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Presented by MD. Anwar Hossain Instructor Instructor Dadanchak Fazlul Haque PTI.

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2 Presented by MD. Anwar Hossain Instructor Instructor Dadanchak Fazlul Haque PTI.


4  There are 44 sounds in English. The sounds are divided in to two groups vowel sounds and consonant sounds.  There are 20 vowel and 24 consonant sounds. The vowel sounds are subdivided into two major groups: pure vowels and diphthongs.  There are 12 pure vowels and 8 diphthongs.  pure vowels are two types: short vowels and long vowels. There are 7 short and 5 long vowels.

5 SHORT VOWEL SOUNDS Symbols Comparable Sound in Bangla in BanglaWordsPhonemicTranscription iইSit /sit/ uউGood/gud/ eএEggBed/eg//bed/ əআ ( হ্রস্বতম ) Away, America About About/əwei/ /əbout/ æঅ্যা Cat, Bat Fan /k æt/ ɒঅOn / ɒ n/ ʌ আ ( হ্রস্ব ) ( হ্রস্ব )UpCut / ʌ p/

6 LONG VOWEL SOUNDS Symbols Comparable Sound In Bangla Words Phonemic Transcription i:ঈ Seat Seat See, Bee See, Bee/si:t//Si:/ u:ঊTwofood/tu://fu:d/ ɜ:ɜ:ɜ:ɜ:আ ( দীর্ঘতম ) Herbird /h3:(r)/ /b3:d/ ɔ:ɔ:ɔ:ɔ:ওদীর্ঘFourBoard /f ɔ :/ /b ɔ :(r)d/ ɑ:ɑ:ɑ:ɑ:আ ( দীর্ঘ ) AskCart / ɑ :sk/ /k ɑ :(r)t/

7 Symbols Comparable Sound In Bangla In BanglaWordsPhonemicTranscription ɪəɪəɪəɪəইআhere /h ɪ ə(r)/ eɪeɪeɪeɪএইeight/eit/ ʊəʳʊəʳʊəʳʊəʳউআcure ( য় - j) /kj ʊ ə ʳ / ɔɪ ও-ইও-ইও-ইও-ইboy / ɔɪ :i/ əʊəʊəʊəʊআউno /nə ʊ / eə ʳ এ আএ আএ আএ আthere /eə ʳ / / ð eə ʳ / aɪaɪaɪaɪ আ-ই আ-ই আ-ই আ-ইMy,five / mai/, faiv/ aʊaʊaʊaʊ আ-উআ-উআ-উআ-উnow /na ʊ / Diphthong Sounds

8 Symbols Comparable Sound In Bangla In BanglaWordsPhonemicTranscriptionk ক হক হক হক হCan /k æ n/ D ড হড হড হড হDo/du:/ FফFive /faiv/ GগGo /gəʊ //gəʊ //gəʊ //gəʊ / HহHouse /haus/ J য় - ইয়া Yes /jes / LলLove / l ʌ v/ mমMe /mi/ CONSONANT SOUNDS CONSONANT SOUNDS

9 Symbols Comparable Sound In Bangla In BanglaWordsPhonemicTranscriptionnনNine /nain/ p পহপহপহপহPen /pen/ rরRight /rait/ sসSo /səʊ //səʊ //səʊ //səʊ / tটহTen /ten/ vভVery /veri/ w ও ( হ্রস্ব ) Wet,we / wet/, /wi:/ ʃ শা শাShe / ʃ i: / CONSONANT SOUNDS CONSONANT SOUNDS

10 Symbols Comparable Sound In Bangla In BanglaWordsPhonemicTranscription ttʃttʃচ Chair /t eə ʳ / /t ʃ eə ʳ / dʒdʒজJust / A st/ /d ʒ A st/ ʒ জ +ঝজ +ঝজ +ঝজ +ঝPleasure /ple r/ /ple ʒ r/ zযZoo /zʊ: //zʊ: //zʊ: //zʊ: / ŋ ং /ঙ ং /ঙ ং /ঙ ং /ঙLong /l ɒ /l ɒ ŋ/ θথThing ///θiŋ////θiŋ/ ðদThis / is/ / ðis/ bবBee /bi://bi://bi://bi:/ CONSONANT SOUNDS CONSONANT SOUNDS




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