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McGill Career Centre (CAPS) Anie-Claude Lamarche Cindy Mancuso Catherine Stace.

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Presentation on theme: "McGill Career Centre (CAPS) Anie-Claude Lamarche Cindy Mancuso Catherine Stace."— Presentation transcript:

1 McGill Career Centre (CAPS) Anie-Claude Lamarche Cindy Mancuso Catherine Stace

2 About CAPS Two locations: Downtown Campus and Macdonald Campus Five department specific career centres/advisors: Law, Management, Medicine, Engineering, and Education Main services: Career Advising & Job search 18 staff (7 career advisors, 3 student positions) Funded through Student Service fees 3 career advisor positions and 1 career resource position are funded through the MELS fund Some stats (2006-2007) Posted 7000+ jobs last year Serviced 30,700 Students (all faculties) –Undergraduate advising appointments: 2008 –Graduate advising appointments: 868 17 events targeted to specific Arts departments

3 Arts advising team UNDERGRADS Anie-Claude Lamarche Département de langues et littératures françaises and Arts (Social Sciences) Catherine Stace Math & Stats, Linguistics, Geography, Arts (Social Sciences) Cindy Mancuso Arts (Humanities), Language & Literature, Psychology GRAD STUDENTS (Master, PhD, and Post Docs) Susan Molnar Lorna MacEachern

4 What we’ve learned about Art Students including their needs and concerns No direct career path Have many career myths Often feel lost and unprepared for the world of work Difficulty identifying their marketable skills Difficulty translating their interests and skills into career options Little knowledge of career possibilities and industries Tend to undervalue their education See Graduate studies as the only way to get a “good job” Tend to enjoy their program of choice Often have interesting experiences beyond school (therefore have a well rounded profile) Often engaged in extra- curricular activities and volunteering Tend to be flexible Work well with feedback

5 CAPS Services for Undergrads Individual advising CV drop-in 5 days a week Programs PACE (in partnership with counselling service) Job Search Club Mentor Program (in partnership with alumni association) Workshops 50+ general workshops a year (e.g.: CV writing, interview skills, cold calling,…) Targeted workshops for specific departments (e.g.: “What can I do with my English Degree?”)

6 CAPS Services for Undergrads Events Career Week (November): Panel discussions and specialized workshops Career Month - Backpack to Briefcase (in partnership with Alumni association) Company Information Sessions, specialized and targeted workshops and panel discussions (work with student associations) Career Fairs: Non-Profit & Public Service Fair, Social Work, Management Job Postings Capscoop

7 Services for Graduate Students Individual advising Monthly newsletter Graduate career week Workshops (general and targeted) “Artist Among Us” event (Redpath Museum – March 14 th ) PhD support group (in partnership with counselling services) PACE for Grads (in partnership with counselling services) CV drop-in twice a week Faculty recruitment campaign (simulation hiring committee)

8 The challenges we face and how you can help Challenges: Being known by students, faculty and staff Making connections with individual departments Reaching students early on in their career at McGill Attaining a level of commitment from students (e.g. numbers attending workshops and panels) How you can help: Become a career partner Encourage your student association to contact us –Assign a departmental contact person Ensure that your departmental advisor knows of CAPS Promote CAPS to any organization in which you are involved Give us feedback and suggestions

9 Thank you & Happy Holidays

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