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Research your courses and publish your findings UC Seminar Series Dr. David Palfreyman.

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Presentation on theme: "Research your courses and publish your findings UC Seminar Series Dr. David Palfreyman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research your courses and publish your findings UC Seminar Series Dr. David Palfreyman

2 Your “I wonder...”

3 What is scholarship? The scholarship of discovery; The scholarship of integration; The scholarship of application/ engagement The scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) Boyer, E. (1990). Scholarship reconsidered.

4 SoTL journals The Mentor The WAC Journal Global-e

5 Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Gulf Perspectives (LTHE) refereed journal presents and discusses issues and research of relevance to university and college educators in the Arab Gulf Region people teaching in any discipline, or supporting learning in other ways worldwide readership

6 Research articles and reflections Research articles present original research which contributes to knowledge about learning or teaching in the Gulf context. Reflections describe an experience (e.g. teaching a particular course or using a particular method); analyze critically what students and/or teacher learnt from this experience; include reference to other sources to support ideas (but not necessarily a 'literature review' as in a research paper); present a variety of evidence to support the points made (e.g. students’ feedback, observation, assessment results).

7 Some recent articles in LTHE Articles: Stress in higher education: a study of mismatched instruction as a contributing factor in female Emirati undergraduate students (ALAlami et al.) Awareness and perceptions of available Major programs by first year Zayed University students (Gallacher et al.) ‘Shababbery’ and ‘banattitude’: Western ELT professionals’ perceptions of the role of gender in English-medium higher educational institutions in the Gulf (Hudson) Reflections: Utilizing active learning strategies to enhance learning in first year University Chemistry courses (Pappalardo & Gunn) Finding sonnets about sand: using local voices in literature classrooms (Risse)

8 Your “I wonder...” What data would help you to understand your question about your course(s)? Preferably choose data which you will have anyway (e.g. student scores, observation of what happens, maybe some student reflections).

9 Research ethics See handout.

10 Questions?

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