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2015-11-201 脉冲星研究的现状与展望 乔国俊 北京大学文理学院天文学系 2015-11-202 脉冲星研究的现状与展望 I. 简介 II. 引力波的检测 III. 新天体的搜寻 IV. 对 “ 磁星 ” 的挑战 V. 广阔的前景、(守时性和导航)

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Presentation on theme: "2015-11-201 脉冲星研究的现状与展望 乔国俊 北京大学文理学院天文学系 2015-11-202 脉冲星研究的现状与展望 I. 简介 II. 引力波的检测 III. 新天体的搜寻 IV. 对 “ 磁星 ” 的挑战 V. 广阔的前景、(守时性和导航)"— Presentation transcript:


2 2015-11-201 脉冲星研究的现状与展望 乔国俊 北京大学文理学院天文学系

3 2015-11-202 脉冲星研究的现状与展望 I. 简介 II. 引力波的检测 III. 新天体的搜寻 IV. 对 “ 磁星 ” 的挑战 V. 广阔的前景、(守时性和导航)

4 2015-11-203 近 50 年来的发现 Many discoveries over the past 50yr Many discoveries over the past 50yr – 脉冲星 – 微波背景 –Cosmic Evolution –Dark Matter in galaxies –Quasars –Jets + Superluminal motion – 引力辐射间接验证 –Aperture Synthesis –Cosmic Masers –Giant Molecular Clouds 脉冲星的发现 大约 70% 脉冲星是 Parkes 射电望远镜发现的

5 脉冲辐射的产生:灯塔模型

6 2015-11-205 PSR 0329+54, P=0.715s PSR 0833-45, P=89 毫秒 PSR 1937+21, P=1.558 毫秒 PSR 1937+21: P=0.001,557,806,448,872,75(3) 秒

7 2015-11-206 SGRs, AXPs High B Radio Pulsars Millisecond Radio Pulsars V. Kaspi 2006 GRB

8 Observations of gamma-ray pulsars

9 8 Pulses at 1/10 th true rate Where we are…

10 Thompson, astro-ph/0312272Abdo et al. 2010,ApJS

11 2015-11-2010 脉冲星研究的现状与展望 I. 研究历史简介 II. 引力波的检测 1 )间接检测 2 )直接检测 3 )作为引力波源被检测 III. 新天体的搜寻 IV. 对 “ 磁星 ” 的挑战 V 、广阔的前景

12 2015-11-2011 脉冲双星 B1913+16 Hulse & Taylor, 1975

13 2015-11-2012 Taylor, J.Astrophys.Astr. 1995

14 2015-11-2013 Post-Keplerian Timing Parameters : PSR B1913+16 Taylor, J.Astrophys.Astr.1995

15 PSR B1913+16 Weisberg, 2005

16 Weisberg &Taylor, 2004 astr-ph/0407149

17 2015-11-2016 Weisberg &Taylor, 2004 astr-ph/0407149

18 2015-11-2017 Rate of orbital period change in other gravitational theories, normalized to G.R Weisberg 2005

19 2015-11-2018

20 2015-11-2019 PSR J0737-3039 Kramer et al. 2005,astr-ph/0503386

21 2015-11-2020 PSR J0737-3039 : the advantages of Double PSR Lyne 2005

22 The future fate of B1913+16 in 50 Million Year Timesteps Size of Sun Now 250 M.Y. Weisberg 2004

23 2015-11-2022 Double Pulsar J3037-3039

24 2015-11-2023 脉冲星研究的现状与展望 I. 研究历史与已有成果 II. 引力波的检测 1 )间接检测 2 )直接检测 3 )作为引力波源被检测 III. 新天体的搜寻 IV. 脉冲星是中子星还是夸克星? V. 脉冲星 - 磁星 - 伽玛暴

25 2015-11-2024 Kip,S.T. 2001

26 大爆炸(年) 0.00001 1 100,000 1,000,000 1,000,000,000 15,000,000,000

27 2015-11-2026 Direct Observations of gravitational waves (GW) The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) Base line:5 million KM, Frequency: 10 - 1 to 10 - 4 Hz Objects: Massive BH merging … GW: nanometers

28 2015-11-2027 Direct Observations of gravitational waves (GW) Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) in the USA consisting of two facilities, one at Hanford (WA) and the other at Livingston (LA), hosting two 4-km and one 2-km interferometers

