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The Third Moscow International Solar System Symposium. Moscow, 8-12 October 2012 3MS 3 -MN-11 LANDING DYNAMICS ON THE «LUNA-GLOB» PROJECT Sikharulidze.

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Presentation on theme: "The Third Moscow International Solar System Symposium. Moscow, 8-12 October 2012 3MS 3 -MN-11 LANDING DYNAMICS ON THE «LUNA-GLOB» PROJECT Sikharulidze."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Third Moscow International Solar System Symposium. Moscow, 8-12 October 2012 3MS 3 -MN-11 LANDING DYNAMICS ON THE «LUNA-GLOB» PROJECT Sikharulidze Yu.G., Zhukov B.I., Tuchin A.G. (Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathemathics RAS) Zaiko Yu.K., Fedotov V.P., Likhachov V.N., Rozin P.E. (Lavochkin Design Center)

2 The Third Moscow International Solar System Symposium. Moscow, 8-12 October 2012 3MS 3 -MN-11

3 The Third Moscow International Solar System Symposium. Moscow, 8-12 October 2012 3MS 3 -MN-11 1. Phases of Landing Trajectory

4 The Third Moscow International Solar System Symposium. Moscow, 8-12 October 2012 3MS 3 -MN-11 Range of the initial true anomaly -10 o  o  +10 o Variation of the initial time  3 min De-orbit point shift  306 km Propellant consumption 389 kg (initial Lander mass 911 kg) The optimal pitch angle guidance and linear pitch law Engine C1.154.0000.0-0 with thrust of 420  20 kgf (tolerance) Regulation range 400  480 kgf (+13  -33 km) 2. Main Deceleration Phase 1 with Downrange Maneuver

5 The Third Moscow International Solar System Symposium. Moscow, 8-12 October 2012 3MS 3 -MN-11 Terminal guidance algorithm with numerical prediction of remaining trajectory (Numerical Predictor-Corrector NPC). Two-parametric guidance:  (t)=  0 + t. Three predicted trajectories. Multistep process:  t guid =1 s,  t stab =0.05 s. Linear correction of guidance parameters:  0i =  0i-1 +   0i i = i-1 +  i 3. Numerical Predictor-Corrector

6 The Third Moscow International Solar System Symposium. Moscow, 8-12 October 2012 3MS 3 -MN-11 Terminal conditions for the Phase 1: V n1 =0 (stop of prediction), V r1 =-5 m/s, h 1 =1500 m (corrected values). Adaptation algorithm: m(t)=? P(t)=? Phantom acceleration: W=P/m=P/(m 0 -│dm/dt│t)=g 0 P sp /(  -t), where  =m 0 /│dm/dt│- “total burning time”. Measurements W 1 for t 1 and W 2 for t 2 → parameters of adaptation , P sp 4. Algorithm of Adaptation

7 The Third Moscow International Solar System Symposium. Moscow, 8-12 October 2012 3MS 3 -MN-11 Numerical derivative ∂Φ/∂P=-0.021 deg/kgf. Predicted angular error due to thrust variation and de-orbit point shift: ΔΦ i pred. Thrust correction: ΔP= -ΔΦ i pred /(∂Φ/∂P). Thrust is unknown. P, kgf Δ  o, deg h 1, mV r, m/sΔm prop, kg 42001504-5.00 44001499-5.00 40001500-4.60 446.3+0.51504-5.2-0.3 396.7-0.51499-5.0+0.3 5. Thrust Correction

8 The Third Moscow International Solar System Symposium. Moscow, 8-12 October 2012 3MS 3 -MN-11 6. Phase 1. Trajectory with Linear Pitch Guidance

9 The Third Moscow International Solar System Symposium. Moscow, 8-12 October 2012 3MS 3 -MN-11 Engine C1.154.0000.0-0 with thrust of 420  20 kgf (tolerance) Regulation range 400  480 kgf Initial errors: ΔΦ 1, Δh 1, ΔV r1. Corrected values: V r2 =-5 m/s, h 2 =50 m, ΔΦ 2 =0 Parameters of control:  2 (t 2 )=  02 + 2t2, t ign2 – time ignition (ignition altitude h ign2 ). Four predicted trajectories. Linear correction of guidance parameters:  0i =  0i-1 +  0i, i = i-1 +  i, t ign2(i) = t ign2(i-1) +  t ign2(i) 7. Phase 2. Precision Deceleration

10 The Third Moscow International Solar System Symposium. Moscow, 8-12 October 2012 3MS 3 -MN-11 After engine ignition: two-parametric control & thrust regulation  0i =  0i-1 +   0i, i = i-1 +  i Numerical derivative ∂P/∂h=1.14 kgf/m. Measurements of phantom acceleration W→ , P sp. Thrust correction ΔP=- Δh/(∂P/∂h), Δh=h pred2 -h 2. Thrust is unknown. 8. Phase 2. Adaptation Algorithm

11 The Third Moscow International Solar System Symposium. Moscow, 8-12 October 2012 3MS 3 -MN-11 9. Phase 2. Parameters of Nominal Trajectory

12 The Third Moscow International Solar System Symposium. Moscow, 8-12 October 2012 3MS 3 -MN-11 10. Phase 2. Correction of Initial Downrange Error

13 The Third Moscow International Solar System Symposium. Moscow, 8-12 October 2012 3MS 3 -MN-11 11. Phase 2. Correction of Initial Velocity Error

14 The Third Moscow International Solar System Symposium. Moscow, 8-12 October 2012 3MS 3 -MN-11 12. Phase 3. Landing on the Moon Engine 2554.487.00-0 Thrust 2x(65±5) kgf (tolerance), without thrust regulation. Specific thrust 287.7±5 s (tolerance) Terminal conditions: altitude 0.3 m, vertical velocity -2.5±1 m/s, side velocity ≤1 m/s Single control parameter: t ign3 – time of engine ignition.

15 The Third Moscow International Solar System Symposium. Moscow, 8-12 October 2012 3MS 3 -MN-11 13. Phase 3. Single-parameter guidance

16 The Third Moscow International Solar System Symposium. Moscow, 8-12 October 2012 3MS 3 -MN-11 14. Phase 3. Two-parameter guidance

17 The Third Moscow International Solar System Symposium. Moscow, 8-12 October 2012 3MS 3 -MN-11 15. Phase 3. Simulation Results ParametersThrust, kgfComments 120130110 h ign1, m43.3 The first ignition h off1, m10.517.60.3 h ign2, m6.510.6-The second ignition h off1, m0.3 -  m prop3, kg 0-0.1-0.9Propellant consumption

18 The Third Moscow International Solar System Symposium. Moscow, 8-12 October 2012 3MS 3 -MN-11 16. Results 1. The terminal guidance algorithm (NPC) with adaptation to real motion conditions was developed for landing on the Moon. 2. For the Phase 1 NPC provides compensation of initial de- orbit point error within ±0.5 o or ±15 km in downrange (±9 s). 3. For the Phase 2 NPC provides compensation of initial errors within ±40 m in downrange or ±2 m/s in side velocity by the pith angle of ±20 o from the local vertical. 4. For the Phase 3 NPC provides adaptation to the real motion conditions.

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