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INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE AND TRENDS IN EIA FOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Clive George EIA Centre and Institute for Development Policy and Management University.

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Presentation on theme: "INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE AND TRENDS IN EIA FOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Clive George EIA Centre and Institute for Development Policy and Management University."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE AND TRENDS IN EIA FOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Clive George EIA Centre and Institute for Development Policy and Management University of Manchester, UK SEPA/World Bank/DFID workshop Beijing 21-22 March 2005

2 International experience - background n USA – NEPA 1970 n EU – EIA Directive 1985 n Russia – State Ecological Expertise 1985  NOTE – all had extensive environmental legislation prior to EIA  EIA introduced to “fill the gaps” (mainly for large or complex projects) n World Bank OD 4.01 1990  NOTE – similarities and differences compared with national EIA systems Ongoing legislative/procedural improvements: n UK Environmental Protection Act 1990 n UK Environment Agency 1996 n EU Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Directive 1996 n Revised EU EIA Directive 1997 n World Bank OP 4.01 1999 n EU SEA Directive 2001 (in force 2004)

3 International experience – examples of good practice Case study examples from: Lee and George (2000) Environmental Assessment in Developing and Transitional Countries, Wiley, Chichester n air pollution impacts – Bidadi Hobli, India n seismic impacts – Xiaolangdi, China n ecological impacts - Chevron, Namibia n social impacts – Xiaolangdi, China n strategic impacts – coastal development, Egypt

4 Improving EIA – issues n quality of EIA studies - strengthening the review system n assessment of alternatives - mainstreaming into project design n improving cost-effectiveness n refining screening and scoping mechanisms  simplifying the system for simple projects  strengthening the system for complex projects n integrated decision-making and trade-offs n improving public involvement n follow-up - environmental management plans, monitoring and enforcement n biodiversity impacts n transboundary and global impacts n strategic issues derived from MENA Regional EIA Directors’ workshop, Tunis, 2002

5 Quality of EIA studies n mainstreaming into project design - begin early, assess alternatives n independent consultants?  the case of Turkey n authorised consultants?  the case of Bulgaria n strengthening the review system n competence of the competent authority  the case of Rades Power Plant, Tunis

6 Screening and scoping - full EIA and simple EIA Full EIA For major or complex projects Beware compromise   Simple EIA For simple routine projects (may be covered by pollution control or landuse planning regulations, not EIA) ComplexSimple Science-basedRule-based Individual scope (ToR)Standard scope (ToR) Impact identification, prediction and evaluation Define emissions, discharges, and compliance with physical plans and design requirements Equivalent to World Bank category A Equivalent to World Bank category B Examples of success – Egypt, Tunisia

7 Integrated decision-making n environmental decisions  availability of standards or policies n sustainability decisions  environmental, social and economic trade-offs  environmental economics (limited validity)  value judgements – political/technical/public  the case of Manchester airport

8 Public involvement n good governance n source of environmental knowledge n source of free technical expertise n validation of EIA quality  the case of UK road schemes n source of free monitoring capacity  use of NGOs in India n early warning of unexpected concerns  the case of UK recycling (Leicester)

9 Follow-up n Environmental Management Plans  World Bank OP 4.01 Annex C n monitoring and enforcement  the case of Tanzania n the need for resources  co-ordination with other national, local and sectoral environmental authorities  quality of legislation  the case of UK environmental law

10 Strategic issues n can often be assessed only by checking compliance with national, regional or local policy n SEA as policy development  the case of China’s energy policy n SEA as problem-solving  the case of Egyptian coastal degradation n transboundary impacts  Europe’s Espoo Convention on EIA  the Danube Convention  the Mekong Convention n global impacts  Kyoto commitments  commitments under Convention on Biological Diversity, Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), Hazardous Wastes (Basel Convention) etc.

11 Biodiversity impacts n Guidelines for Incorporating Biodiversity-Related Issues into Environmental Impact Assessment Legislation and/or Process and in Strategic Environmental Assessment CBD COP 6 2002 Decision VI/7 Annex n Capacity Building in Biodiversity and Impact Assessment, International Association for Impact Assessment BIA/CBBIA%20Inception%20Report%20(1).doc

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