29 2015-11-2028 Possible detections of GW Possible GW

30 2015-11-2029 Gravitational wave background Pulsars=arms of huge gravitational wave detector Search for spatial patterns in timing residuals! Manchester & Lyne, 2003

31 2015-11-2030 Error in Earth Velocity Manchester & Lyne, 2003 Dipole - Opposite sign in opposite directions Quadrupole -Opposite sign in orthogonal directions

32 2015-11-2031 脉冲星研究的现状与展望 I. 研究历史与已有成果 II. 引力波的检测 1 )间接检测 2 )直接检测 3 )作为引力波源被检测 III. 新天体的搜寻 IV. 脉冲星是中子星还是夸克星? V. 脉冲星 - 磁星 - 伽玛暴

33 2015-11-2032 Neutro-star/Neutron-star Inspiral Kip,S.T. 2001

34 2015-11-2033 Binary Black Hole Mergers Kip,S.T. 2001

35 2015-11-2034 Kip S. Thorne,2001 Rogan,et al. astro- ph/0605034

36 2015-11-2035 Gravitational wave background from Big Bang For example, van Straten et al. (2001) : over 40months of observing PSR J0437-4715  obtained a residual root-mean-square of only 130 ns To be improved. ~ 3GHz or higher DM(dispersion measure)

37 2015-11-2036 脉冲星研究的现状与展望 I. 研究历史与已有成果 II. 引力波的检测 III. 新天体的搜寻 脉冲星 - 黑洞;亚毫秒脉冲星; IV. 脉冲星是中子星还是夸克星? V. 脉冲星 - 磁星 - 伽玛暴

38 2015-11-2037 The BH-PSR system 1). Strong gravitational effects; 2). Gravitational microlensing effects (Self-lensing by binary, Gould,1995) 3). Effects of event horizon! 4). Particle beam action with the BH

39 2015-11-2038 Stellar mass BH: a compact object with Mass>3Msun –neutron star  neutron degeneracy pressure balances gravity Oppenheimer –black hole  so massive that nothing can balance gravity  collapse to a point  singularity Mass of an invisible star > 3 M ⊙ : black hole ! Supernova Zhang X.N., 2005

40 2015-11-2039

41 2015-11-2040 Difficulties to search for BH-PSR system Several groups have been searching for BH- PSR system, but It does not find one! ● For shout orbit period binary: it is very difficult to find it! DM, P, Tobt, e,… ● Can we find it at X-ray bands? Zhang, Qiao, Han, 1998,PABei,16,274

42 2015-11-2041 Accretion induced collapse (AIC) of WD => 0.1ms SS Du,Xu,Qiao,Han,. MN , 2009 If a pulsar: P Quark Star!

43 2015-11-2042 Possible test of SS and NS 1. Rotational period: SS can reach sub-millisecond 2. Mass-radius. 3. Solid strange star or NS? 4. Binding energy of the surface. Bare strange star. Can we take a test from radiation: The difference between vacuum gap and free flow?

44 2015-11-2043 Neutron Stars v.s. Quark Stars Pulsars: Neutron or quark stars? “To probe pulsars by GW” R. X. Xu

45 Milestones in detecting PSRs faster and faster Spin frequency P ~ 1s (1967) Sub-ms periods (P < 1 ms) Keplerian frequency (Mass-shedding limit) Stable axis-symmetric spin (GW radiation) P = 33ms (1968) P = 1.6ms (1982) P = 1.4ms (2006) PSR 1937 Crab PSR 1748 XTE 1739 P = 0.89ms (2007)? Only possible in QS model ! “To probe pulsars by GW” R. X. Xu

46 2015-11-2045 脉冲星研究的现状与展望 I. 研究历史与已有成果 II. 引力波的检测 III. 新天体的搜寻 IV. 对 “ 磁星 ” 的挑战 V. 广阔的情景

47 2015-11-2046 反常 X 射线脉冲星( AXP ) & 软伽玛重复暴( SGR ) SGRs, AXPs High B Radio Pulsars Radio Pulsars Millisecond Radio Pulsars V. Kaspi 2006

48 2015-11-2047 Basic observations: AXP  spin periods  P : 2-- 12 s, 10 Know  P dot ≈ 10 -13 to 10 -11 s/s, spinning down  Large timing noise  E dot < L X  spin down time scales: 10 3 —10 5 yr  very soft X--ray spectra  lack of bright optical counter parts  SNR Mereghetti, et al. astroph/0205122

