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Section 1: Aggression Leads to War

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1 Section 1: Aggression Leads to War
World War II: Chapter 24 Section 1: Aggression Leads to War

2 The Rise of Dictators Soviet Communism
Josef Stalin became dictator of the Soviet Union by 1929 Turned it into a totalitarian state Totalitarian state: nation where a single party controls the government and every aspect of people’s lives

3 The Rise of Dictators Fascism in Italy
Benito Mussolini rose to power in 1922 Turned Italy into the world’s first fascist state Fascism: political system based on militarism, extreme nationalism, and blind loyalty to a state and its leader Said Italy was a superior nation that had a right to conquer inferior nations

4 The Rise of Dictators Nazi Germany
Adolf Hitler, an extreme nationalist, became leader of the National Socialist (Nazi) Party Racism lay at core of Nazi beliefs (Aryan vs. others) Great Depression made Hitler popular; became Chancellor in 1933 Germany soon passed anti-Semitic laws

5 The Rise of Dictators Militarism in Japan
Military leaders pressured civilian government to take control of nearby countries By 1936, militarists were in complete control of Japanese government Racism/nationalism was also preached

6 Military Aggression Japan Attacks China
Japanese took Manchuria (land in NE China) in 1931 Stepped up aggression in 1937

7 Military Aggression Italy Invades Ethiopia Invaded in 1935
Haile Selassie, the emperor, appealed to the League of Nations for help, but they responded weakly due to Europe’s own economic crisis

8 Military Aggression German Aggression
Hitler sent troops into Rhineland in 1936 European leaders met in Munich in September 1938 to help ease crisis In Munich Pact, France/Britain agreed to let Hitler occupy Sudetenland (part of Czechoslovakia near Germany), in exchange for Hitler agreeing not to seek any more land Hitler ended up occupying all of Czechoslovakia by 1939

9 American Neutrality Neutrality Act Good Neighbor Act Passed in 1935
Forbade president from selling arms, making loans, or giving assistance to a nation in war Good Neighbor Act Hoover rejected Roosevelt Corollary in 1930 FDR withdrew American troops from Nicaragua and Haiti and canceled Platt Amendment in GNA

10 War Begins in Europe Invasion of Poland
Hitler/Stalin signed Nazi-Soviet Pact in 1939  non-aggression Nazi troops invaded Poland on 9/1/39 Two days later, France/Britain declared war on Germany

11 War Begins in Europe Fall of France Germany moved into France in 1940
Britain moved in to help, but both countries were forced to retreat to Dunkirk (French port) On 6/22/40, Hitler accepted full surrender of France

12 War Begins in Europe Battle of Britain
Hitler ordered air assault on Britain Bombs hit daily; many forced to sleep in subway stations and practice daily bomb drills Battle of Britain continued throughout 1940, but Hitler gave up invading Britain

13 War Begins in Europe Invasion of the Soviet Union
On 6/22/41, Hitler broke the Nazi-Soviet Pact with Stalin Germany invaded Soviet Union Soviet Union joined Britain in fighting Germans Although Churchill/Stalin mistrusted each other, they worked together in war

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