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The mission Simbol-X : the hard X-ray universe in focusMay 14, 2007 Simbol-X the hard X–ray Universe in focus 0.5 – 80 keV formation flight Philippe Ferrando.

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Presentation on theme: "The mission Simbol-X : the hard X-ray universe in focusMay 14, 2007 Simbol-X the hard X–ray Universe in focus 0.5 – 80 keV formation flight Philippe Ferrando."— Presentation transcript:


2 The mission Simbol-X : the hard X-ray universe in focusMay 14, 2007 Simbol-X the hard X–ray Universe in focus 0.5 – 80 keV formation flight Philippe Ferrando CEA/SAp & APC laboratory On behalf of the Simbol-X collaboration

3 The mission Simbol-X : the hard X-ray universe in focusMay 14, 2007 The Simbol-X collaboration F:CEA/Saclay, CESR/Toulouse, APC/Paris, LAOG/Grenoble, Obs.Paris/Meudon, Obs.Astr.Strasbourg It:INAF: O.A.Brera, Bologna, Roma, Palermo, IASF: Milano, Bologna, Roma, Palermo ASI: ASDC, Frascati D : MPE Garching, I.A.A.Tübingen, T.U. Darmstadt, Univ. Erlangen-N ü rnberg End ‘01 :First ideas and discussions CEA/Saclay & O.A. Brera End ‘03 : CNES call for ideas for formation flight Mid ‘04 : Selection of 4 missions for assessment phase (phase 0) End 2005 :Selected for phase A, implemented jointly by CNES & ASI

4 The mission Simbol-X : the hard X-ray universe in focusMay 14, 2007 Importance of the hard X–ray domain Emissions probing matter under extreme conditions particularly around Black Holes Domain where non-thermal emissions are dominating, directly tracing particle acceleration mechanisms Domain in which the emission of the Universe is dominated by that of Super Massive Black Holes

5 The mission Simbol-X : the hard X-ray universe in focusMay 14, 2007 Hard X–rays : the sensitivity lag Soft X–rays UHURU (1970, collimator) 2 – 20 keV sensitivity : ~ 1 mCrab angular resol. (FWHM) : 0.5° catalog of 339 sources XMM–Newton (1999, focusing) 0.1 – 15 keV sensitivity : ~ 1  Crab angular resol. (FWHM) : 6” catalog of ~ 125,000 sources Hard X–rays IGR/ISGRI (2002, coded mask) 15 keV – 1 MeV sensitivity : ~ 0.3 mCrab angular resol. (FWHM) : 0.2° catalog of 421 sources

6 The mission Simbol-X : the hard X-ray universe in focusMay 14, 2007 Simbol–X : the hard X–rays at the “XMM” level Soft X–rays UHURU (1970, collimator) 2 – 20 keV sensitivity : ~ 1 mCrab angular resol. (FWHM) : 0.5° catalog of 339 sources XMM–Newton (1999, focusing) 0.1 – 15 keV sensitivity : ~ 1  Crab angular resol. (FWHM) : 6” catalog of ~ 125,000 sources Hard X–rays IGR/ISGRI (2002, coded mask) 15 keV – 1 MeV sensitivity : ~ 0.3 mCrab angular resol. (FWHM) : 0.2° catalog of 421 sources Simbol–X (2013, focusing) 0.5 – 80 keV sensitivity : ~ 1  Crab angular resol. (FWHM) : 8”

7 The mission Simbol-X : the hard X-ray universe in focusMay 14, 2007 Simbol–X core science objectives I - Black Holes Physics Resolve ~ 50% of the Cosmic X-ray Background where it peaks at 30– 40 keV Understand SgrA* and its environment Constrain the physics of accretion flows onto solar mass and super massive Black Holes II - Particle acceleration mechanisms Constrain acceleration processes in relativistic jets of blazars Probe acceleration mechanisms in the strong fields of pulsars Measure and map the full non thermal electron spectrum in SNR shocks Measure and map the controversial non-thermal emission in clusters of galaxies

