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She has A heart that never hardens, A touch that never hurts, A soul that never retires. Yet, she dares to be a Woman. She never dies a natural death.

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Presentation on theme: "She has A heart that never hardens, A touch that never hurts, A soul that never retires. Yet, she dares to be a Woman. She never dies a natural death."— Presentation transcript:


2 She has A heart that never hardens, A touch that never hurts, A soul that never retires. Yet, she dares to be a Woman. She never dies a natural death but is murdered by ego, attitude and ignorance, She never lives for herself but exists for others, She never paid heed to others as she loved others, Yes, she is a Woman and dares to be a Woman!

3 Women around the world share many common health concerns. And health is something to be nurtured in order to prevent illness and disease.

4 Why emphasis on women health?

5 Because A woman’s health is a reflection of her:  Family genetics  Culture  Social norms  Economics  Physical Environment  Daily actions

6 Access to Health Services is a problem to many….


8 Slum Population all over India is 40 million !!!

9 4% 0f total Indian population lives in slums Slums=Poverty Very poor hygiene conditions No sanitation Poor healthcare Poor living conditions No education

10 BUT she turned her cant’s into cans and her dreams to plans.

11 “ The strength of a women is not measured by the impact that all her hardships in life have had on her; but the strength of a woman is measured by the extent of her refusal to allow those hardships to dictate her and who she becomes. ”

12 Mot r he is a part of her

13 “ We have a secret in our culture. It’s not that birth is painful,it’s Women are strong…. ”

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