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Discussion of Ethics & Campaign Finance Reform Packet Presented by Thomas B. Drage, Jr., County Attorney, and Dana Crosby, Assistant County Attorney June.

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Presentation on theme: "Discussion of Ethics & Campaign Finance Reform Packet Presented by Thomas B. Drage, Jr., County Attorney, and Dana Crosby, Assistant County Attorney June."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discussion of Ethics & Campaign Finance Reform Packet Presented by Thomas B. Drage, Jr., County Attorney, and Dana Crosby, Assistant County Attorney June 24, 2008

2 Discussion Outline  Introduction  Overview of documents in packet  Discussion of individual items  Conclusion

3 Discussion Outline  Introduction  Overview of documents in packet  Discussion of individual items  Conclusion

4 Introduction The Task Force on Ethics and Campaign Finance Reform met from March to November of 2007. January 29, 2008 -- The Task Force presented its Final Report to the BCC. The Final Report contained 20 recommendations -- -- 16 recommendations on ethics -- 4 recommendations on campaign finance

5 Introduction February 26, 2008 -- The BCC took the following action on the four campaign finance recommendations:  Two provisions were added to the BCC legislative priorities for 2008;  one provision was to be implemented by a change in the County procurement ordinance; and  the BCC took no action on one provision.

6 Introduction April 22, 2008 -- The BCC took the following action on the 16 ethics recommendations:  Recommendation 1 was added as a legislative priority for next session;  Recommendations 3, 4 and 6 were to be implemented using existing resources and by Executive Order; and  Recommendations 2, 5 and 7 through 16 were to be implemented by ordinance in a manner that is not in conflict with existing state law.

7 Discussion Outline  Introduction  Overview of documents in packet  Discussion of individual items  Conclusion

8  Tab 1 -- Recap of Task Force (TF) recommendations  Tab 2 -- Draft Ordinance amending County procurement code for the purpose of disallowing campaign contributions during the lobbying black out period.  Tab 3 -- Draft bill amending section 112.324, FS, to allow records of local code enforcement processes established for the purpose of enforcing more stringent local requirements to be exempt public records until a finding of probable cause or dismissal is made. Documents in Packet

9  Tab 4 -- Executive Orders establishing County Attorney or designee as County Ethics Officer; providing for training; providing an endorsement of E-sign in.  Tab 5 -- Draft Ordinance amending County code to create a local code of ethics, providing an enforcement process, providing for penalties (includes relationship disclosure form and enforcement guide and fine matrix and sample forms).  Tab 6 -- Draft ordinance providing for expenditure disclosure on matters coming before the BCC (includes disclosure form and conforming amendment to item 2). Documents in Packet

10 Discussion Outline  Introduction  Overview of documents in packet  Discussion of individual items  Conclusion

11  Tab 2 contains a draft Ordinance amending the procurement code to disallow campaign contributions during the lobbying black out period (TF Rec. 4, CF).  Highlights:  Amends Article X of Chapter 2 and Article III of Chapter 17 in the County Code;  Creates a new Section 2-355.1 to prohibit campaign contributions to the Mayor, BCC or candidates during the lobbying black out period;  Amends Subsection 2-356(C) to allow the County to enforce violations of this prohibition;  Provides conforming changes to sections 17-313(g)(3) and 17-313.1(f)(3) of the Code. Documents in Packet

12  Tab 2 (Cont'd) --  Next Steps:  Passage of this ordinance will require one public hearing with 10 days notice prior to the hearing. Documents in Packet

13  Tab 3 contains a draft bill amending section 112.324 of the Florida Statutes (TF Rec. 1, Ethics).  Highlights:  Bill creates a public records exemption for documents related to a County code enforcement process established for the purpose of enforcing more stringent local ethics requirements;  exemption until a finding of probable cause is made or case dismissed; and  contains a finding of public necessity (required for Public Records exemptions).  Next Steps:  This item can be included in the County's 2009 Legislative priorities. Documents in Packet

14  Tab 4 contains two draft Executive Orders (TF recs. 3, 4 and 6, Ethics).  Highlights:  Establishes the County Attorney or designee as the County Ethics Officer;  designates that the Ethics Officer will provide ethics training for County officials and employees; and  provides an endorsement of implementation of an electronic sign-in process for visitors to the fifth floor of the County Administration building.  Next Steps:  Executive Order can be implemented by the Mayor. Documents in Packet