49 2015-11-2048 7-29-2009 Basic observations: SGR  super-outbursts  10 44 reg/s (low-energy gamma-ray and X-ray bursts)  Observations for AXP:  spin periods P: 5-- 8 s  P dot ≈ 10^-13 to 10 -11 s/s  Large timing noise  E dot <L X  soft X--ray spectra  secular spin down on time scales: 10 3 —10 5 yr  lack of bright optical counter parts  SNR Mereghetti, et al. astroph/0205122

50 2015-11-2049 Models E dot < L X ==  1)Accretion => energy 2)B => energy: Magnetar 3)Glitch NS => energy 4)Quark star => energy

51 2015-11-2050 对 magnetar 模型的挑战 射电脉冲星 J1847-0130 ● A nti-Magnetar: PSR J1718-3718 PSR J1852+0040 B ~ 9.4 × 10^13 G ; Lx = 5.3×10^33 erg/s B ~ 7.4 × 10^13 GX-ray E_dot = 3.0 × 10^32 erg s^−1 Bs = 3.1×10^10 G 强磁场 ≠ 》 X-ray 辐射 辐射 ≠ 》强磁场 Radio: XTE J1810–197 AXP 1E 1547.05408 AXP 1E2259+586, 射电 《 ≠ 》弱磁场 B ~ 5.9 × 10^13 G

52 2015-11-2051 对 magnetar 模型的挑战

53 2015-11-2052 AXP XTE J1810–197 : p= 5.54 s, B=1.7x10^14 G Camilo at al. ApJ. 2007,669,561

54 2015-11-2053 AXP XTE J1810–197 Camilo et al.2007,ApJ.659 , L37 polarimetric profiles over time and frequency.

55 2015-11-2054 AXP 1E 1547.05408 1.4–8.4 GHz. 8.4 GHz. Camilo et al.2008,ApJ. P = 2.069 s, B = 2.2 × 10^14 G, 100% linearly polarized

56 2015-11-2055 几种脉冲星的比较

57 Rea et al.,arXiv:1010.2781 56

58 persistent thermal emission requires an interior energy reservoir total internal magnetic energy B=10 15 G, E B =1.7×10 47 erg 57

59 SGR & AXP : Magnetars or Quark Stars? M crust  10^-6 M sun ---10^-5 M sun 58

60 59 SGR & AXP : Magnetars or Quark Stars? M crust  10^-6 M sun ---10^-5 M sun

61 2015-11-2060 脉冲星研究的现状与展望 I. 研究历史与已有成果 II. 引力波的检测 III. 新天体的搜寻 IV. 对 “ 磁星 ” 的挑战 V. 大设备、大前景

62 2015-11-2061 Conclusion: there is bright future Gravitational wave background from Big Bang There is a new chance for us: SKA, FAST ▬▬▬► ♣ pulsar black-hole systems  ♣ sub-millisecond pulsars  ♣ timing highly-stable millisecond pulsars: Gravitational wave background from Big Bang

63 2015-11-2062 The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) SKA (Square Kilometre Array) Cradle of Life, Probing the Dark Ages, The origin and evolution of Cosmic Magnetism, Strong field tests of gravity using PSR and BH Galaxy evolution, cosmology and dark energy, FAST (The Five-Hundred-meter Aperture Telescope) - Spectral Lines; -Pulsar Survey; -Pulsars and Gravitational Wave; -Galaxy; -Cradle of Life Arecibo : effective aperture-200m , FAST- 300m, the sensitivity is 2.25times than Arecibo.

64 2015-11-2063 Simulated Galactic pulsar population Discovered in a SKA survey of the entire sky. 20, 000 pulsars will be found!!! Cordes et al. astr- ph/0505555

65 2015-11-2064 For a background of SMBH binaries: h c = A f -2/3.1  s 5 years Expected Regime 1  s, 1 year (Current ability).1  s 10 years SKA 10 ns 5 years 40 pulsars Jenet,F. A., 2005

66 2015-11-2065 Thank you !

67 2015-11-2066 Double Binary PSR J0737-3039 Kramer et al 2005

68 2015-11-2067 A Pulsar Timing Array  Accurate timing for PSR at different directions  Improve parameters of PSR ▬▬▬► * It can direct test the GW * Background GW of massive BH * PSR timing clock

69 2015-11-2068 Other sources of GW

70 2015-11-2069 AXP XTE J1810–197 : 1.4G P^dot 及流量随时间的变化 Camilo et al.2007,ApJ.663 , 497

71 2015-11-2070 Casares, stro-ph/0612312,

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