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Mahara Electronic Portfolios Kenneth Taira March 30, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Mahara Electronic Portfolios Kenneth Taira March 30, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mahara Electronic Portfolios Kenneth Taira March 30, 2011

2 Why E-Portfolios In her blog, 21 Things That Will Be Obsolete by 2020, Tina Barseghian notes that things like AP Tests and SAT tests will be disappearing to be supplanted by E-Portfolios as a more accurate way of assessing a student.  that-will-be-obsolete-by-2020

3 Why E-Portfolios A student will take more pride and put more effort in his/her work if she may show it to potential employers later Better reflective learning component An E-Portfolio is the best representation of their work and should show the totality of their education.

4 Why Mahara Open source Can have graphics, video, blogs, documents, etc. Students can download their e-portfolio and place it on another server

5 Mahara Terms An artifact is a picture, video, document, etc. that you can upload A view consists of a drag-and-drop web page of artifacts. You can create many different views for others to see and control who sees what view.

6 Logging into Demo Accounts Go to http://moodle.caprica.com Sign-in with user demo1, demo2, demo3, or demo4 Password is oilers Click on link to Mahara Some basic examples for art class can be viewed.

7 Fill Out Profile

8 Create Blog Entry

9 Create View Assign Permissions

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