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Best Practices for Distance Education Quality Assurance Issues Michael Simonson, Ph.D. Program Professor Instructional Technology and Distance Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Best Practices for Distance Education Quality Assurance Issues Michael Simonson, Ph.D. Program Professor Instructional Technology and Distance Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Best Practices for Distance Education Quality Assurance Issues Michael Simonson, Ph.D. Program Professor Instructional Technology and Distance Education Fischler School of Education Nova Southeastern University North Miami Beach, FL



4 Our Agenda 1.Distance Education – What do we really mean? 2.Status of Distance Education Today Who is getting into DE 3.Quality Assurance Issues 1.Distance Education – What do we really mean? 2.Status of Distance Education Today Who is getting into DE 3.Quality Assurance Issues

5 #1: Definition of Distance Education Institution-based formal education where the learning group is separated, and where interactive telecommunications systems/media are used to connect learners, resources and instructors (Simonson, 2009) Encyclopaedia Britannica’s Definition



8 #2: Status of Distance Education What is Happening ? The World – Open Source and Moodle South Dakota Florida Iowa Colleges and Universities The World – Open Source and Moodle South Dakota Florida Iowa Colleges and Universities

9 The Florida Virtual School

10 Worldwide Reach of Moodle Open Source Course Management System

11 The World is Flat Thomas Friedman “…companies will go where the knowledge is…” Coefficient of Flatness “…the flatter one’s country is – that is, the fewer natural resources it has – the better of it will be in a flat world…”








19 Critical Mass When an innovation “takes off on its own.” Critical Mass

20 #3: Question: What Do We Do? Answer: Insure Quality 1. Define Distance Education 2. Develop a Quality Plan to Implement 3. Institutionalize Distance Education

21 Indicators of Concern Dual tracks – distance learners and traditional Dual populations Dual evaluation systems Standardized courses Duplication of traditional courses –Failure to apply Equivalency Theory Poor Institutionalization Many drop-outs Many complaints Dual tracks – distance learners and traditional Dual populations Dual evaluation systems Standardized courses Duplication of traditional courses –Failure to apply Equivalency Theory Poor Institutionalization Many drop-outs Many complaints

22 Indicators of Quality A clear mission statement Faculty oversight and input Support ~24/7 Clear plans for the future Rigorous Evaluation A clear mission statement Faculty oversight and input Support ~24/7 Clear plans for the future Rigorous Evaluation

23 (Kotter, 1999 ) 3. Create a Vision 4. Communicate the Vision 5. Give Power to those who Act on the Vision 6. Plan for and Create Short-Term Wins 7. Collect Successes 8. Incorporate Distance Education Successes 1. Establish a Sense of Urgency 2. Form a Powerful Planning Group

24 Two Trends: International Distance Education Leapfrogging Standards and Accreditation


26 Create a Vision: The Digital Dakota Network – South Dakota … Start with The children …empower the workforce …promote economic development Fischler School of Education, Nova Southeastern University …cause an effect …beyond the classroom

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