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Sonoma County Communities Significant GHG Reductions by 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Sonoma County Communities Significant GHG Reductions by 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sonoma County Communities Significant GHG Reductions by 2010

2 Sebastopol’s Goal 30% Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Below 2000 Levels by 2008

3 Water Supply System Variable Frequency Drive Pump #6 Variable Frequency Drive Pump #7 Replacement Pump #7 Pump System SCADA

4 Water Supply System

5 Adding HVAC

6 Adding Photo Voltaic Projects

7 Considering Completed Projects

8 Over the Top 42% GHG Reduction

9 Complete Financial Picture

10 The Key Information

11 Benefits to Financial Planning

12 Demonstrating Leadership 978 tons CO2e Annual Reduction $$$ Avoided Utility Company Payments$6,776,259 $$$ Avoided Fuel Purchases $1,473,872 $$$ Invested Locally in GHG Projects $5,010,979 Community Benefits over 25 year Life of Plan Internal Rate of Return on Investment15.3% Net Present Value of Investment$1,286,650 MSI Integrated Solutions, Inc.Climate Protection Campaign

13 Other Cities City of Sonoma 37.2% GHG Reduction Rohnert Park 35.6% GHG Reduction

14 Sebastopol Next Steps Tiered Rates Structured for Conservation Expanded Water Efficiency Incentives PAYS tm Water Bill Incentive Financing Zero Net Gain in Water Usage for General Plan Berkeley Muni Bonds for efficiency and renewables Water and Waste Water Initiatives

15 Sebastopol Next Steps REFERENCES: John Rosenblum, Ph.D. for water and wastewater operations ( Ned Orrett, P.E. for end-users ( Full details in upcoming report by Climate Protection Campaign ( for the City of Santa Rosa 2005 WATER-RELATED GHG EMISSIONS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 WATER SUPPLY WASTEWATER TREATMENT END-USERS CO2e / 1 MGal (Tons) Emissions due mainly to home water heating

16 Sebastopol Next Steps REFERENCES: John Rosenblum, Ph.D. for water and wastewater operations ( Ned Orrett, P.E. for end-users ( Full details in upcoming report by Climate Protection Campaign ( for the City of Santa Rosa GHG Savings /1 M Gallons Water Conserved 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 WATER SUPPLY WASTEWATER TREATMENT END-USERS CO2e Saved (Tons) SAVINGS 1.5 tons-CO2e from water/watewater operations 10.5 tons-CO2e from end-users: water heating

17 Coordinated Action Countywide Sonoma County Water Agency On track to meet all power demand from renewable sources by 2015, a Carbon reduction: 15,000 tons/year Sonoma County Transit Authority Developing a Comprehensive Transit Plan which will address Countywide goal of 25% GHG reduction by 2015.

18 Sonoma County Water Agency Demonstrations of Leadership Water Reuse for Zero-net Energy Communities Utilization of Landfill Gas for Energy Deployment of 2 MW Photo Voltaic Capacity Deployment of PHEVs and EVs and Bulk Purchase Incorporation of BioDiesel in the Fleet Exploration of Wave Energy Potential for County Collaborations: Emerging Technologies Conference

19 Local Governments Taking Action MSI Integrated Solutions, Inc.Climate Protection Campaign

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