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Brendan Casey, Jim Strait, Sergei Nagaitsev Fermilab Wine & Cheese Seminar September 2, 2011 FNAL Now, LBNE, Project X Special thanks to Sam.

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Presentation on theme: "Brendan Casey, Jim Strait, Sergei Nagaitsev Fermilab Wine & Cheese Seminar September 2, 2011 FNAL Now, LBNE, Project X Special thanks to Sam."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brendan Casey, Jim Strait, Sergei Nagaitsev Fermilab Wine & Cheese Seminar September 2, 2011 Intensity @ FNAL Now, LBNE, Project X Special thanks to Sam Zeller, Joachim Kopp, Bob Tschirhart, Rob Plunkett, Boris Kayser, Milind Diwan, Gina Rameika Bob Zwaska, Mark Messier, Brian Rebel, Chris Polly, Ron Ray, Dave Christian, Alan Bross, Bob Bernstein

2 Outline Program overview with a focus on Project X All experiments covered have 3 things in common  Very ambitious goals  Technically challenging  It is up to all of us to make them happen Jim will talk about the LBNE project  Including non-accelerator physics Sergei will talk about Project X Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 2  N s

3 Goals Understand new TeV scale physics with the highest precision measurements  10 4 TeV sensitivity with muons and Kaons Probe the GUT scale  Neutrinos and proton decay Ground breaking, game changing discoveries  Charged lepton flavor violation  Neutrino CP Violation  Permanent electric dipole moments Core measurements  Understand anomalies in neutrino physics Minerva, microBooNe, MIPP…  Nuclear physics SeaQuest… Understand how accelerators can tackle global problems  Nuclear waste transmutation test facility Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 3 10 4 TeV 10 2 TeV 1 TeV 10 16 GeV 10 -20 eV LHC KK EDMs  p

4 Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 4 birth childhood teenage maturity generations of physics around the world 2007: International steering group, workshops, P5 Optimizing the program Mature concepts, international participation

5 Project X Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 5 2 MW @ 60-120 GeV Up to few hundred kW @ 8 GeV LBNE g-2,  EDM Short baseline factory K+K+ K0K0 Rare isotopes, EDMs Nuclear energy and waste transmutation test facility 1 GeV possible ~3 MW high duty factor @ 3 GeV  N  eN  EDM  e , eee  + e    e + Nearly all experiments at the same time!

6 Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 6  N e Project X Muons N

7 Muon Program Goal:  Discover charged lepton flavor violation  Understand the underlying symmetry breaking mechanism Tools:  Flavor conserving observables g-2 …  Flavor violating observables  N  eN,  e ,  eee,  e  e   CP violating observables Electron and Muon EDMs Why Project X:  Greatest flexability of any planned muon source  Enough statistics to have a rich program beyond discovery Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 7 New set of operators:

8 Kick starting the program: The new g-2 experiment Follow up of BNL experiment but better:  Reuse the storage ring  10x longer decay channel  Segmented calorimeters  Tracking  >20x statistics, >2x less systematics Coupled with a world wide program to interpret the measurement Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 8 target ring Pbar complex

9 BNL  FNAL Leah Welty-Rieger Mandy Rominsky Kelly Hardin Chris Polly Brendan Casey It’s Happening! Removed insulationBegan disassembly Loaded the truck Delivered to Cornell, FNAL, Regis

10 Discovering Lepton Flavor Violation Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 10 N  e p e  m  Theoretical advantage: unique sensitivity to several mechanisms of flavor violation Best chance for an unambiguous, background free discovery is the  N  eN process Experimental advantage: Monochromatic e above Michel endpoint From Marciano :

11 Mu2e Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 11 Mu2e sensitivity: 3 x10 -17 (  NP ~10 4 TeV) signal bkg 104 MeV pepe Expectation for a SUSY inspired rate Sensitivity with booster based experiment = 3 x 10 -17 (10 4 TeV)

12 Discovering lepton flavor violation with Project X Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 12 Build on the lessons learned from Mu2e Sensitivity of 3 x 10 -19 possible with Project X

13 Beyond Discovery Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 13 Once lepton flavor violation is discovered, Project X would allow a diverse, precision LFV program to disentangle underlying physics Conversion rate vrs target Z for  N  eN Vector current Scalar current dipole Ratio of  e  /  N  eN tan  negative sign(  ) positive sign(  ) SUSY: B (  e  × B (  eee  Little Higgs: B (  e  B (  eee   F   e   e   

14 Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 14 d s Project X Kaons

15 Kaon Program Goal:  Study new TeV physics discovered at the LHC, particularly couplings and symmetries that cant be studied at the LHC  Probe flavor dynamics well above the the TeV scale Tools:  Precision measurements of K     and K      Unique sensitivity due to small and well understood SM rate Why Project X:  Only planned machine that can deliver order 1000 event samples in both modes at the SM branching fraction Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 15 Bryman, Marciano, Tschirhart, Yamanaka (2011)

16      stopped K experiment Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 16 1 st 2 nd 3 rd generation at BNL = 7 event data sample BNL E787 event display    e