8 The mission Simbol-X : the hard X-ray universe in focusMay 14, 2007 ISGRI XMM-Newton Simbol–X Simbol-X : understand SgrA* and its environment Angular resolution : localize the sources Simbol-X 3 , 1 hour Sensitivity : detect SgrA* bursts and measure spectra Simbol–X, 300 ks, > 10 keV 10x10 arcmin 2 Spectro-imaging : solve the diffuse X-ray emission enigma

9 The mission Simbol-X : the hard X-ray universe in focusMay 14, 2007 And a very large discovery space guaranteed by : a gain of two orders of magnitude or more in angular resolution and sensitivity an observatory status open to the community 44 Ti and explosive nucleosynth. yield Magnetic activity and star formation Gamma ray bursts afterglow emission Cyclotron lines in neutron stars An observatory also for…

10 The mission Simbol-X : the hard X-ray universe in focusMay 14, 2007 Simbol-X top level scientific requirements  t : < 100 microsecondes Continuum sensitivity [1 Ms, 3  ] : < 0.5  Crab [10-40 keV] Line sensitivity : < 3 10 -7 ph/cm 2 /s @ 68 keV Mission duration : 3 years + provision for 2 additional years Number of pointings :> 1000 Energy band : ~ 0.5 to > 80 keV  E : < 150 eV @ 6 keV < 1.3 keV @ 68 keV 44 TiFe  (HPD) : < 20 arcsec FOV : > 12 arcmin Attitude reconst. : ± 3 arcsec 15” 50” 10 ’

11 The mission Simbol-X : the hard X-ray universe in focusMay 14, 2007 How ? Extend to the hard X-rays the successful focusing technics based on grazing incidence angle mirrors, with a very long focal length possible thanks to formation flight. 20 m Simbol-X concept  focusing Large effective area excellent angular resolution very low background } Grazing incidence : E max  1/   Focal Length

12 The mission Simbol-X : the hard X-ray universe in focusMay 14, 2007 Optics (INAF/O.A. Brera) Build on the italian experience in electroforming mirror shells. Media-Lario facilities, upgraded for Simbol-X. Jet-X/SwiftXMM–Newton Use reduced thickness for shells, along a demonstrated trend. Use multi-layer coating building on experience of OAB/CfA. Pt C

13 The mission Simbol-X : the hard X-ray universe in focusMay 14, 2007 Optics (INAF/O.A. Brera) 100 shells Pt/C coating Max diam. 70 cm Min diam. 29 cm Additional item w.r.t XMM : a proton diverter for reduction of “soft proton” background

14 The mission Simbol-X : the hard X-ray universe in focusMay 14, 2007 Collimator : ~ 2 m long graded shield. Full out of FOV sky closed with associated sky-shield on mirror S/C. The detector payload (F+D, led by CEA) Antennas for formation flight Spectro-imaging instrument Cd(Zn)Te Si < 17 keV> 17 keV Cd(Zn)Te Si < 17 keV> 17 keV The two detectors are seeing the same field through the unique mirror Two spectro-imagers on top of each other

15 The mission Simbol-X : the hard X-ray universe in focusMay 14, 2007 Performances - Sensitivity With background levels of 2  10 -4 and 3  10 -4 cts/cm 2.s.keV achievable with full anti-coincidence scheme In a 1 Ms observation : ~ 30 sources / field ~ 12 highly obscured (> 23.5) 6  10 -15

16 The mission Simbol-X : the hard X-ray universe in focusMay 14, 2007 Orbit and operations (CNES, EADS, Alcatel-Alenia) Single launch of 2 spacecrafts, by Soyuz from Kourou, with overall mass within launcher performances (2.3 tons, 5 deg. incl.) 4 days orbit, 20,000–180,000 km, with 83 % of the time above 73,000 km (~ 300 ks uninterrupted obs.) One station (Malindi), with contact at perigee for downlink of data and at change of target Formation flight (within ~ 1 cm 3 ) ensured with cold gas thrusters

17 The mission Simbol-X : the hard X-ray universe in focusMay 14, 2007

18 Status - schedule Simbol-X is in phase A, conducted jointly by CNES & ASI, with the participation of MPE-IAAT End of phase A, and phase B decision : October 2007 Launch frame : 2012-2015 Operations for three years, with a provision for a 2 years expension Observation program will be composed of : - a “core program”, with main priority science targets - and a guest observer program open to the community

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