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M AKE U S S URVIVE Members: Nokso Abdullah Ahmadi Lampinen Mikko.

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Presentation on theme: "M AKE U S S URVIVE Members: Nokso Abdullah Ahmadi Lampinen Mikko."— Presentation transcript:

1 M AKE U S S URVIVE Members: Nokso Abdullah Ahmadi Lampinen Mikko

2 THE MAIN IDEA WAS TAKEN FROM THIS DAMN MOSQUITO… During the 19th century, dengue was considered a sporadic disease Thousents of people die without having the apportunities to go under proper medication and treatment The application is not only design for this kind of mosquito, but also for any diseases that can be found in the application. Application makes communication easier between patients and people who have the cure and who live in rural areas who will give the feedback and recommend natural medicines

3 F UNCTIONALITIES Making user profile Creating a new disease under the disease categories Posting medicines and related information Posting feedbacks Locating user´s position by selecting the country Post Feedback to the application via SMS Wish all a good luck

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