17 Proposal to construct the Project X detector. Depending on schedules, could take a first data run with beam from the Main Injector  First few hundred events Commissioned, day 1 detector ready for the Project X data sets  Thosuands of events Updated proposal will be presented to the PAC in November. Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 17 P996:     K + Increased segmentation, improved readout, compared to BNL

18 Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 18      vertex + veto  0 momentum and decay position determined from kinematics and constraints Veto       and other backgrounds Technique demonstrated at KEK E391a:      < 6.7×10 -8 @90% PRL 100, 201802 (2008) pT0)pT0) Vertex position    pencil beam

19 Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 19      time of flight  0 momentum and vertex from calorimeter Veto       and other backgrounds    Can define the time between the Kaon production and decay positions with a micro- bunched beam Can then work in the Kaon COM frame

20      @ Project X Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 20 Pico-bunches Pencil beam 200 events per year possible with Project X Very large hole in understanding TeV scale without this measurement Pointing Flexibility: optimal beam structure Intensity: Pencil beam

21 Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 21  s Project XEDMs 

22 EDM program Goal  Discover EDMs or set the most stringent constraints Tools  The ideal atoms:  Nuclear EDM: large octuple deformation  Electron EDM: High Z alkali metals Why Project X  The ideal atoms have short lifetimes  The ISOL facility at Project X can produce greater than 10 12 isotopes per second compared to ~10 8 /s in reactors Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 22 Protons Th Ra Rn Fr

23 Good atomic EDM candidates Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 23 Octupole deformed nucleus for nuclear EDMs 225 Ra 2 to 3 orders of magnitude enhancement compared to Hg Alkali metals with outer electron in S wave for electron EDMs 211 Fr Order of magnitude sensitivity compared to Cs ANL exp PRL 98, 093001 (2007) Dobaczewski, Engel PRL 94, 232502 (2005)

24 Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 24 e Project X Neutrinos   e

25 Neutrino Program Goal:  Discover new source of CP violation and new flavor symmetries  Understand neutrinos to maximize their potential as a tool of science  Precision physics through neutrino interferometry Tools:  Large detectors  Well defined initial state  variable L/E Why Project X:  10 years with Project X = 30 years without Project X Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 25 Power (kW) Energy (GeV) Booster based Project X

26   spectrum e excess  13 Interferometry Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 26  deficit Precision  23 New ultra weak interaction Mass hierarchy and CPV  e    

27 LBNE Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 27 To get from here to here is 10 years with Project X and 30 years without Project X 3  contours @ 700 kW  5  contours @ 2.3 MW Grateful acknowledgment to Sam Zeller, Joachim Kopp, and Boris Kyser for help with this section 33

28 Expanded Short Baseline Program Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 28 G. Mention S 1 km Minerva X ~1 year A. Bross, NuFact’11 Very Low Energy Neutrino Factory Lianyan Zhu 60 m

29 Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 29 Project X Opportunities Physicsdetectors DAQ accelerators Discoveries, precision measurements, Large # of thesis topics Low mass tracking, ultra precise calorimetry, large area PMTs, LAr… compact front end, digitize everything, store everything… SCRF, cold  and n, factories,  colliders, ADS, transmutation…

30 Opportunities DOE Office of Science sponsored workshop Intensity frontier physics What can be done with current facilities? What are the requirements of future facilities? A mini Snowmass for the intensity frontier Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 30

31 The time to join is now! Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 31  N s + Im   P996    

32 Conclusions Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 32 We have an exciting future! Very ambitious, technically challenging, it is up to us to make it happen.  N s

33 Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 33 Backup

34 Core nuclear physics Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 34 u uu q from MI proton q from sea in target     Dimuons from Drell-Yan Project X Nuclear facility

35 Understanding neutrinos Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 35 Signal Backgrounds production

36 Expanded 8 GeV program Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 36 Want high power, short baseline to cover this Want high stats at low E to cover 2 nd max (why we have WBB) Low energy  storage ring for this Upgraded power at 8 GeV for high low E rate G. Mention A. Bross, NuFact’11 S

37 Interferometry I: NoVA Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 37 e e normal inverted  13 = 15   13 = 10  (T2K)  13 = 5  Ash River site construction completed 6/4/2011 Taking data in the near, on surface detector NOW! M. Messier

38 Interferometry II: MINOS+ Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 38 Example Interference with sterile neutrinos propagating in extra dimensions Look for effects away from the oscillation maxima Machado, Nunokawa, Funchal PRD 84, 013003 (2011) Points: MINOS now Blue band: MINOS plus

39 Neutrinos: Evolution towards Project X SM: Pattern of neutrino masses and mixings  Long baseline experiments: MINOS  NOvA  LBNE Beyond SM: Explore cracks in our understanding: sterile neutrinos? Anomalous interactions?  Short baseline experiments: MiniBooNE  MicroBooNE  experiments with Project X (8 GeV and/or 3 GeV)  Long baseline experiments: MINOS  MINOS+  NOvA  LBNE Neutrino physics measurements as a probe of nuclear structure and support of oscillation experiments  Dedicated experiment: MINERvA P.Oddone, Project X Accelerator and Physics, LP2011, Mumbai 39

40 Other Kaon measurements Fermilab W&C 9/2/2011 40 Enormous data sets + multipurpose detectors = lots of physics Plus many more

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