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GWDC Older Worker Workgroup Draft Policy Recommendations Chuck Johnson, Chair GWDC Quarterly Meeting May 13, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "GWDC Older Worker Workgroup Draft Policy Recommendations Chuck Johnson, Chair GWDC Quarterly Meeting May 13, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 GWDC Older Worker Workgroup Draft Policy Recommendations Chuck Johnson, Chair GWDC Quarterly Meeting May 13, 2010

2 2 Workgroup Overview Charge – To retain, encourage and support older workers to maximize the potential of Minnesota’s workforce Point of Clarification – What do we mean by “older worker?”

3 3 Policy Areas and Guiding Themes Guiding Theme To develop public policy support for extending the work-life of Minnesota’s aging labor-force Policy Areas Continuous access to training for individuals Helping employers recognize the critical role and ROI of retaining, support and encouraging aging workers State’s role to increase public awareness

4 4 Policy Area—Training for Individuals 1.Establish programs to help pay for additional training and continuing education 2.Expand access statewide to resources, tools and support mechanisms for business development tailored for aging entrepreneurs 3.Support efforts towards developing standards that give academic degree credit for work- based competencies, completed credentials or completed continuing education to obtain post- secondary credentials

5 5 Policy Area—Helping Employers 4.Promote and encourage employers to establish flexible HR policies that include variable work options and recognize efforts to establish caregiver support programs 5.Promote and encourage employers to offer skill-building opportunities to incumbent workers to prevent/divert dislocation and increase retention

6 6 Policy Area—State Role 6.Assess and improve the Workforce system capacity to help aging workers re-enter or re- career 7.Establish a Business Mature Worker Taskforce 8.Create/Sustain public recruitment campaign of aging workers 9.Promote and establish encore employment models 10.Study pension and retirement policies

7 7 Older Workers Group—Concluding Remarks Wrap-up To develop public policy support for extending the work-life of Minnesota’s aging labor-force Critical importance of raising the awareness about the changing demographics—the aging of the labor force Next meeting—June 11 Will be revisiting recommendations Welcome feedback-suggestions-comments

8 8 Older Worker Staff Contact Information Mary Olsen Baker Planner, Transform 2010 Minnesota Department of Human Services 651-431-2568 Minnesota Governor’s Workforce Development Council 651-259-7568

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