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Leadership SGA Leadership Conference.  Dane Walker President  Kevin Webb Vic-President  Roxzann Bennett-Treasurer  Tiffany Andujo-Secretary  Labaron.

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1 Leadership SGA Leadership Conference

2  Dane Walker President  Kevin Webb Vic-President  Roxzann Bennett-Treasurer  Tiffany Andujo-Secretary  Labaron Spencer-Sargent At Arms  Jeremy Bailey-Reporter

3 Students not respecting the center as their temporary home, resulting in vandalism.

4 Leadership SGA Leadership Conference Convey to the students that the good of the many out way the good of the one, and that extra maintenance cost results in less entertainment for students.

5 Leadership SGA Leadership Conference Steps to Accomplish Task Person Responsible Due Date post a progressive sign recognizing days with out vandalism. All SGA members/volunteers June 1 st 2015 Keep medical staff and management aware of possible anger management issues. comunity July 14 th 2015 More activities to keep students busy. Secretary May 15 th 2015

6 Leadership SGA Leadership Conference Steps to Accomplish Task Person Responsible Due Date Contact maintenance & trade instructors to get supplies to create signs. Reporter June 10 th 2015 Student awareness meetings. SGA Vice President July 31 st 2015 Assign SGA students with the responsibilities of doing the activities President May 31 st 2015

7 Leadership SGA Leadership Conference Steps to Accomplish Task Person Responsible Due Date Have open meetings SGA president 07/09/15 Make solution suggestion boxes SGA trade students 05/22/15

8 Leadership SGA Leadership Conference Regular updates from maintenance & residential staff yield less repairs.

9 Leadership SGA Leadership Conference Benefit of our efforts Staff and students will be involved in decreasing vandalism at Frenchburg job corps center with in the next 6 months, which improves life on center, by leaving more funds for other things. This will result in better staff, and student morale, as well as create a sense of pride and ownership.

10 Leadership SGA Leadership Conference We know what the last 50 years held, and the concept it started as. It is up to us to mold what it becomes in the next half century.

11 Leadership SGA Leadership Conference  “Scrub ’em up, get some tapeworms out of their bellies and get ’em to where they get up at 6 o’clock in the morning, work all day. And then we can get ’em to where they can serve,”  ----------Lyndon Johnson

12 Leadership SGA Leadership Conference In the 50 years since, Job Corps has made a difference in many lives. George Foreman learned to box at a Job Corps center and said later that it turned him from a street brawler into a heavyweight champ. Alumni include doctors, small-business owners and the chief judge of Idaho’s state court of appeals.

13 Leadership SGA Leadership Conference

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