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Strategically Mobilizing Resources. What is Resource Mobilization?

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Presentation on theme: "Strategically Mobilizing Resources. What is Resource Mobilization?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategically Mobilizing Resources

2 What is Resource Mobilization?

3 A strategic approach

4 Programming Resource Mobilization Delivery/Impact Quality programming is a vital prerequisite to attracting resources RM – an essential component

5 The RM Cycle

6 60% of FAO’s resources come from Voluntary/Extrabudgetary Contributions Resource Mobilization is VITAL to FAO!

7 USD 1.6 Billion for next PWB FAO’s biennial RM Target

8 Ad-hoc approach Many small, isolated projects Fragmentation Economic crisis Critique of FAO (DFID, MOPAN) New resource partners Challenges and Opportunities

9 The corporate Resource Mobilization and Management Strategy RMMS

10 The Strategy aims to achieve adequate, more predictable and sustainable voluntary contributions that fully support the achievement of FAO’s objectives at the global, regional, subregional and country levels The Corporate RMMS

11 1.Expanding resource partnerships 2.Communicating priorities for RM 3.Enhancing RM capacities 4.Effectively manage and report on resources RMMS – Outcomes

12 All resource mobilization efforts should.... Support FAO’s Strategic Framework and Members’ priorities Comply with FAO’s rules and regulations Are built on trust and mutual accountability Are monitored and accounted for Are coordinated and harmonized Organization-wide Guiding Principles

13 RM roles and responsibilities Corporate-level: the TC Department has the lead role, OSP, OCE, TDs/Strategy Team Leaders have a key function Regional level: ADG oversees all RM activities, with specific responsibilities assigned to FP Officers and TOs Subregional level: the SRC manages all resource mobilization efforts with support from TOs and FP Support and Monitoring Officers, and the Regional Emergency Coordinator (where present) Country level: FAOR lead role supported by the AFAOR, the Chief TA, and the Emergency Coordinator

14 Subsidiary RMMS’s Regional level Subregional level Country level

15 RAP’s Resource Mobilization and Management Strategy RMMS

16 How to mobilize resources?


18 How have you gone about mobilizing resources? Your experience?

19 New tools Website RM Guide and IntranetIntranet ADAM

20 RM Strategy & Action Plan

21 Main components of a RMS Resource Mobilization Situation Analysis The Resource Target The RM Action Plan (RMAP) Monitoring and Evaluation

22 Check you are ready to start... is your programme framework (at country level – the CPF) in place? Strategically position FAO... does FAO have a clear comparative advantage/niche? Review priorities and the resource requirements... what is realistic? Analyse the resource environment... who is out there? Preparing the Action Plan

23 Achieving Establish the goal, outcomes, key outputs and guiding principles... is RM considered important and everybody’s everyday business in your office? Identify resource partners and match interests to priority areas... find out who is really interested Develop an Action plan (identify, engage, negotiate, manage and report and communicate results)... get practical and make it your everyday business. Cont’

24 Resource Partner Matrix Resource Partner Agency CPF Priority Area in which it is interested FAO projects funded in last five years Total contribution to agriculture in past five years Potential for future cooperation/ lessons learned from past Potential volume of resources to be mobilized Procedures or deadlines for submission of proposals Contact at partner agency and regional/HQ focal point

25 Consult the corporate RM intranet for updates on corporate guidelines and opportunities in RM Assign donor focal points within the office team Strengthen a team approach to RM by having regular meetings, information sharing, allow all levels to to engage, make contacts Integrate RM activities into the Office’s work plan Ideas to get started

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