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Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) This virus causes HIV infection and AIDS The HIV infected person may, or may not have AIDS. They may, or may not, have.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) This virus causes HIV infection and AIDS The HIV infected person may, or may not have AIDS. They may, or may not, have."— Presentation transcript:


2 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) This virus causes HIV infection and AIDS The HIV infected person may, or may not have AIDS. They may, or may not, have signs or symptoms of illness but are still infectious to others.

3 Signs & Symptoms Early Warning Signs might include: fever, skin rash, diarrhea, swollen glands, night sweats, fatigue, cough, oral problems, repeated vaginal infections, and or weight loss ****Remember other illnesses may cause similar symptoms

4 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Confirmed positive test for HIV/AIDS Immuno-compromised status (low T-cell count (below 200)) The presence of an opportunistic infection or AIDS related cancer

5 The Clinical Syndrome - HIV Immune deficiency Opportunistic infections: Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Herpes … Malignancies: Lymphomas Neurological Deficits: Dementia

6 The Clinical Syndrome Weight loss Fever Night sweat Diarrhea Fatigue Adenopathy (swollen glands)

7 From infection to disease: Pathophysiology Infected body fluids are introduced into the body of an uninfected person The HIV virus crosses into the T-4 Cell count The virus uses the genetic mechanisms of the cell to produce millions of new viruses The cell dies and the new viruses are released into the blood to infect new un- infected cells The T-4 cells are killed and the patient becomes immuno deficient The person becomes susceptible to opportunistic infections or AIDS related cancers.

8 Progression of HIV (4 Stages) Stage 1: Exposure Infection (3 weeks-3 months) Stage 2: HIV (+) AIDS (-) Asymptomatic (5-10 years) Stage 3: HIV (+) AIDS (-) Symptomatic (1-3 years) Stage 4: HIV (+) AIDS (+) (1-2 years)

9 Modes of Transmission Sexual Sharing IV equipment and drugs Perinatal (mother to child at birth) Blood

10 Fluids with HIGH concentration of HIV Semen Blood & blood components Menstrual flow Vaginal secretions Pre-ejaculatory fluid Breast milk Cerebral spinal fluid

11 Fluids with LOW concentration of HIV Pus Saliva Tears Urine Feces Vomit Nasal Mucous

12 Prevention Abstinence from all HIV risky behaviours (sex, sharing needles, tattoos, piercing …)

13 Ways to reduce risk Universal Precautions Safe Sex Barrier methods Avoidance of alcohol/drug use Resisting negative peer pressure

14 Treatment none available Antiretroviral drugs - medications for the treatment of infection by retroviruses, primarily HIV. When several such drugs, typically three or four, are taken in combination, the approach is known as Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy, or HAART. retrovirusesHIV

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