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Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 1. INFRAX 2. Regulatory framework 3. Role of DSO in an open electricity market 4. Role of DSO in Smart Grids 5. Experiences.

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Presentation on theme: "Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 1. INFRAX 2. Regulatory framework 3. Role of DSO in an open electricity market 4. Role of DSO in Smart Grids 5. Experiences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 1. INFRAX 2. Regulatory framework 3. Role of DSO in an open electricity market 4. Role of DSO in Smart Grids 5. Experiences of pilots and projects 6. Expectations for the future Role of DSOs in Future (Flemish) Grids Jan NEYENS, Infrax, Belgium

2 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 1. INFRAX Flanders Brussels Wallonia Responsibilities: - grid management < 30 kV - metering company - data administrator

3 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 1. INFRAX = multi-utility ActivityMunicipalitiesCustomers Connections1231 850 000 Electricity92575 000 Natural gas 82235 000 Cable television 91504 000 Sewerage80315 000 Employees1 481 Jan Neyens – Belgium – RT 6a

4 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 2. Regulatory framework totally unbundled 1.Electricity market is totally unbundled since 2003 ELIA 2. TSO = ELIA EANDIS, INFRAX, ORES, SIBELGA DSO = EANDIS, INFRAX, ORES, SIBELGA VREG, CWAPE, BRUGHEL Local regulators = VREG, CWAPE, BRUGHEL CREG Federal regulator = CREG Luminus, Nuon, Essent Suppliers: Luminus, Nuon, Essent, ….. Jan Neyens – Belgium – RT 6a

5 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 2. Regulatory framework incentives 3. incentives for Smart Grid projects are rather limited policy platform Regulator installed a policy platform to prepare an action plan for the implementation of smart grids ATRIAS 4.Federal clearing house ATRIAS will be installed in 2015 independent 5. INFRAX is a regulated and therefore an independent party Jan Neyens – Belgium – RT 6a

6 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 3. Role of DSO in an open electricity market Facilitator 1.Facilitator of an open electricity market Buyer of flexibility 2.Buyer of flexibility to defer grid inforcement and enhance hosting capacity of renewables 3.Multiple 3.Multiple meter hardware and communication layers should be avoided  decreases costs 4.Control signals may not work against each other fragmentation 5.Avoiding of fragmentation of responsabilities  increases efficiency. grid manager & data manager 6.DSO = grid manager & data manager / independable partner Jan Neyens – Belgium – RT 6a

7 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 CONCEPT

8 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 4. Role of DSO in Smart Grids Jan Neyens – Belgium – RT 6a From “building and connecting” towards “connecting and managing”, “connecting and managing”, Sorce: Eurelectric

9 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 5. Experience of pilots and projects SMART METER PROJECT (proof of concept phase SMART METER PROJECT (proof of concept phase). 400 smart meters are in place.Communication medium = cable network offers good results and is applicable for smart grids. problems: lack of standards, lack of products available on the market cost/benefits.roll out in phases / first clients who can activaly participate to the concept of smart grids. Jan Neyens – Belgium – RT 6a

10 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 | 10 | 5. Experience of pilots and projects META PV Goal: 1. Increase the hosting capacity of DER with 50% with the same costs as 10% of the costs of regularly needed grid reinforcement. 2. Development of new grid planning tools How: Smart invertors that can control active and reactive power to keep the voltage profiles within the permitted boundaries

11 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 Partners: 3E(B), LRM (B), INFRAX (B), SMA (D), UoL (University of Ljubljana (Slovenië)), AIT (Austrian Institute of Technology) Demosite: Lommel / Opglabbeek : 130 households with 4 kW PV installations – 30 industrial installations of 200 kW : Status: demosite operational end 2011 Website: 5. Experience of pilots and projects

12 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 6. Expectations for the future ’Living labs EVs Flanders INFRAX participates in ‘’Living labs EVs Flanders’’ (170 EVs, 350 charge points) Rolls out charging infrastructure on public domain for municipalities Investigates how EVs can be used to support grid management Jan Neyens – Belgium – RT 6a

13 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 13 SLim Aggregation of DER - Commercial Virtual Power Plants Provision of demand and generation flexibility based on commercial drivers Offering flexiblity on global and local markets New Market Designs Allowing distributed generation and demand to participate in global and local markets Incentives for DER to provide flexiblity Smart Distribution Grid Control Technical Virtual Power Plant Combining technical grid constraints and CVPP requests Optimising grid operation by using availlabe generation and demand flexibility System Observability Nowcast and forecast of distributed generation Monitoring of distribution grid status Data exchange between TSO and DSO 6. Expectations for the future

14 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 Jan Neyens – Belgium – RT 6a 6. Expectations for the future ‘’TACO2’’ Province of Limburg started a very ambitiues plan ‘’TACO2’’ to reach CO2 neutrality in 2020. INFRAX participates activily in the DO-TANKS supporting TACO2 Smart Cities INFRAX, as multi-utility, wants to be partner in Smart Cities projects

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