019F Molten NaF loop 18Ne2 10 13 ISOLLinacX13He> 170213600MgO 80 cm disk 18Ne2 10 13 P-RingLinacX27Li0.160254d8Li?1 10 14 P-RingLinacX26Li0.1602543He8B?1 10 14 Experimentally OK On paper may be OK Not OK yet Possible Challenging Courtesy T. Stora, P Valko R & D !!! Needs some optimization

28 2010-06-04 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 28 Recent Results for Production of 6 He 5 10 13 6 He/s 200kW, 2 GeV proton beam (ISOLDE 2008) N. Thiolliere et T. Stora, EURISOL-DS T. Stora et al., EURISOL-DS, TN03-25-2006-0003 Aimed: He 2.9 10 18 (2.0 10 13 /s)

29 Production of 18 Ne for Beta Beams Compatible materials (Ni-based alloys) up to 1000 ºC: Hasteloy N Molten salt flow: 2.1 l/s (for ΔT = 100 ºC) Size of the irradiation cell: 24x15x7.5 cm 3 Size of the diffusion chamber: 15x40x15 cm 3 Cooling of the window is done with the circulating molten salt. Cross-section measurements done at LLN, to be compared with calculations Molten salt loops presently set up LPCS, Grenoble: we will profit of this experiment. EUROnu week in Strasbourg - IPHC P. Valko - CERN

30 2010-06-04 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 30 ECR Source 30 Available measurements periods last week of June Extension of the magnet time access demand performed If possible 13000 A measurements before end of July

31 Experiments, Gyrotron 37 GHz MW pulse Ion current of N 3+ Microwave duration = 50 µs Duration of ion current = 20 µs Ion current of N 3+ = 2 мА Ion current of Ar 4+ T свч =70 µsT свч =60 µsT свч =50 µsT свч =40 µs 20 µs Duration of ion current vs microwave duration Just noise March 2010 V. Zorin

32 Modeling of Short Pulses Simple mirror trap, L=37 cm Mirror Ratio = 4 MW=10 kW/cm 2 Extraction voltage = 25 kV MW duration ~ 70 µs Experiment Modeling V. Zorin

33 Charge state distribution, short pulses C 2+ Argon Ar 3+ Ar 4+ Ar 5+ Ar 2+ C 2+ N 2+ C+C+ O+O+ Nitrogen H+H+ N+N+ N 2+ N 3+ N 4+ O 2+ O 3+ O+O+ C 2+ C 3+ C+C+ For 6He and 19 Ne we have to profit of produced intensities: extract one charge state and do the rest with Linac stage and strippers! Long Linac? CERN simulations ? V. Zorin

34 2010-06-04 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 34 Start overall simulations from. Neutrino Source Decay Ring ISOL target, Collection Decay ring B  ~ 500 Tm B = ~6 T C = ~6900 m L ss = ~2500 m 8 Li:  = 100 18 B:  = 100 SPS RCS, 3.5 GeV -beam to experiment Linac, 0.4 GeV 60 GHz pulsed ECR 450 GeV, p-eq Ion production PR Detector Gran Sasso (~ 5 times higher Q) Ion Linac 20 MeV 8B/8Li PS Optimize Linac with source data Preliminary emmittances and beam sizes from ECR exist Estimates on efficiencies (ECR in /ECR out ) to be updated Simulate beam up to RCS (and further)

35 2010-06-04 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 35 Beta Beam scenario EUROnu, FP7. Neutrino Source Decay Ring ISOL target, Collection Decay ring B  ~ 500 Tm B = ~6 T C = ~6900 m L ss = ~2500 m 8 Li:  = 100 18 B:  = 100 SPS RCS, 3.5 GeV -beam to experiment Linac, 0.4 GeV 60 GHz pulsed ECR 450 GeV, p-eq Ion production PR Detector Gran Sasso (~ 5 times higher Q) Ion Linac 20 MeV 8B/8Li PS

36 Beta Beam Stability (all Beams) ??? Is the impedance limit compatible with DR special RF cavity for short bunches ??? Instability dependencies of bunch intensities are being investigated for all machines (ongoing for DR and SPS) C. Hansen, CERN Transversal broad band impedance for 6 He in DR istab. Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner The SPS RF programs are currently being developed in detail (A. Chancé, CEA) for the Instability Studies Very challenging, may need re-design (optimization) of decay ring.

37 2010-06-04 Summary WP4, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 37 Summary Milestones and Deliverables, ~ on time (baseline parameters for He and Ne) Good production18Ne on paper, we need experimental data (1 FTE needed) 6He has been produced with sufficient efficiency Production Ring feasibility Results for production cross sections for Li are available, experiments for B being set up Collection device is assembled and tests are ongoing Gas jet target density needed is at least 4 orders of magnitude larger than presently used - > vacuum problems (pumping). ECR source field measurements June and July Linac simulations ongoing DR and SPS Collective effects: challenging beam conditions RF cavities: Collaboration Cockcroft being set up Costing: PBS advancing, costing started One FTE needed for costing and safety 37

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