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Interim results Generic Approach Interim results.

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2 Interim results Generic Approach Interim results

3 Goal Copyright Longer timeframe - Current state of technology as benchmark - BUT MAIN GOAL: Develop NEW process flow diagrammes (PFDs), two main reasons

4 Current processes (bioprocesses and conventional): State-of-the-art Future bioprocesses  Horizon value for productivity  Concentration glucose  Scale PFDs - Principle considerations (1/2)

5 Future separation processes  Only continuous fermentation processes  Plant size: Assume TODAY  FUTURE  Wherever possible, avoidance of energy intensive processes (e.g., distillation and evaporation); on the other hand relatively high fuel requirements may be acceptable in view of the use of renewable energy from biowaste streams.  Membrane processes are generally preferred due to their (expected) low energy use and the avoidance of high salt loads.  The avoidance of salt loads also makes electrodialysis an attractive option for the future. The high power requirements are considered acceptable in view of on-site electricity production from biowaste streams.  Extraction should be avoided, wherever possible. Alternatively, benign solvents should be used. Properties of compounds and process design determine energy use.  Adsorption may be somewhat less attractive due to common use of solvents for regeneration. PFDs - Principle considerations (2/2)

6 Overview of schemes O:\BREW\WPs\WP2(TechnoEcon)\Generic_approach\Separation\MassBalances\ TO_DO__MASS-BAL.xls FOR EXCEL VERSION WITH LIST OF SCHEMES TO BE REVIEWED BY EACH PARTNER SEE: Workpackages -> WP2 -> Overview of generic mass balance schemes

7 Overview of key data O:\WPs\WP2(TechnoEcon)\Generic_approach\Separation\MassBalances\CPY_1.xls THIS VERSION NOW UPDATED. SEE: Workpackages -> WP2 -> Overview of Key data (CORRECTED VERSION, 24. Sept 2004)


9 ABE (1/7): ABE_TODAY_1_(Distillation)

10 ABE (2/7): ABE_TODAY_2_(GasStripping)

11 ABE (3/7): ABE_FUTURE_1_(DistMembDist)

12 ABE (4/7): ABE_FUTURE_2_(MembDistDist)

13 ABE (5/7): ABE_FUTURE_3_(Pervaporation)

14 ABE (6/7): ABE_FUTURE_4_(RO)

15 ABE (7/7): ABE_FUTURE_5_(ADS)

16 Acetic acid

17 Ethanol

18 PDO

19 PDO (1/3): PDO_TODAY_1_(Evap)

20 PDO (2/3): PDO_FUTURE_1_(Pervap)

21 PDO (3/3): PDO_FUTURE_2_(HyphobMembr)

22 Acetic acid

23 Ac.acid (1/5): AceticAc_TODAY_1_(Extraction)

24 Ac.acid (2/5): AceticAc_TODAY_2_(Evap&Dist)

25 Ac.acid (3/5): AceticAc_FUTURE_1_(Extraction)

26 Ac.acid (4/5): AceticAc_FUTUR_2_(Evap&Dist)

27 Ac.acid (5/5): AceticAc_FUTURE_3_(ED)

28 Lactic acid

29 LA (1/4): LA_FUTURE_1_(Electrodialysis)

30 LA (2/4): LA_FUTURE_2_(Extraction)

31 LA (3/4): LA_FUTURE_3_(SRIlowpH)

32 LA (4/4): LA_FUTURE_4_(Adsorption)

33 Adipic acid

34 (1/5): AdipAc_TODAY_1_(Cryst)

35 (2/5): AdipAc_FUTURE_1_(Cryst)

36 (3/5): AdipAc_FUTURE_2_(Electrodialys)

37 (4/5): AdipAc_TODAY_1_(Solvent)

38 (5/5): AdipAc_TODAY_1_(Ester+Distill)

39 Succinic acid

40 (1/4): SA_TODAY_1_(Cryst)

41 (2/4): SA_TODAY_2_(1stageED)

42 (3/4): SA_FUTURE_1_(Cryst)

43 (4/4): SA_FUTURE_2_(2stageED)

44 Citric acid

45 Caprolactam (1/1): CL_FUTURE_1_GEN

46 Lysine (1/2): Lysine_TODAY (IonExch)

47 Lysine (2/2): Lysine_FUTURE_1_(ADS) For Lysine_FUTURE_1_(ADS): Is it realistic to assume that Ultrafiltration can be skipped before adsorption (Degussa patent)?

48 PHA (1/2): PHA_TODAY_1_(Extraction)

49 PHA (2/2): PHA_FUTURE_1_(Extraction)

50 Technology frontiers (“How long is the string?“)  Membrane: f(polarity) see e.g. PDO and LA  Electrodialysis: i) 2-stage ii) NF + WS-ED iii) 1-stage  Extracellular PHA  [(Bio-based) Syngas as feedstock ]  (Bio-based) Methanol as feedstock  Biotechnological methanol

51 Products selection O:\BREW\WPs\WP2(TechnoEcon)\CostData\Prices\PriceBREWproducts_1.xls

52 Collection of energy data  …jump to Shortcut to GenericEnergy_1.xls

53 O:\WPs\WP2(TechnoEcon)\Generic_approach\Separation\Chai nCompar\&[File] Generic Approach - Comparative energy analysis (1/3)

54 O:\WPs\WP2(TechnoEcon)\Generic_appro ach\Separation\ChainCompar\&[File] Generic Approach - Comparative energy analysis (2/3)

55 O:\WPs\WP2(TechnoEcon)\Generic_ approach\Separation\ChainCompar\ &[File] Generic Approach - Comparative energy analysis (3/3)

56 O:\WPs\WP2(TechnoE con)\Generic_approach \Separation\ChainCom par\&[File] Calibrated energy data for the Generic Approach

57 Interim results Additional slides Interim results

58 Prices of sugar from sugarcane (reproduction with kind permission from Tim Nisbet, Shell)  CHECK WITH TIM NISBET WHETHER USE IS OK DISCUSS: TAKE ONE SINGLE PRICE FOR SUGARS TODAY OR DISTINGUISH BETWEEN ORIGINS (SUGARCANE ETC? Assumed prices of fermentable sugar in Europe (NREL, 2002) L:\BioBasedMat_Lit\feedstocks\sugars\Sugar_price\ Updated Sugar Price.xls

59 L:\BioBasedMat_Lit\feedstocks\sugars\Sugar_ cane\Sugarcane_feedstock_A_2.xls\Sheet Definition NREU and REU Energy use and GHG emissions of sugar cane use AVERAGE (medium sucrose content)

60 L:\BioBasedMat_Lit\feedstocks\sugars\ Sugar_cane\Sugarcane_feedstock_B_ 2.xls\Sheet Definition NREU and REU Energy use and GHG emissions of sugar cane use ADVANCED (high sucrose content)

61 L:\BioBasedMat_Lit\feedstocks\sugars\ Sugar_cane\Sugarcane_feedstock_A_ 2.xls\Sheet Definition NREU and REU



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