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Workshop to Promote the Ratification of the Protocol on Heavy Metals across the entire UNECE Region COUNTRY REPORT OF MONTENEGRO CONSIDERING THE ISSUE.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop to Promote the Ratification of the Protocol on Heavy Metals across the entire UNECE Region COUNTRY REPORT OF MONTENEGRO CONSIDERING THE ISSUE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop to Promote the Ratification of the Protocol on Heavy Metals across the entire UNECE Region COUNTRY REPORT OF MONTENEGRO CONSIDERING THE ISSUE Prepared by Pavle Djuraskovic Yerevan, 14-16 th May 2008.

2 CLRTAP, Protocol on HM, Yerevan 14-16 th May 2008. Air quality monitoring Air quality monitoring - Air quality monitoring is carried out in Montenegro, as regular national monitoring activity on control of environmental pollution. - This program is carried out by Hydrometeorological Institute (HMI) and Center for ecotoxicological researches (CETI). - Ministry for tourism and environment protection is responsible for this issue. Monitoring program HMI Monitoring program HMI - Analysis of 24h air samples on Smoke and SO2 content (11 stations). - Analysis of 24h precipitation samples on main ionic species, pH and Conductivity (14 stations). Monitoring program CETI Monitoring program CETI - Measuring of Pb, Cd, As, Hg, Ni, Cu, Zn, Mn in TPM and air-sediment at own station network. - Measuring of Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, Ni in precipitations (annual samples). - Content of Pb, Cd, Hg, As, Mn, Zn in vegetations and bioindicators.

3 CLRTAP, Protocol on HM, Yerevan 14-16 th May 2008. EMEP monitoring (HMI) EMEP monitoring (HMI) - EMEP monitoring started in Montenegro in 1993., at the MS Zabljak, under FHMI of FRY. Technical support is carried out HMI of Montenegro - Zabljak is a small touristic town, situated at Durmitor mountain, on 1450m altitude. - Program is consisting of: - Measuring of NOx and SO2 in air samples (24h) - Measuring of ionic content, pH and conductivity in precipitation samples (24h) - Measuring of Hg, Cd, Pb in air and precipitation samples. Sampling methodology Sampling methodology - Air: air pump, absorbing solution - Precipitation: manual way, sedimentation bulk

4 CLRTAP, Protocol on HM, Yerevan 14-16 th May 2008. EMEP monitoring EMEP monitoring - Till 1998. the data was sent to the Collecting Centre for EMEP. - Since 1999. responsible for program is HMI of Montenegro. - We realize all programs except measuring of heavy metals, because HMI has not yet adequate equipment.

5 CLRTAP, Protocol on HM, Yerevan 14-16 th May 2008. Emission of heavy metals in air Emission of heavy metals in air - Cadastre (inventory) of emission sources in Montenegro doesn`t exist. - The emission process is out of adequate control. It isn`t measured emission in quantity and quality sense, as regular activity by Government or Objects-sources. - In particular cases, emission of some installations is measured, on the own requests, mostly content of CO2. In the transition process, the major sources of emission are privatised. In the transition process, the major sources of emission are privatised. However, there are some changes in recent time However, there are some changes in recent time

6 CLRTAP, Protocol on HM, Yerevan 14-16 th May 2008. In the framework of Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Italian Ministry for environment, land and sea and the Montenegrin Ministry of tourism and environment there is an ongoing project aimed at suppoting Montenegro to: In the framework of Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Italian Ministry for environment, land and sea and the Montenegrin Ministry of tourism and environment there is an ongoing project aimed at suppoting Montenegro to: - define legal framework for ratification of additional protocols, - define the responsibilities to prepare national emission inventory of pollutants included in LRTAP, - define the interaction with UNFCC GHG emission inventory, - realize emission inventory - submit emission inventory to LRTAP Convention body by the end of 2008.

7 CLRTAP, Protocol on HM, Yerevan 14-16 th May 2008. Main sources of emission Main sources of emission - There aren`t many emission sources of heavy metals in air, in Montenegro, especially a big sources. One of the rare but big is Steel Plant in Niksic. Its emission represent a great risk for population health. - Main sources of emission are subject to have integrated permit in accordance to the Law on IPPC. The IPPC Law regulates environmental pollution prevention and control through the system of issuing integrated permits for installations and activities that may have negative impacts on human health, environment or material resources. Integrated permits must be based on the concept of BAT. Limit values Limit values -Adoption of the Regulation on limit values for pollutant emissions from stationary sources into the air (including stationary source categories referred to in Anex II of the Protocol on heavy metals) is planned for 2nd quarter 2009.

8 CLRTAP, Protocol on HM, Yerevan 14-16 th May 2008. Fuel consumption Fuel consumption - In Montenegro is used liquid fuel with lead. - A new Regulation on the quality of petroleum-derived liquid fuels will be adopted in 3rd quarter of 2008. This Regulation will prescribe the limited values for total content of sulphur, lead, olefins, aromatics, benzene, oxygen, water, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, oxygenates and other parameters of petroleum- derived liquid fuels that may be placed on the domestic market, the method of determining the quality of petroleum-derived liquid fuels and the method of certifying conformity. On the date of the entry into force of this Regulation, the maximum lead content in diesel fuel placed on the domestic market shall not exceed 0,005 g/l. Also, there isn`t any measures for limitation and reduction of Hg, Pb, Cd content in products, as termometers, sweaches i.e.) Also, there isn`t any measures for limitation and reduction of Hg, Pb, Cd content in products, as termometers, sweaches i.e.)

9 CLRTAP, Protocol on HM, Yerevan 14-16 th May 2008. Preparing process of ratification of CLRTAP Preparing process of ratification of CLRTAP - Montenegro took over UNECE CLRTAP and the Protocol on Long-Term Financing of the Co-operative Program for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutant in Europe (EMEP), by succession in 2006. In order to achieve the full implementation of the LTRAP, medium term priorities, defined by the National program for integration of Montenegro into the EU for the period 2008 – 2012, refer to the continuation of adoption of laws on ratification of other seven protocols under this Convention in 2009, including the Protocols on Heavy Metals. In line with a recent Agreement made between UNECE and the Netherlands Ministry for Development Cooperation concerning the UNECE CLRTAP a new project for the Convention aimed at providing capacity-building to enable five countries from the South-East Europe region, including Montenegro, to draw up a plan for implementation and ratification of three protocols to the Convention (the Protocol on Heavy Metals, the Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants and the 1999 Gothenburg Protocol) and to complete the ratification processes has been launched. The project is planned initially for three years and the total funds available to Montenegro are US$ 135,000. The objective of the project is development of a National Action Plan to describe how the project will be implemented and when accession to the three protocols will take place. A designated Montenegro organization to facilitate implementation of this project is Hydrometeorological Institute of Montenegro. In line with a recent Agreement made between UNECE and the Netherlands Ministry for Development Cooperation concerning the UNECE CLRTAP a new project for the Convention aimed at providing capacity-building to enable five countries from the South-East Europe region, including Montenegro, to draw up a plan for implementation and ratification of three protocols to the Convention (the Protocol on Heavy Metals, the Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants and the 1999 Gothenburg Protocol) and to complete the ratification processes has been launched. The project is planned initially for three years and the total funds available to Montenegro are US$ 135,000. The objective of the project is development of a National Action Plan to describe how the project will be implemented and when accession to the three protocols will take place. A designated Montenegro organization to facilitate implementation of this project is Hydrometeorological Institute of Montenegro.

10 Tank for your attention !

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