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English 9 Daily Journal Notes Choices Activity What is a Utopian Society? If you were given the chance to recreate society to create a Utopia, what factors.

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2 English 9 Daily Journal Notes Choices Activity

3 What is a Utopian Society? If you were given the chance to recreate society to create a Utopia, what factors are essential to making this a successful reality?

4 Author: Lois Lowry Genre: Science Fiction Setting: Futuristic Society, where choices have been eliminated for its citizens.  Utopia

5 Characters:  Jonas- The main character of the novel. He is 11/12 year old and must choose between a world of “sameness” or one of joy, pain, and surprises after he is assigned the job of The Receiver.  Lily- 7/8 year old sister of Jonas  Asher- Jonas’ best friend. Assigned the role of Director of Recreation.  Fiona- A friend to Jonas and she is assigned the role of Caretaker of the Old.  The Giver- Was the community’s Receiver, however, now he has become The Giver as he trains Jonas in his new assignment.  Gabriel- An infant Jonas’ father brings home in hopes of helping him before he is released from the community.

6 Themes- the overarching idea or issue the author is trying to make through the characters and situations in the story.  Making Choices- As Jonas completes his training for his new Assignment as The Receiver, he is faced with several choices.  The Importance of Memory- This is one of the most important themes in the novel. Members of the community must decide the importance of memory to human life.  Individuality- Throughout the novel, Jonas must decide if “sameness” is more important and beneficial to human life than being an individual (being who you are).

7 Classifying: Making Choices.  On a separate sheet of paper, brainstorm things you do every day.  List as many things as you can. (at least 20)

8 Classify each activity on your list as either 1) Completely your choice, 2) You have some choice, or 3) You have no choice in the matter You will share your answers with the class.




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