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Урок в 5 классе по теме: «Путешествие в мир цветов» Выполнила: Каргаева Дина Ученица 5 «б» класса.

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Presentation on theme: "Урок в 5 классе по теме: «Путешествие в мир цветов» Выполнила: Каргаева Дина Ученица 5 «б» класса."— Presentation transcript:


2 Урок в 5 классе по теме: «Путешествие в мир цветов» Выполнила: Каргаева Дина Ученица 5 «б» класса

3 Цели:  образовательные: обобщение и закрепление знаний по теме «Цветы».  развивающие: развитие языковых, индивидуальных и интеллектуальных способностей.

4 I like flowers that are bright, I like flowers that are white. I like flowers with a nice smell, That blossom in gardens so well.

5 What flower is it? It is a rose. (роза)

6 It is a сhrysanthemum (Хризантема)

7 It is a tulip. (тюльпан) What flower is it?

8 It is a pansy (Анютины глазки)

9 It is a daffodil. (нарцисс) What flower is it?

10 It is a sunflower. (подсолнух)

11 It is a violet (Фиалка)

12 It is a cornflower (Василек)

13 It is a lily. (лилия) What flower is it?

14 , It is a poppy (Мак)

15 What flower is it? It is a carnation. (гвоздика)

16 It is a snowdrop (Подснежник)

17 What flower is it? It is a orchid. (орхидея)

18 It is a lily-of-the-valley (Ландыш)

19 Azalea It is a azalea (азалия)

20 What flower is it? It is a daisy. (маргаритка)

21 It is a bluebell (Колокольчик)

22 bluebell poppy Make up words: 1.b, l, u, l, e, l, b, e- 2.p, y, p, o, p - 3.d, w, o, r, o, s, n, p - 4.p, i, t, u, l - snowdrop tulip

23 Find the names of flowers violetlilydaisypeonyrosecarnationasterlilac violet lily daisy peony rose carnation aster lilac

24 Riddles 1. It’s leaves look like green hearts and blossoms are like bells. 2. People use this plant to make beer. 3. This flower appears when there is still snow on the ground. 4. Leaves of this flower are used by frogs as chairs. morning glory hop snowdrop water lily

25 Choose the correct translation. 1.April showers bring May flowers. 2.A flower blooms more than once. 3. As welcome as flowers in May. 4.Life is not a bed of roses. Нет худа без добра April showers bring May flowers.

26 Match the symbols and their countries England Scotland Northern Ireland Wales

27 Remember! 1. Take care and protect wild flowers. 2. Grow flowers at home. They decorate our life. 3. Give flowers to each other as a sign of respect, friend ship and love. 4. Don’t pick up flowers without need, as many of them multiply by seeds. 5. Look after flowers and they’ll give you their beauty with gratitude.


29 вальс цветов Recourses of Internet

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