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CJ 333 Family and Domestic Violence Unit 3 Dr. Lois A. Wims.

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Presentation on theme: "CJ 333 Family and Domestic Violence Unit 3 Dr. Lois A. Wims."— Presentation transcript:

1 CJ 333 Family and Domestic Violence Unit 3 Dr. Lois A. Wims

2 Many Theories… Is using violence in a domestic situation a “learned response?” Where would such learning occur? Can what is learned be ‘unlearned?’ How?

3 Are some people inherently more violent in relationships than others? Testosterone and aggression Evolutionary influence? A response to stress A ‘profile’ of certain perpetrators of domestic violence (the murder suicide or the kill the family situation) typically comes back to: Powerless outside the home Middle aged white male Recent job loss or lack of respect in the workplace Depression turned outward

4 Is domestic violence cultural and effective? Does violence ‘work’ in relationships? Is their social acceptance of violence in relationship in this culture? In others? Where does that leave a police officer?

5 Examples Go watch Titanic for a minute Beer commercials “why ask why?” campaign Collect your own examples of cultural acceptance of DV and post on the message board


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