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Published byGarey Washington Modified over 9 years ago
Janez Štebe, ADP, Univerza v Ljubljani ZMOŽNOSTI MEDNARODNIH ANKETNIH DRUŽBOSLOVNIH PRIMERJALNIH RAZISKAV (priredba predstavitve iz STATISTIČNI DNEVOV 2006 za študente Anketne metodologije, 2007)
1990’ in 2000’: obdobje kontinuiranih mednarodnih primerjalnih anketnih raziskav V predstavitvi je poudarek na dveh najuglednejših akademskih primerjalnih anketnih raziskavah novejšega časa: –International Social Survey Program – ISSP – Mednarodni program družboslvonih raziskav, in –European Social Survey (ESS) – Evropska družboslovna raziskava. Kakšen je njihov pomen, uporabnost za družboslovno raziskovanje?
Ugotavljanje kakovosti za dani namen: NA PODLAGI: Vsebine Uporabljenih metod Dostopa do podatkov
Bogata vsebina Širok nabor subjektivnih indikatorjev o družbenem življenju in razmerah, tipi podatkov: –stališča, –Prepričanja in ocene družbenih razmer in posameznikovega položaja, –Poročila o navadah, objektivni podatki Pri izboru indikatorjev upoštevajo znanstvene kriterije pomena: –Tako da zadostijo stalno prisotnemu zanimanju za določene teme in na podlagi akademske radovednosti Primerjalni značaj s širokim naborom evropskih in držav sveta, sistematično ponavljanje posameznih tematskih sklopov v časovnih intervalih
Metodološka izpopolnjenost Merjenje –Izdelava vprašalnikov za več držav, ki so funkcionalno enakovredna za dane populacije –Doseči ne le veljavnost samo zase, ampak veljavnost v mednarodnem okviru –Isti vidiki razlik v jezikih, kulturi in družbeni strukturi, ki naredijo mednarodno primerjalno razikovanje analitično zanimivo, predstavljajo oviro pri doseganju enakovrednosti merjenja Ukrepi za doseganje cilja –Pilotsko testiranje in ustrezen izbor indikatorjev –Ugotavljanje veljavnosti in zanesljivosti –Standardizacija merjenja in kumulativnost indikatorjev V okviru analiz je potrebno biti seznanjen s posebnostmi podatkov in pazljiv pri uporabi podatkov, da se izognemo napačnim zaključkom
6 Pristop k zagotavljanju kakovosti Izdelava vodičev po postopkih za zagotavljanje standardizacije procesa izdelave podatkov –Vzorčenje, prevajanje, potek izvedbe ankete Izvajalci so akademske ustanove z daljšp tradicijo in ugledom v posameznih državah, Visoke ciljne stopnje sodelovanja, Harmonizacija spremenljivk v nacionalnih datotekah, Podrobna dokumentacija preostalih posebnosti, podrobno poročanje in pregled indikatorjev izvedbe – korenček in palica
Lahek dostop najširših skupin uporabnikov Sekundarna analiza je primarni namen Pri pogojih dostopa nimajo izvajalci raziskave nobenih prednosti Dostop je olajšan preko mreže podatkovnih arhivov, ki sodelujejo tudi pri spodbujanju širše uporabe podatkov
ESS - 3 main aims -To produce rigorous trend data about changes in people’s underlying values -To surmount the longstanding obstacles to comparability in the conduct of cross- national surveys -To achieve recognition for reliable social indicators and attitudinal measures
ESS organisation Central Coordinating Team Scientific Advisory Board Q’n Module Design Teams Methods Group 25+ National Coordinators & Survey institutes Country 1Country 2 Country 3 ETC Sampling panel Translation taskforce Funders’ Forum Specialist advisory groups
32 participating countries in Rounds 1-3 Austria* Ireland* Slovenia* Belgium* Italy Spain* Bulgaria Israel Sweden* Czech RepublicItaly Switzerland* CyprusLatvia Turkey Denmark* Luxembourg UK* EstoniaNetherlands* Finland* Norway* France* Poland* Germany* Portugal* Greece Romania Hungary*Russia IcelandSlovakia *all three rounds
Core questionnaire - structure Socio-political attitudes Trust in institutions Political interest & participation Socio-political orientations Multi-level governance Values and quality of life Underlying moral & social values Social inclusion & exclusion National, ethnic, religious allegiances Well-being, health, security Socio-demographic background variables Demographic composition Educational & occupational background Financial circumstances Household circumstances
Rotating modules Round 1 (2002): - Immigration - Citizenship, involvement and democracy (CID) Round 2 (2004): - Family, work & well-being - Economic morality in Europe - Health and care seeking Round 3 (2006): - Personal and Social Well-being: Creating indicators for a flourishing Europe - The Timing of Life: The organisation of the life course in Europe
ISSP: The four founding members agreed to jointly develop modules dealing with important areas of social science field the modules as a fifteen-minute supplement to the regular national surveys (or a special survey if necessary) include an extensive common core of background variables make the data available to the social science community as soon as possible.
Questionnaire drafting The topics for the ISSP yearly surveys are developed over several years by a sub-committee and are pre-tested in various countries. The annual plenary meeting of the ISSP then adopts the final questionnaire. ISSP questions need to be relevant to all countries and expressed in an equivalent manner in all languages. The questionnaire is originally drafted in British English and then translated into other languages.
