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Presentation on theme: "Alterity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alterity

2 Alterity The study of Alterity (i.e.of Otherness) has become recently a very popular branch of knowledge (in anthropology, psychology, comparative literature) It attempts to see how a hegemonic culture or gender group views different or subaltern ones as exotic or inferior or just plain alien. A groundbreaking study in the field was Edward Said’s Orientalism

3 The Study of Alterity as a Challenge to Hegemonic Thinking
Understanding how images of the Other are created and to what purposes they are used challenges idea of the superiority or inferiority of a civilisation. It is a way to challenge hegemonic strategies, a liberation movement of the mind) It is a consequence of Deconstruction which points out relativity of such concepts as “good” “normal” etc. (theorist Foucault) It is the basis for actual and military liberation movements which have achieved the political end to hegemony. (theorist Frantz Fanon)

4 Detecting examples of Otherness internal to a society
Others as linguistic groups Others as physically different Handicapped people Racially different people Others as gender groups Women Gay and lesbian Others as social groups Foreigners People of other religions People distinguished by census or class

5 Detecting examples of Otherness external to a society
Other nations Other religions Especially natives in countries “discovered” by Europeans

6 How have Others been dealt with?
Persecution, deportation e.g. genocides, the Shoah, pogroms, Enslavement, colonization Emargination, e.g. ghettoes, apartheid, exclusion from education, jobs Victimization, e.g. witch hunts, public punishments

7 Othering through language
Polarities Stereotyping Name calling Ridiculing linguistic expression of Others Ignoring artistic expression of Others Imposing literary, artistic canons Exoticism

8 Dealing with the Challenge of Otherness
Decolonization, reterritorialization, economic aid, challenge to new colonialism Liberation movements have achieved the political end to hegemony. (theorist Frantz Fanon) Multiculturalism Political correctness, New Age, alternative medicine

9 Dealing with Otherness in Literature
The critical movement of Deconstruction has taken up this challenge intellectually (a Liberation movement of the mind) Breaking up of the canon, Postcolonial literature, ethnic studies, Cultural studies, Feminist studies Imagological studies

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