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HELLO WORLD program in COBOL - CIS12 Please use speaker notes for additional information!

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Presentation on theme: "HELLO WORLD program in COBOL - CIS12 Please use speaker notes for additional information!"— Presentation transcript:

1 HELLO WORLD program in COBOL - CIS12 Please use speaker notes for additional information!

2 Hello World To load MicroFocus COBOL after it has been installed on your computer, go to Programs, Personal COBOL, Personal COBOL. COBOL will load.

3 Hello World I keyed in the lines of the program and saved it using File, Save As… The name I gave the file is hello.cbl. This slide talks about the IDENTIFICATION DIVISION & ENVIRONMENT DIVISION.

4 This slide talks about the DATA DIVISION. Hello World In memory, there will be a one character area called GET-ANS where the user response will be stored. GET-ANS

5 Hello World The code for the PROCEDURE DIVISION.

6 Hello World Select Compile Program to test the program and if it is correct turn it into machine language.

7 Hello World - after successful compile

8 ERROR: Command/verb DISPLAY written as DSPLAY. Hello World - compile error



11 This time I put a period after GET-ANS before the PIC X. This meant that the PIC made no sense and the GET-ANS field had a problem because it needed a PIC.

12 Hello World - compile error


14 Hello World - fix compile error Error has been corrected.

15 Hello World - execute Select Open for execution when you want to run your program.

16 Hello World - open for execution Click on to select it for execution and then click OK.

17 Hello World - executing is now open and shown on the screen. Compile/Run followed by Run will execute the program.

18 Hello World - executing

19 Hello World - execute


21 Hello World - source program loaded

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