The ISSP marks several new departures in the area of cross- national research the collaboration between organisations is not ad hoc or intermittent, but routine and continual. makes cross-national research a basic part of the national research agenda of each participating country by combining a cross-time with a cross-national perspective, two powerful research designs are being used to study societal processes.
Study Profiles 2008 - Religion III 2007 - Leisure and Sports 2006 - Role of Government IV 2005 - Work Orientations III 2004 - Citizenship 2003 - National Identity IINational Identity II 2002 - Family and Gender Roles IIIFamily and Gender Roles III 2001 - Social Relations and Support Systems ('Social Networks II')Social Relations and Support Systems ('Social Networks II 2000 - Environment IIEnvironment II 1999 - Social Inequality IIISocial Inequality III 1998 - Religion IIReligion II 1997 - Work Orientations IIWork Orientations II 1996 - Role of Government IIIRole of Government III 1995 - National IdentityNational Identity 1994 - Family and Changing Gender Roles IIFamily and Changing Gender Roles II 1993 - Environment Environment 1992 - Social Inequality IISocial Inequality II 1991 - ReligionReligion 1990 - Role of Government IIRole of Government II 1985/1990 - Role of Government I and IIRole of Government I and II 1989 - Work OrientationsWork Orientations 1988 - Family and Changing Sex RolesFamily and Changing Sex Roles 1987 - Social InequalitySocial Inequality 1986 - Social Networks and Support SystemsSocial Networks and Support Systems 1985 - Role of GovernmentRole of Government
Methodological characteristics The sample is a national representative random sample of the adult population, designed to achieve a minimum of 1,000 cases. Documented data files of each national group, together with technical details of the survey methods, are to be sent to the Data Archive without delay. The Data Archive will offer individual national datasets as well as a combined dataset to the scientific community. Mode of interviewing: personal interview, face to face or by telephone, self-completed drop-off, mail
ISSP Methodological Research The ISSP Methodology Group consists currently of actually five groups working on different areas of cross-cultural methods, all concerned with issues of equivalence: –translation –mode effects –demographic comparability –non-response –questionnaire design
Slovenia is officially contributing to ISSP project since the independence, 1990 Part of a research project Slovene public opinion survey conducted by Public opinion and mass communication research centre, University of Ljubljana 15 thematic modules of ISSP bring Slovenia into a world map with potentials of cross-country and longitudinal comparative analysis Research infrastructure – publication output is broader then members of a research team only Ad hoc financial support inside basic research projects and program scheme does not correspond to a infrastructure character of ISSP – there is a risk of failing to fulfil obligations of membership in international collaboration
Type of survey General social survey Applied public opinion research Minicensus Typical representative ESS, ISSPEurobarometerEuropean Quality of Life Survey Main purposeAdvanced social science research Informing daily political decisions Societal benchmarking Target users (nonexclusive) Science, educationEU Commission, national governments Governmental and nongovernmenta l organisations Support, organisation S cientific institutes, national research projects EU commissionNational governmental and international organisations
22 Tuji arhivi družboslovnih podatkov in specializirani projekti CESSDA - Council of European Social Science Data Archives CSES - The Comparative Study of Electoral System EES - European Election Studies ESS - European Social Suvey EVS - European Values Study FFS - Fertility and Family Surveys ICPSR – The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social ResearchICPSR – The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research IFDO – International Federation of Data Archives ISJP - International Social Justice Project ISSP - International Social Survey Programme Volivne raziskave Vzhodne Evrope - Wahlstudien aus Osteuropa
23 ESS/ISSP Data Access
24 Dostop do drugih mednarodnih mikropodatkov micro.asp micro.asp keyDatasets.asp keyDatasets.asp
25 Preostanek je namenjen predstavitvi Arhiva družboslovnih podatkov in iskanju ter naročanju podatkov
26 Naloge Arhiva Poizvedovanje in pridobivanje podatkov Ravnanje s podatki Posredovanje in raz š irjanje podatkov uporabnikom
27 Viri podatkov Akademski raziskovalni projekti Po naročilu vlade (npr. PB), iz virov Statističnega urada, Tržne in javnomnenjske raziskave (Mediana, CATI, Gral – Iteo), Iz tujih arhivov
28 Splo š ni pogoji in omejitve uporabe Podatki se izročijo samo za določen namen Uporabnik se zavezuje skrbeti za tak š no ravnanje s podatki, da je ohranjena tajnost podatkov Seznanjena uporaba (upo š teva metodolo š ka in konceptualna izhodi š ča ter omejitve raziskave) Citiranje podatkov po modelu navajanja literature
29 Kako do podatkov? Preko predstavitvene strani ADP na Internetu
Poglejmo kako izgleda opis raziskave v primeru raziskave Slovensko javno mnenje 2002/2: “ Evropska družboslovna raziskava ”.
METODOLOGIJA (podatki o raziskavi) Datum zbiranja podatkov Geografsko pokritje / enota Enota za analizo Populacija Tip vzorca Uteževanje Način zbiranja podatkov
35 Nesstar je virtualna podatkovna knjižnica, ki omogoča iskanje, lociranje, pregledovanje in snemanje mnogo raznovrstnih statističnih in drugih podatkov in metapodatkov.
Iskanje spremenljivke
40 Napredno iskanje
41 Rezultat iskanja besede “ OTROKA ”
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