15  Tab 5 contains a draft Ordinance establishing a Code of Ethics (TF Recs. 2, 5 and 7-16, ethics) -- Highlights:  Creates a new Article XIII in Chapter 2 of the County Code (Ethical Standards for County Officers and Employees);  States the Legislative Intent;  Section 2-452 provides definitions for use with this code including:  business relationship or business dealing;  County Ethics Officer;  County Investigative Officer, Special Master and Hearing Officer;  Local Financial Disclosure; and  Perception or appearance of conflict. Documents in Packet

16  Tab 5 (Cont'd) -- Highlights:  Section 2-453 creates a Code of Ethical Standards for County Officers and Employees to:  require additional local financial disclosure;  require disclosure of those with whom an officer has a business relationship;  provide for a gift ban;  provide for post-employment restrictions for certain employees (similar post-employment restrictions for County officers currently exists in the law);  require disclosure of business relationships in past two years and requirement to abstain from voting based on appearance of conflict; and  require additional disclosure. Documents in Packet

17  Tab 5 (Cont'd) -- Highlights:  Section 2-454 requires applicant disclose in all matters if applicant is an employer of, has a business relationship with, or is a relative of the Mayor or member of the BCC.  Provides for final review by the BCC of matters that would otherwise have final review by the Concurrency Review Committee or the Development Review Committee when the applicant is an employer of, has a business relationship with, or is a relative of the Mayor or member of the BCC. Documents in Packet

18  Tab 5 (Cont'd) -- Highlights:  Section 2-455 provides for a comprehensive investigative process designed to ensure due process which includes:  retaining an independent investigative officer to make initial findings including determining jurisdiction,  retaining an independent Special Master to determine probable cause, and  retaining a Hearing Officer to issue a final order in a matter (including assessing the penalty)  Provides that if subsequent legislation is adopted to exempt investigatory information from public records law such records and information shall be deemed confidential and exempt from the public records law. (Reference Tab 3.) Documents in Packet

19  Tab 5 (Cont'd) -- Highlights:  Section 2-456 provides for penalties, as follows:  For officers or appointed employees penalties may include a verbal warning, written reprimand, a civil penalty, or recommendation for censure;  Other county employees will be disciplined pursuant to the Policy Manual and Operational Regulations.  Ordinance also:  Provides for an appeal process; and  Provides for a local ethics advisory board (s 2-456). Documents in Packet

20  Tab 5 (Cont'd) --  Next Steps:  Passage of this ordinance will require one public hearing with 10 days notice prior to the hearing.  BCC can adopt any amendments to the ordinance at the public hearing. Documents in Packet

21  Tab 6 contains a draft Ordinance requiring expenditure disclosure by principals on items to come before the BCC (Comm. Brummer's rec.).  Highlights:  Amends Article X of Chapter 2, County Code;  Provides for Legislative Findings;  Amends section 2-351 to update definitions and expand definition of principal;  Amends section 2-352 to clarify that principals and employees who are not lobbyists need not register as lobbyists;  Amends section 2-353 to clarify that visitors and lobbyists must sign a visitor log when visiting Mayor, commissioner or specific county staff; Documents in Packet

22  Tab 6 (cont'd) -- Highlights:  Amends section 2-354 to distinguish annual expenditure reports (filed by lobbyists) from specific project expenditure reports (filed by principals for all expenditures related to the project);  Requires one cumulative specific project expenditure reports be filed for each issue or project coming before the BCC; and  Amends section 2-355 to prohibit lobbying of Mayor or commissioners' staff in procurement matters and amends section 2-356 to conform this provision. Documents in Packet

23  Tab 6 (Cont'd) --  Next Steps:  Passage of this ordinance will require one public hearing with 10 days notice prior to the hearing.  At the public hearing staff requests BCC adopt conforming amendment to the procurement ordinance provided at Tab 2. Documents in Packet

24 Discussion Outline  Introduction  Overview of documents in packet  Discussion of individual items  Conclusion

25 Next Steps:  Passage of draft ordinances (Tab 2, 5 and 6) will require one public hearing with 10 days notice prior to the hearing.  Titles of these ordinances will be sent to the paper tomorrow for publication of notice.  Public hearing on these ordinances will be July 8.  BCC can suggest amendments today but the final vote on the ordinances, as amended, will occur July 8. Conclusion

26 An additional memorandum and draft resolution is distributed today to enable the BCC to require electronic filing of all campaign finance reports for Mayor and Commission candidates (CF Rec. 2). The law passed in the 2008 session and has an effective date of January 1, 2009. Passage of a Resolution requires no publication of notice. BCC can adopt this resolution on July 8, 2008.

27 Discussion of Ethics & Campaign Finance Reform Packet Presented by Thomas B. Drage, Jr., County Attorney, and Dana Crosby, Assistant County Attorney June 24, 2008

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