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1. Take out your homework from last night 2. Start the warm up (Next Slide) 3. DEAR when finished!

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Presentation on theme: "1. Take out your homework from last night 2. Start the warm up (Next Slide) 3. DEAR when finished!"— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Take out your homework from last night 2. Start the warm up (Next Slide) 3. DEAR when finished!

2  1. x=4  2. x= -11  3. x=-5  4. x= -6

3  Questions about the homework?

4  What is Surface Area? -The sum of the areas of all surfaces of a figure.  What are lateral faces? -The faces that connect to the base of a prism or pyramid.  What is a lateral surface? - The curved surface of a cylinder or cone.

5  Cylinder: A three dimensional figure with two parallel, congruent circular bases connected by a curved lateral surface.  Prism: A three dimensional figure that has two congruent, polygon-shaped bases and other faces that are all parallelograms.


7 S= 2B+Ph S – Surface Area B- Area of base h- height of figure (distance from base to base) P- Perimeter of the BASE

8 1) 15 m 7 m 8 m Area of Base: 15 x 7 = 105 Perimeter of Base: 15+7+15+7 = 44 S= 2 (105) + 44 (8) = 562 m 2

9 2) 12 cm Area of Base: 12 x 12 = 144 Perimeter of Base: 12+12+12+12 = 36 S= 2 (144) + 36 (12) = 720 m 2

10  With your group members try examples 3-6.  First ones to finish get to put their answers on the board!

11  Complete worksheet with your group!!  Whatever you do not finish will be homework!

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