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International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) Revision Status and next steps.

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1 International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) Revision Status and next steps

2 ISCED 2011: status n Proposal revised and finalized following global consultation n To be submitted for formal adoption by UNESCO General Conference in November n Text to be disseminated in 6 languages on UIS Website in advance (starting with EN in June) n Work beginning on support materials including an Operational Manual and training and other support for countries

3 ISCED 2011: main changes (1) n Two parallel coding schemes:  ISCED-P for educational programmes  ISCED-A for attainment (based on educational qualifications) n Substantially revised coding schemes – but still 3 digits for both classification units n Full listing of both classifications in the main text n Provision made to include ‘orientation’ as a classification category in tertiary education

4 ISCED 2011: main changes (2) n Scope of ISCED and boundary between formal and non-formal education clarified n Improved definitions and glossary  Non-formal education  Qualification  Completion of an ISCED level  Partial level completion (at ISCED 2 and 3 only)

5 Implementation n During 2011  Prepare implementation plan  Develop Operational Manual  Begin revision of the fields of education n During 2012  Revise data collection instruments and instructions  Finalise/publish Operational Manual  Produce ISCED mappings for all countries n During 2013 or 2014  First international survey based on ISCED 2011  Adopt new fields of education classification

6 Questions n Revision of fields of education and training  Can EG help us to establish a Technical Advisory Panel for the revision?  Does the EG support the proposal to create a separate ‘stand-alone’ classification of the fields? n Implementation  What advice and assistance can the EG offer?

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