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Phonology: The Context Foundation Skills Cognition Play Socialization Pragmatics Phonology Semantics Metalinguistics.

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Presentation on theme: "Phonology: The Context Foundation Skills Cognition Play Socialization Pragmatics Phonology Semantics Metalinguistics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phonology: The Context Foundation Skills Cognition Play Socialization Pragmatics Phonology Semantics Metalinguistics

2 Phonology Definition: study of the Suprasegmental and Segmental aspects of Language Suprasegmental: melody of the language intonation, rhythm, stress, inflection, rate, pitch paralinguistic Segments: Sounds of the language, vowels and consonants Concepts 1. Sequence Related to Semantics/Syntax 2. Sequence of Acquisition for Syllables, Vowels and Consonants 3. Recording

3 Developmental Progression Pre-First Word Babbling Echolalia Vocalic or Phonetically Consistent Forms Holophrases Telegraphic Phrases Sentences Simple Compound Complex

4 Phonology #2 Concepts Receptive/Expressive Children comprehend the melodic aspects before the individual sounds Phonemic/Paralinguistic awareness before production Syllables initial syllable shape: CVCV, CV

5 Suprasegmental Development Term refers to PROSODIC FEATURES Term includes:intonation, rhythm, stress, Develops before the first word In echolalia: child ‘sounds’ like the utterance is “adult-like.” That’s the suprasegmental patterns of English Hearing Impaired Children do not exhibit this ability

6 Vowel Acquisition Nucleus of the syllable Vowels develop first front-back /i,a/ triangle /i,u,a/ quadrangle /i,u,a, ae/ dipthongs By age 3, all vowels

7 Phonology Consonants Explanation: associated with feeding and visibility Class Development by Manner: plosives, nasals, glides /w/ first fricative: /h/ Class Development by Place usually frontal sounds /p/b/m/ as well as alveolar sounds /t,d,n,l/ other sounds: /k/, /g/. /?/ by Voicing: presence/absence of laryngeal tone

8 Consonant Blends Clusters’ (blends) syllable shape: ccv,cccv, in speech:vcc (plurals), vccc (ants) Cluster (Blend) combinations are: /l/, /r/, /s/ Phonological Process: Epenthesis (adding a vowel) Cluster reduction Cluster deletion In reading blends are called Diagraphs

9 Consonant Acquisition Developmental Mastery Age of Development or Age of Acquisition or Age of Customary Production An age-range for sound acquisition Sander, Prathers Age of Mastery Templin, Wellman, Poole regardless of Linguist, by the Age 8

10 AgeSoundAge of Development RANGE Age of Mastery Mastered 3/p/<2-33 /m/<2-33 /b/<2-33 /n/<2-33 /w/<2-33 /h/<2-33 4/k/, /g/2-44 /d/,2-44 /f/, /v/2-44

11 Sound Frequency of Occurrence Vowels 1. Unstressed schwa 2. /I/ 3. /i 4. /E/ 5. /ai/ 6. /ae/ asp 7. /ou/ 8. /e/ 9/ a/ 10. ought Consonants 1. /n/ 2. /r/ 3. /t/ 4. /m/ 5. /s/ 6. /d/ 7/ /w/ 8. /l/ 9. /k/ 10. /z/

12 Phonology Recording Options 1. Transcription: Phonemic (Broad //) Phonetic (Narrow ) 2. Distinctive Features of Place, Manner, Voicing 3. Phonological Processes used for either describing normally developing or delayed sound development.

13 Distinctive Feature Terms Place: Front: /p/,/b/,/m/, /f/, /v/, /0/, Mid: /t/, /d/, /l/, /n/ /s/,/z/, sh Back: /k/, /g/, ng Glottal: /h/ Manner Plosives Fricatives Affricates Nasals Approximants Liquids Glides Voicing

14 Phonological Processes Linguists: Hodson, Ingram, Weiner, Blache, others, Processes:

15 Suppression of Phonological Processes Disappearing by Age 3 Unstressed Syllable Deletion Final Consonant Deletion Assimilation Reduplication Fronting Prevocalic voicing (b/p) Diminutization Persisting After Age 3 Cluster Reduction Epenthesis b li/blid Gliding Stopping Depalatalization Final Voicing

16 Emergent Literacy Skills 1. Physical 2. Cognitive-Linguistic Answering Questions Retelling stories 3. Metalinguistic: Phonemic Awareness- Related to PHONOLOGY

17 Phonology-Emergent Literacy Connection The recognition of the sound-symbol relationship is critical to early success in reading Recognition begins at the sentence level with segmentation and proceeds to the word- syllable sound levels

18 End of Phonology Notes /S/ /b/ rocket light turning

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