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Digital Creation & Communication Center Jackson Library Main Building Lower Level.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Creation & Communication Center Jackson Library Main Building Lower Level."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Creation & Communication Center Jackson Library Main Building Lower Level

2 Why What Who Where When

3 Why develop a Center? Patron needs Libraries goals University goals National trends

4 Why: Patron Needs Survey of UNCG students in Spring 2010: 835 responses (22% response rate) from sample 120 indicated they had developed a video presentation for a class 60% of these did so because it was required 28.2% decided a video was the best way to fulfill an assignment 77.6% did not receive any assistance on campus 54% would have appreciated help with multimedia production

5 University Libraries added cameras and voice recorders in Fall 2010 Libraries received more equipment when TLC disbanded media services TRC provides cameras for School of Ed students Media Studies has a lab for Media Studies students only CAC seeking to expand into digital communications BUT……. No office at UNCG provides assistance in developing media (videos, blogs, podcasts, PPT, etc.) for non-Media Studies majors. Why: Libraries & UNCG Goals

6 Providing a space that supports the General Education Curriculum of all undergraduates to meet digital communication requirements Creating a service that supports the development and creation of multimedia and digital components in both individual and group academic assignments Library goal to be integrated partner with other programs and departments, such as Communication Across the Curriculum (CAC) and Media Studies Creating an innovative space to support the 21 st Century Student Facilitating the inclusion of information and media literacy into the General Education academic standard Strengthening the “Library as Place” concept by providing needed services, equipment, features, and teaching opportunities in one convenient location

7 Why: Libraries & UNCG Goals Strategic Area 1: “Provide complementary systems of aid and outreach; vibrant, inclusive, sustainable learning environments; and caring, personalized, and comprehensive support to students....” Strategic Area 3: “…students participate in high-impact experiences that develop integrative thinking and prepare collaborative, adaptable graduates with a broad spectrum of transferable skills for life, civic participation, and work in a global society.” Goal 3.5: “Infuse critical thinking, communication and information literacy throughout the undergraduate curriculum (21st Century Skills)”

8 Why: National Trends UNC campuses with Media Centers in the Libraries Appalachian State UNC Charlotte UNC Chapel Hill NCSU Peer Institutions with Media Centers in the Libraries Bowling Green State University of Alabama George Mason

9 What What is a Digital Creation and Communication Center? Space that facilitates creation of multimedia projects blogs videos slide shows web sites podcasts images Rhetoric and aesthetics of communicating media Facilitates through Space design Technology, and A range of help and services

10 Who Who will provide the space, help and services? Campus Partners Libraries Vendors

11 Who: Campus Partners CAC Communication Across the Curriculum (CAC) Media Studies Eager for their students to work in our Center Advising us on equipment, software and services

12 Kinds of Help Media Studies The How of a project Help with the technical aspects of creating projects CAC The Why of a project Help patrons with “improving the aesthetic and persuasive quality of their multimedia projects, from their initial planning stages to their final presentation” Libraries The What of a project Help patrons identify and locate the right information, materials, resources to get their project done

13 Where Jackson Library, Main building, Lower Level

14 Where: Vendor Partners Designer – Palma Engineers Has conducted an assessment of infrastructure needs of basement with increased loads for electrical and data Will recommend HVAC and lightning needs Is part of FDC project which includes paint and carpet Piedmont Office Suppliers Classified as preferred campus vendor Has worked with multiple designs on effective use of space for various needs Can install and power all furniture as part of project Latest design shown

15 Guard Desk >> << Tower Elevators

16 Help

17 Media Editing Help

18 Media Editing Computing and Scanning Help

19 Media Editing Collab & Consult Computing and Scanning Collab & Consult Help

20 Media Editing Present. Practice Collab & Consult Computing and Scanning Collab & Consult Help

21 Media Editing Present. Practice Collab & Consult Computing and Scanning Group Study Collab & Consult Group Study Help Group Study

22 Media Editing Present. Practice Collab & Consult Computing and Scanning Soft Seating Group Study Collab & Consult Group Study Help Group Study

23 © Noel Studio for Academic Creativity Eastern Kentucky University

24 © Media Lab, Georgia Tech © Digital Media Lab, UPenn © Wiegle Info Commons, UPenn

25 © Media Production Center, Seattle University ©Digital Media Lab, Skokie Public Library

26 When Expected Timeline (est.) Early March Furniture requests completed and ordered April 1, 2012 Notice to proceed date for infrastructure work in basement May Construction, paint and carpet, and furniture install June 1 Furniture install completed Equipment falls into next year

27 Other Factors Center is part of Access Services Department DVD, Instructional Collections, and Circulating Equipment will remain upstairs in Reading Room Microfilm collection shifts to center, south side adjacent to government documents Staffing/service point decisions not finalized but are expected to be a collaborative effort with CAC and media studies Sub group of Space Planning Committee has developed plan for relocation and shifting of collection items in order to shift remaining LC collection out of basement Funding comes from monies saved from previous budgets, one time funding requests from Provost, partners and will be a strong naming opportunity to recoup costs

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