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Facoltà di Economia CdL Economia e gestione dei servizi turistici Lingua Inglese Travels & Holidays a.a. 2008/2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Facoltà di Economia CdL Economia e gestione dei servizi turistici Lingua Inglese Travels & Holidays a.a. 2008/2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facoltà di Economia CdL Economia e gestione dei servizi turistici Lingua Inglese Travels & Holidays a.a. 2008/2009

2 TRAVELS & HOLIDAYS English words or expressions connected with …………. n Complimentary – conveying or resembling compliment, encomiastic; costing nothing n Courier – messenger, traveller; guide; carrier n Escort – to protect, guide, accompany (also noun) n Sightseeing – act of travelling about and visiting tourist attractions n Inclusive – including, comprehensive n Journey – trip, travel, voyage

3 Reading comprehension p.5 n n Tour operators n n Travel agents n n What are the main differences between these two categories of specialists of holidays and tours?

4 The structure of a brochure 1. 1. Introduction: welcome and description 2. 2. Geographical position 3. 3. Climate 4. 4. Places of interest 5. 5. Accommodation 6. 6. Means of transport 7. 7. Excursions

5 The structure of an itinerary 1. 1. Heading: title or theme 2. 2. General introduction to the highlights 3. 3. Departure date(s) and place(s) 4. 4. Tour description (route, duration, stopovers): DAY 1, DAY 2,... 5. 5. Tour price: what is included/excluded and type of accommodation

6 The main features of brochures and itineraries n Objectives: 1. 1. Advertising 2. 2. Informative n weyou n Pronouns: we & you n adjectivesadverbs n Positive adjectives & adverbs n Verb tenses n Verb tenses: imperative, present, future tenses n n Use of ellipsis

7 Exercises n n Listening comprehension pp. 10-11 n n Exercise 7 p.10 n n Exercise 9 p. 13

8 Reading comprehension p.18 Customers try on tailor-made tours n n What is the article about? n n What are tailor-made tours? n n PARA 1: In loco expertise means... Can you give a synonym for custom? And customised? n n PARA 2: ‘to get off the beaten track’ means... What word in the text means ‘inconvenient’?

9 n n PARA 3: What word in the text means ‘varied, of different types’? ‘Quite’ means A. silent B. Rather C. Peaceful What is a ‘made-to-measure approach’? n n PARA 4: Can you give a synonym for ‘stunning’? What is a ‘wine tasting’? Analyse the word ‘unexpectedly’ and give the verb, the noun action and the adjective. n n PARA 5: what word in the text means ‘operating cost’? And ‘expensive’?

10 n n Can you paraphrase the sentence’ Greater flexibility in terms of content and budget is to be found among operators with a smaller staff and well-honed contacts.’? n n PARA 6: What is ‘environmental awareness’? n n PARA 7: What word means ‘extreme’? n n PARA 8: What is the meaning of ‘keen’? And of ‘feat’? n n PARA 9: ‘clientele’ means... And ‘taking pot luck’

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