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Folk Culture vs. Popular Culture

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Presentation on theme: "Folk Culture vs. Popular Culture"— Presentation transcript:

1 Folk Culture vs. Popular Culture

2 Popular Culture- Contemporary lifestyle and items that are well known and generally accepted, cultural patterns that are widespread within a population; also called pop culture Examples: Disco, 80’s slang, Bieber fever, silly bands, colored wristbands, karaoke…

3 Folk Culture- Traditional modes of behavior and expression that are transmitted from generation to generation (by firsthand interaction) among a group or people. Examples: Teepees Shaker furniture and architecture Louisiana cuisine (food), music and language Handmade quilts The Hawaiian Hula dance, leis Cowboy boots, hats and clothing Country and western music

4 Mentifacts Mentifacts are the ideas, values and beliefs of a culture.
Examples: Religion Language

5 Artifacts- any object made by human beings, especially with a view to subsequent use.

6 Sociofacts- Term coined by Sir Julian Sorell Huxley, used together with the related terms `mentifact` and `artifact` to describe how cultural traits take on a life of their own, spanning over generations. (rituals/behaviors)

7 Religion 2 Major Categories 1. Universalizing 2. Ethnic

8 Universalizing Religions a. founder b. religious holidays c
Universalizing Religions a. founder b. religious holidays c. religious pilgrimages d. tend to “recruit” members and try to appeal to people all over (not just a particular location)

9 2. Ethnic Religions a. No founder b
2. Ethnic Religions a. No founder b. Closely tied to the physical geography of an area (do not go out and recruit) c. pilgrimages are often to sites in nature d. calendars are different from our calendar (follow agricultural cycles)


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