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“The Have To’s” For Roy Cloud School District Mandated Programs.

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1 “The Have To’s” For Roy Cloud School District Mandated Programs

2 Basis for Change Roosevelt School Model was to submit a plan to the Board to pilot “project based learning” as part of their Roosevelt Revitalization Project. The board approved of this in 2007. As part of our move to change, a group of parents has asked for clarification and parameters for our move to change at Roy Cloud. In this year’s SPSA, or Site Plan, the Site Council approved of several broad changes to help initiate this change.

3 “The Have To’s” Need to demonstrate gains in achievement over time. Utilize the Content Standards but allow for Differentiated Instruction Adopted Curriculum needs to be a basis for teaching Teachers must monitor the progress of their students by “conducting 2-3 benchmark assessments, and the DIBELs reading assessment in the primary grades” English Language Development must be taught to those who need it. This is done during TIG time. Any changes need to be part of the SPSA or Site Plan.

4 Common Core Standards A team of lead teachers and principals from select schools, including ours, will be trained to help train our district staff. Common Core for California has been adopted and 15% additional standards to the National Common Core. Testing will be implemented in 2014-2015 school year. District will initiate training in August 2012 for Common Core. RCSD will first implement Common Core in Grades K and 1.

5 The Bottom Line Common Core - We need to transition from the pacing guides and the 1997 California Standards to the Common Core in a coherent and productive manner. Assessments- We need to continue to administer district mandated assessments until changes are adopted. ( Benchmark and DIBELs) We need to use this data to ensure that we are still improving student achievement on the CST exams. ELD- We need to devote Staff development time on improving our teaching of English Language Development for Els. TIG time- We need to differentiate instruction in a manner that addresses all student levels especially “at risk” and EL students.

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