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Atsource Solutions Inc. Atsource Discharge of Mortgage System What is it? How easy is it to use? How Efficient is it? Why do you care about efficiencies?

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Presentation on theme: "Atsource Solutions Inc. Atsource Discharge of Mortgage System What is it? How easy is it to use? How Efficient is it? Why do you care about efficiencies?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Atsource Solutions Inc

2 Atsource Discharge of Mortgage System What is it? How easy is it to use? How Efficient is it? Why do you care about efficiencies? Why the Financial Institutions like it?

3 What is it? Sign into BC Online Click on email to receive a Payout Click on the Transaction to receive a Payout Update Forward Funds to the Financial Institution Click on email to receive Discharge Bill one Atsource amount to client.

4 How Easy is it? Internet Architecture No New Hardware No New Software Easy Like Email Change Management

5 How efficient is it? No More Faxing No More Phoning No More Preparation of Discharge No More Registering Discharge No More Phoning for Line of Credit Updates

6 Efficiency - Continued Consolidated Billing. Accuracy Integration into Pro Suite Tracking Systems

7 Why do you care about efficiency? 1. Financial

8 Monthly Seller Transaction Analysis Med/large Practice Old Way Net Fee $450 Number of Transactions 25 Total Net Revenue $11,250 Net Profit $11,250

9 Monthly Seller Transaction Analysis Med/large Practice Atsource Way Net Fee $450 Number of Transactions 35 Total Net Revenue $15,750 Atsource Fee (35X$25) $875 Net Profit $14,875 Incremental Profit $3625


11 Monthly Seller Transaction Analysis Small Practice Old Way Net Fee $450 Number of Transactions 4 Total Net Revenue $1800 Net Profit $1800

12 Monthly Seller Transaction Analysis Small Practice Atsource Way Net Fee $450 Number of Transactions 6 Total Net Revenue $2700 Atsource Fee (6X$25) $150 Net Profit $2550 Incremental Profit $750

13 Why do you care about efficiency? 2. Peace of Mind

14 Demonstration Look how easy it is.

15 Why do Financial Institutions like it? AMPS – Atsource Mortgage Protection Service Privacy Control Environmental – No Paper

16 Conclusion Efficient Easy to Use Try us on Monday morning – BCOnline Thank you


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